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Home/ Youth Voices/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tianna EWSIS

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tianna EWSIS


2010 Haiti earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The earthquake occurred inland, on 12 January 2010, approximately 25 kilometres (16 mi) WSW from Port-au-Prince at a depth of 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) at 16:53 UTC-5[6] on the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault system.[
    • Tianna EWSIS
      Many people have been said to be dead *OVER 100k PEOPLE*

The Philosophy of Music (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) - 0 views

  • Kendall Walton argues (also with respect to tragedy) that sadness is not in itself negative. Rather, it is the situation to which sadness is the response that is negative.
    • Tianna EWSIS
      so true...
  • One obvious suggestion is that our negative emotional response is a price we are willing to pay for the other benefits of engaging with the piece in question, such as (but not limited to) ‘positive’ emotional responses. While this sort of reasoning may play a role, it cannot be a complete solution, since for most pieces that elicit negative responses there are many others that elicit fewer, or less intense negative responses for the same positive payoff. More sophisticated versions of the same suggestion argue for a more intimate link between the negative emotional response and the payoff.
    • Tianna EWSIS
      So, emotions are neither positive or negative. This goes to show are ignorant people could be on terms such as this one.
  • This is decisive if true, but there is plenty of room to quibble about our ability to test for the right kinds of imaginative activity, the selection of the subjects, and so on. A different kind of objection is that if the persona theory were true, expressive music could not constrain our imaginative activity in such a way as to yield convergent judgments of expressiveness among understanding listeners.
    • Tianna EWSIS
      Music itself is a work of art that could touch even the evilest of people could enjoy.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The resemblance theorist must give some account of why the funeral march, and not the cup of coffee, is expressive of sadness, and not joy. Levinson claims that the obvious suggestion here is that the funeral march is ‘readily-hearable-as’ an expression of sadness. If this is correct, then the resemblance the music bears to emotional behavior is logically secondary — a cause or ground of its expressivity. The expressivity itself resides in the music's disposition to elicit the imaginative response in us of hearing the music as a literal expression of emotion. As a logical consequence, the imaginative experience prompted must include some agent whose expression the music literally is.
    • Tianna EWSIS
      The type of music that you listen to doesn't change who you really are, alll it changes is how you feel for a period of time.
  • We say that a piece of music is sad in the same sense in which we say that a weeping willow is sad (S. Davies 2006, 183). Such uses are no more metaphorical than a claim that a chair has arms.
    • Tianna EWSIS
      Music can shape a story
  • The central problem is the great disparities between language and music, in terms of the ways in which each is both syntactic and semantic.
    • Tianna EWSIS
      These two words sound very interesting....
    This is important because it tells me about what music does and why it causes such emotions like happiness and anger. Knowing what sound waves trigger certain emotions and the effects it had on the human body

CIGNA Teams with a Doc Who Rocks | Business Wire | Find Articles at BNET - 0 views

    ""The best way to cut the cost of treating sick kids and adults is to help them avoid getting sick in the first place. My songs help people learn, in a fun way, easy steps to help them stay healthy,""
    sup ppl
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