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Soal Rekaman, Dirut PLN Bantah "Bagi-bagi Fee" Dengan Menteri Rini Soemarno - 0 views

    Direktur Utama PLN Sofyan Basir telah meng-iya-kan adanya percakapan antara dia dengan menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno yang begitu menyebar dan viral hari-hari ini di berbagai media sosial. Akan tetapi, Dirut PLN membantah bahwa percakapan yang viral itu tidak terkait soal fee proyek, dan rekaman itu telah dipotong katanya.
Toon Explainers

The Secrets Behind Viral Video Marketing Revealed | - 0 views

    Let's get this out of the way first, every single company or individual has wanted one (or more) of to their videos to go viral.

viral videos - 0 views

    viral videos,buzz,funny animals,sports videos,technologies,funny videos
studio metric

StudioM India Pune Based Commercial Brand education Film ads adverts Viral Corporate Fi... - 0 views

    StudioM India Pune Based Commercial, corporate films, ads, adverts, documentaries, product videos, Viral films and cycling films making digital technology company dedicated to delivering the ultimate entertainment experience.
MJ Blast

Coming Soon - 0 views

    Coming Soon...Your daily dose of Blasting reviews, Viral Videos, opinions, headlines about all the latest developments across the world.

Viral! Pernikahan Fenomenal Kakek 84 Tahun Bos Jamu Jago Dengan Perempuan yang Jauh Leb... - 0 views

    Ternyata di zaman sekarang usia tidak begitu menjadi penghalang bagi kedua pasangan untuk menikah dan membina rumah tangga. Dan inilah yang terjadi pada dua sejoli yang lagi menikah Suryo Hadiwinoto (usia 84 tahun) dengan Lily Budirahardjo (usia 48 tahun).

sexy girl kiss me boom boom - YouTube - 0 views

    kiss me i'm desperate, american, best pranks 2016, test, good day chicago, cute, silly, christkindlmarket, kissing contraption, mistletoe, blake, grigsby, practical jokes, hidden camera, joke, jokes, sketch, social expertiment, fox 32, wfld, blake grigsby, kissing prank, laughing, laugh, comedy, funny videos, pranks, girls, social experiment, sign, viral, guys, desperate, lol, kissing
MJ Blast

Coming Soon...Your daily dose of Blasting reviews - 0 views

Coming Soon...Your daily dose of Blasting reviews, Viral Videos, opinions, headlines about all the latest developments across the world.

video youtube funny mj blast mjblast humour lol viral videos fun sports clash dating coach business blow entertainment buzz us news politics

started by MJ Blast on 01 Apr 14 no follow-up yet

Crash your car to get media attention! - 0 views

    he estimated damage to the diner is approximately $20,000. What did they gain? This Wilkesboro Restaurant became a headline all over the world and the video is spreading like a viral/virus.

Amazon FBA Product Research 2018 - 0 views

    Have you had a hard time learning how to do product research? Product research for amazon FBA is huge right now and a lot of people struggle with it. In this video we show you 5 different ways for product research. This helps you decide what to sell on amazon and how to make money online. We use Jungle Scout, Amaze Owl, Viral Launch, and Alibaba. Amazon FBA Product research is a huge market right now and were trying to help as many people as we can. KTnine wants to help you make money online and these are the ways to do it thru Amazon FBA. Selling on Amazon is no joke, take it seriously!
MJ Blast

News on Fire - 0 views

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Marlia Coeur - Life of a Rose NEW single | Official Music Video - 0 views

    The "Life of a Rose" is a song dedicated to Mary Magdalene. It was channeled by Marlia Coeur inspired by the red heart spot she found one day in Tegalalang area in Bali, Indonesia. She is live looping with her #godin guitar and #boss #RC202 #electroharmonix #tcelectronics #freeze guitar effects pedals and recording live with #recorder Zoom H6. Everything is powered by a power bank (no electricity socket in the middle of Bali jungle!) She is wearing an in-ear piece because there is no speaker, this is the only way she can hear the effex pedals, the voice's reverb and the loop station to be able to sync along. "Life of a Rose" is the first channelled song/prayer of a new series of in-situ improvisations (part of Marlia's Earth Gridding New Earth project). If you don't have a clue what that is, please look up and read more about leylines and Earth portals. There are high vibrational healing places around the Earth which work together as energetic vortexes, forming a grid around the planet to keep everything on Earth in balance. This Bali spot gave Marlia a transmission from Mary Magdalene and the power of Grace through the Life of a Rose. The lyrics which came through are: "The Life of a Rose emanates Grace from your Heart Maria" The song celebrates the Divine Feminine within all of us. The rose carries the meaning of purity, passion, transmutation, completion, of consummate achievement and perfection in addition to being an ancient symbol of joy. The Rose was also used by Mary Magdalene in a sacred anointing ritual dating back to ancient Egypt. It was filmed on the spot by Salina, German multi-talented cosmic fairy, and Teddy, Indonesian creative powerhouse & drone guru. Marlia Coeur || Composition, Live recording, Guitar, Voice, Production KlausB || Mixing, Mastering, Magician Salina || Filming, Editing, Smiles Teddy || Drone filming, Good Vibes Filmed on 12.12.2022 Do you want to develop your voice to its full potential, so you can use it in a natural, relaxed
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