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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Paul Allison

Paul Allison

Palestinians dressed as the Na'vi from the film Avatar stage a protest against Israel's... - 0 views

    "Palestinians dressed as the Na'vi from the film Avatar stage a protest against Israel's separation barrier Protesters dressed as characters from the movie Avatar marchs in the West Bank village of Bilin near Ramallah Protesters dressed as Na'vi characters from the movie Avatar march in the West Bank village of Bilin near Ramallah"
Paul Allison

Amy Goodman: Haiti, Forgive Us - Truthdig - 0 views

    "Earthquakes alone do not create disasters of the scale now experienced in Haiti. The wealthy nations have for too long exploited Haiti, denying it the right to develop in a secure, sovereign, sustainable way. The global outpouring of support for Haitians must be matched by long-term, unrestricted grants of aid, and immediate forgiveness of all that country's debt. Given their role in Haiti's plight, the United States, France and other industrialized nations should be the ones seeking forgiveness."
Paul Allison

Worldchanging: Bright Green: Jane McGonigal on Gaming for Good - 0 views

  • two big distinctions. First, alternate reality games are not in a virtual environment. They’re built on top of social networks, so we use ordinary online tools like online video, blogs, wikis, and being part of a network. It’s not about graphics and avatars. Second, it’s real play and not role play. You don’t adopt a fictional personality. You play as yourself.
    • Paul Allison
      This feels like exactly what I hoped gaming could be in schools. And it makes the step from working with something like Youth Voices to Alternate Reality Gaming much easier to envision and integrate into core subjects.
Paul Allison

AvantGame by Jane McGonigal - 4 views

shared by Paul Allison on 09 Feb 10 - Cached
    This is pretty amazing. I'm just trying to figure out how and when to enter this world.
Paul Allison

How Social Gaming is Improving Education - 4 views

    It seem to be everywhere!
Paul Allison

Celebrate Black History Month - The Learning Network Blog - - 1 views

  • Historical Front Pages from On This Day in History
    • Paul Allison
      An amazing resource of primary new stories. And I love that users are invited to nominate other events to this timeline at the end.
    "Occasionally, in place of a regular lesson plan, we provide a collection of resources for teaching about a timely topic. In recognition of Black History Month, here is a collection of New York Times and Learning Network materials for teaching and learning about African-American history. "
Paul Allison

PBS Teachers . Thematic Teaching . Unsung Heroes in African American History . Activity... - 0 views

    "Have students research a time period or a specific topic and have them identify a notable African American they believe deserves more credit or attention. USe the online resources listed below and others for useful information."
Paul Allison

Carolina Peacemaker - Greensboro, NC : Sat Feb 06 2010 15:18:30 GMT-0500 (EST) - 0 views

    "The unsung heroes were selected based on their contributions toward equal rights and equal opportunities for all people. Some of the honorees helped revive the Greensboro NAACP during the 50s; some were active participants in the lunch counter sit-ins of the 60s while others were active in the end South African apartheid movement of the 80s. Other honorees helped establish community organizations to uplift the poor and our community's vulnerable populations. "
Paul Allison

Oct. 1995 Michigan Today---Vietnam teach-in 30 years ago - 0 views

    Wouldn't it be wonderful to work in a school where teach=in's were encouraged? "The teach-in proved to be a forum that appealed to broad sections of the student body. Indeed, it created a new relationship between students and faculty. Following the event, the Faculty-Student Committee to Stop the War in Vietnam was formed to organize other protest activities. As Waskow observed, "This teach-in is in the true spirit of a university where students and faculty learn from each other and not from the calendar." "
Paul Allison

Bill Quigley: Why the U.S. Owes Haiti Billions - 2 views

  • Why does the US owe Haiti Billions?  Colin Powell, former US Secretary of State, stated his foreign policy view as the “Pottery Barn rule.”  That is – “if you break it, you own it.” The US has worked to break Haiti for over 200 years.  We owe Haiti.  Not charity.  We owe Haiti as a matter of justice.  Reparations.  And not the $100 million promised by President Obama either – that is Powerball money.  The US owes Haiti Billions – with a big B. The US has worked for centuries to break Haiti.  The US has used Haiti like a plantation.  The US helped bleed the country economically since it freed itself, repeatedly invaded the country militarily, supported dictators who abused the people, used the country as a dumping ground for our own economic advantage, ruined their roads and agriculture, and toppled popularly elected officials.  The US has even used Haiti like the old plantation owner and slipped over there repeatedly for sexual recreation.
    • Paul Allison
      This is right on the mark. How did I get students to understand the difference between charity and justice?
Paul Allison

Ayiti: The Cost of Life - 4 views

shared by Paul Allison on 18 Jan 10 - Cached
    Now for some gaming!
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