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5067 Items, 232 Members

Le Groupe Diigo MoodleLab recense quelques ressources web pertinentes pouvant améliorer l'usage de moodle dans l'enseignement en général. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez faire ici un retour d'usage et d'expérience, donner des précisions ou vos préférences, sur l'utilisation de ressources ou d'o...

Ed Tech Crew

Ed Tech Crew

6107 Items, 1499 Members

This group has been established around the Ed Tech Crew podcast to share site, information, links, ideas and thoughts. Please feel free to join and to add any great links or ideas; the more the better so we can share them with an amazing world of students, teachers and anyone really.



14433 Items, 2555 Members

Educators sharing bookmarks and best practice. We have a set of standard tags to help us share things that you may use in addition to your tags. (You may subscribe to these tags via RSS feed by subject area, which makes it very useful.) Fully disclose WHY you want to join and who you are. SPA...



154 Items, 20 Members

groupe diigo pour regrouper recherches issues du MOOC ITYPA