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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Shehrina EWSIS


Gameplay of World of Warcraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 9 views

  • characters of the same factio
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      these character's names reminds me of Harry Potter.

Book The Curious Incident of [...] | Evening Post; Bristol (UK) Newspaper | Find Articl... - 0 views

    "Christopher, 15, has Aspergers Syndrome. Read this book and you'll misunderstand the world like him. He understands maths and science but can't get his logical mind around the science of human beings. He doesn't understand many emotions and he hasn't got the grasp of why people do what they do." I read the book. But that time I had no idea what this disorder was so I didn't understand the character very well. But now that I have a little idea about this disorder I understand why he was acting different.

Asperger's syndrome - 0 views

  • “People with Asperger’s have a special ability to remember a particular event in a detailed manner. But they don’t understand the social context of the situation,” says Dr Rajendra Barve, psychologist.
  • “These cases cannot be detected easily and are sometimes not diagnosed. These people can have a normal professional life but are extremely difficult in personal relations,” says Dr Barve.
    ""People with Asperger's have a special ability to remember a particular event in a detailed manner. But they don't understand the social context of the situation," says Dr Rajendra Barve, psychologist. " This stood out for me because we can't remember things in details the next day. But they can remember things clearly.

Treatment for progeria? | CME: Your SA Journal of CPD | Find Articles at BNET - 0 views

    There is currently no cure. The disease is caused by gene mutations that disrupt production of the protein prelamin A, found inside the nuclei of cells. The damaged prelamin A binds to molecular fragments in the body called farnesyls, which then bind to the nuclear membrane, causing the build-up of protein that underlies the disease. The quote basically says that the disease had no cure yet and it is caused by gens mutation. It also says how but i don't fully understand it.

20091204 :: Latino USA - 0 views

shared by DominiqueE EWSIS on 23 Dec 09 - Cached
    Right now we are listening to a podcast. The podcaster is talking about himself. The podcast is about a guy who is undocumented and its his struggle in college. One quote that stood out for me was "whole family plays music on the stage." This stood out for me because it shows that he has a close family and they are there for each other. Another quote that stood out for me was " The whole college proses was very frustrating" I understand him because I am also going through this college proses and it is very confusing at times. Also stressful because everything has to be right. I admire Sam because With all the obstetrical in his life he still going to college and getting an education. It is great that his family is supporting him.

Personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • These behavioral patterns in personality disorders are typically are associated with severe disturbances in the behavioral tendencies of an individual, usually involving several areas of the personality, and are nearly always associated with considerable personal and social disruption.
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      This is important because it talks about why personality may occure. Behavior and social disturbance can cause a lot of damage in ones life.
  • The onset of these patterns of behavior can typically be traced back to late adolescence and the beginning of adulthood and, in rarer instances, childhood
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      This is imortant too because it tells us when personality disorders can be diagnosed. Knowing when its diagnosed id inportant because it will keep us aware and if we see someone changing we can help them .
  • Cluster A (odd or eccentric disorders) Paranoid personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.0): characterized by irrational suspicions and mistrust of others. Schizoid personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.20): lack of interest in social relationships, seeing no point in sharing time with others, misanthropy, introspection. Schizotypal personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.22): characterized by odd behavior or thinking.
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      In my psych class my professor was talking about the cluster A.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • under the specific person
  • under the specific personality disorder under consideration: There is evidence that the individual's characteristic a
  • According to ICD-10, the diagnosis of a personality disorder must satisfy the following general criteria, in addition to the specific criteria listed under the specific personality disorder under consideration:
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      Its the same for all psychological disorder. They all have too meet a certain critararia to be diagnosed as a psychological patient
  • Child abuse and neglect consistently evidence themselves as antecedent risks to the development of personality disorders in adulthood.[citation needed] In this particular study, efforts were taken to match retrospective reports of abuse with a clinical population that had demonstrated psychopathology from childhood to adulthood who were later found to have experienced abuse and neglect.

Dissociative Identity Disorder and the Cycle of Violence - 0 views

    I'm learning more about dissociative identity disorder or DID also known as multiple personality disorder or MPD right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is what causes DID and is there a was cure this disorder. I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because the article had a lot of information about the dis order and it was an interesting article. Treatment may vary, but the general consensus involves steps of psychotherapy. Firstly, the therapist should foster an attitude of respect of each personality for each other. Secondly, a therapist should establish meaningful conversation with as many personalities as possible without siding with any one of them. Lastly, the therapist should help the personalities to merge together to become one complete integrated personality (Howe, 1984). Dissociative identity disorder does not cure itself, thus treatment is extremely important. The quote I chose here is basically saying how a therapist should start treatment with a DID patient. The steps of each treatment and also that DID doesn't cure itself and it needs treatment.

Perhaps We All Have Multiple Personality Disorder - 0 views

    I'm learning more about multiple personality right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is what cause multiple personality and is there a way to over come multiple personality disorder. I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because the blog post was about this book"Switching Time" by Dr. Richard Baer. The book is about a girl who has multiple personality disorder, she had 17 personalities. People who suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD, have normally suffered something tragic in their lives that cause them to split mentally in order to protect themselves. Don't we all do that when we are in stressful situations? We become someone who we aren't, sometimes only momentarily, but for a brief moment we don't even recognize ourselves. The difference is we are aware of this behavior when it happens, but what if we were suddenly forced into extreme situations repeatedly - how would we handle it? The quote I chose here is basically saying that MPD happens to people that go through something tragic in their lives. And to protect themselves their mind splits. It also says how we all do that sometimes but the difference is we know it and MPD patients don' t. When we change that's intentionally but MPD patients don't get a choice they just have it and they have to deal with the disorder.

She can't stop searching for her lost brother - JSOnline - 0 views

  • remembers the day Wallace was splashing buckets of water on the family ho
    The mental illness took hold when he was about 25. Sheila remembers the day Wallace was splashing buckets of water on the family home, convinced that the gas company was shooting radiation at the windows. Its so sad when people start to think that they are not safe in their own home. This reminds me of a movie I watched where the girl had schizophrenia and she didn't trust anyone around her.

Schizophrenia - SciTopics - 0 views

  • Schizphrenia is charterized by premorbid intellectual deifict, onset of psychosis in late adolescence, and psychological deteriration in adulthood. The pathophysiology of the desease involves both genes and enviroment.
    Its sad who no one really knows why this happens. Also it can happen ti anyone for any reason.

A Parent's Unemployment Stress Trickles Down to the Children - - 0 views

    Children, especially, have become hidden casualties, often absorbing more than their parents are fully aware of. Several academic studies have linked parental job loss - especially that of fathers - to adverse impacts in areas like school performance and self-esteem.

Earth-like planet discovery could happen very soon | HULIQ - 1 views

  • The three planets that were just discovered all have one thing in common. They are all much bigger than Earth, but small enough to potentially have rocky surfaces, and they all orbit just a single star, like Earth.
    The three planets that were just discovered all have one thing in common. They are all much bigger than Earth, but small enough to potentially have rocky surfaces, and they all orbit just a single star, like Earth. WOW! That's amazing. Three other planets that are like earth that's kinda surprising to me because its so new and the idea of maybe people living there. And we had no idea about this. It would be like those scientific movies I guess pretty cool.

E.T. to Earth: Don't Get Me Sick - Space | NASA | Solar System | Planets | Shuttle | As... - 0 views

  • "If terrestrial bugs make it to Mars can they survive and grow, or would they be able to thrive in extreme environments?" asks lead author of the paper Wayne Nicholson, who is a professor at the Department of Microbiology & Cell Science at the University of Florida, Kennedy Space Center. "So far, our results show that they wouldn't be able to grow."
    This is pretty interesting to be because imagine they find a way to plant trees & flowers in mars and they actually survive. Then people might be able to live there too. That would be pretty awesome.

In Ariz. Town, Main Street Is A Border Crossing : NPR - 0 views

  • Just over the metal mesh border fence, it's San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico, city of about 150,000.
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      Wow, there are more in the city in Mexico than in the US.
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