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Sue Sheffer

centralpbl » home - 0 views

    Resources for learning about PBL
Michelle Krill

TimeGlider: Web-based Timeline Software - 0 views

    Web-based timeline software for creating and sharing history and project planning. There is a time traveler in each of us. Whether you are a litigator or an 8th grader, TimeGlider can quickly enhance your experience of the past, present, and future. Once you've explored a TimeGlider timeline, you'll wonder why you've never seen information organized like this before.
Michelle Krill

Museum Box Homepage - 0 views

    This site provides the tools for you to build up an argument or description of an event, person or historical period by placing items in a virtual box.
Michelle Krill

Kids' Vid: Video Production for Students - 0 views

    Helps students create work in a new and exciting way. Kids'Vid is an instructional website to help teachers and students use video production in class to support project based learning.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

21stcenturylearning - 0 views

    Creating Environments that Support Passion- The Role of Emerging Technologies in the Core Curriculum
    Quite a wiki - chock full of good stuff
Michelle Krill

Mobile Learning Institute - 1 views

    "In this film, Larry Rosenstock, describes a vision for educaiton that blends the head, the heart, and the hands. High Tech High embraces learning that flows from personal interests, passion for discovery and a celebration of art, technology and craftsmanship."
Michelle Krill

Free Technology for Teachers: Life on Minimum Wage - Economics Lesson - 0 views

    "The purpose of Life on Minimum Wage is for students to recognize how difficult it is to save money when your only job(s) pay minimum wage without benefits. "
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