This is a site/tool that allows you to cut and save portions of web pages. It's pretty easy to use and could be very handy for student research. For every item you cut, a link is created in the note so that you know the source.
In cooperation with Discovery Education, this is a nice site with a variety of quality resources. (If you visit the DE site,, you can get a free tote bag.)
While this is elementary in nature, this search engine does a nice job of retrieving sites that are appropriate and provides graphics at the very top of the search return.
This site will create a shortened URL and then instantly display it so that your audience can quickly get to it. Might be handy when teaching in a lab or projecting in a classroom when a URL is impossibly long.
Nicely done...but use the link next to Play the flash version to see the exact clip. (The link at the top goes to the Internet Move Data Base --- one of my personal favs for movie info.)
In the spirit of TinyURL, this service will compile all the text of a webpage and display it in a reader-friendly style. This could be a great solution for young readers.