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Marge Runkle

Discovery News - 0 views

    Recently launched science and technology news website from Discovery Communications. It features breaking news and in-depth articles related to the Earth, Space, Tech, Animals, Dinosaurs, Archaeology, Human and History.
Marge Runkle

Making The News : Welcome - 0 views

    Making the News 2 (MTN2) is a website designed to introduce students to the world of online media publishing and broadcasting for the 21st century. Teachers may register, doing so will create a homepage on MTN for their school. The teacher may then create student accounts. Students can then login and create articles and programmes which will be submitted to the teacher and if approved published on the school homepage. Well rated articles will be added to the National MTN2 site. Articles may be text and images or they may be video, audio or a sequence of images.
Muslim Academy

China returns the Burmese refugees - 0 views

    Selon un communiqué de l'American Agency, ABC News, la Chine a obligé 1 000 réfugiés Birmans à retourner sur la zone de conflit militaire dans le nord de la Birmanie au cours des semaines passées, et la Chine compte encore renvoyer 4 000 refugiés de plus. Les réfugiés qui se sont enfuis en Chine sont des réfugiés de l'ethnie Kachin, qi ont commencé à se battre contre le gouvernement Birman lorsque l'armée a essayé de fermet une base militaire Kachin proche du barrage hydro-électrique en construction. Le combat a commencé en Juin dernier et mis fin à dix-sept ans de cessez-le feu entre le gouvernement en Birmanie et l'armée Indépendant de Kachin (KIA). Ce combat mobilisa 75 000 personnes. La sauvegarde des droits de l'homme basée à New York a fait appel au gouvernement Chinois pour stopper le renvoi des réfugiés Birmans en Birmanie, et demanda de leur fournir une protection temporaire à la province de Yunnan situé à la frontière Nord de la Birmanie. «La Chine méprise ses obligations légales internationales en forçant les réfugiés Kachin à retourner dans une zone de conflit sous l'abus de l'armée Birmane, » selon Bill Frelick du HRW. De l'autre côté de la Birmanie, les Bouddhistes organisent une protestation contre ce qu'ils appellent l'interférence des Nations Unies dans l'Etat Rahkine Occidental - où des douzaines de personnes sont tuées dans des affrontements entre les Bouddhistes et les Musulmans. Les manifestations viennent après la décision du Président de la Birmanie sur la formation d'une commission indépendante pour enquêter sur cette violence, en même temps que la requête faite par l'envoyé spécial des Nations unies, Thomas Ojea Quintana, qui a visité la région concernée il y a quelques mois. Aux alentours de 100 manifestants se sont rassemblés sous la direction du député du Rahkine Nationalities Development Party au parlement en dehors de la maison du parl
Marge Runkle

PopTech - 0 views

    a unique innovation network - a global community of cutting-edge leaders, thinkers, and doers from many different disciplines, who come together to explore the social impact of new technologies, the forces of change shaping our future, and new approaches to solving the world's most significant challenges.
Marge Runkle

Mashpedia, the Multimedia Encyclopedia - 0 views

    Mashpedia is a web encyclopedia enhanced with cutting-edge functionalities and sophisticated features such as multimedia content, social media tools and real-time information; it's free to use and open for public participation, allowing users to discuss specific topics, post and answer questions, share relevant links or contribute in new creative ways. Mashpedia integrates a variety of online services and applications like Wikipedia, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, Google News, Books, Blog Posts, and further contextual information into a single slick interface, presenting an organized outlook of live content feeds for every topic, thus providing a broad spectrum of services and features that eliminate the user's need to visit each service separately. Mashpedia provides articles for specific topics such as concepts, subjects, personalities, events, places, companies, products, etc., but not for broader, unspecific searches.
Marge Runkle

Free Online Graphing Calculator TI 83 84 86 89: Student's Center - 0 views

    "This free on-line graphing calculator is available to you 24hrs / 7days a week. This free online graphic calculator requires no subscription, no downloading, no soft-ware, and has no advertising. When you click on the link, a new window opens. If the calculator doesn't load right away close the new window and click on the link again. Once the window is open you may resize it or maximize it to fit your screen. "
Marge Runkle

12 Word Cloud Resources, Tips, & Tools - 0 views

    "Learning new vocabulary can be quite daunting for most students. We just have to look at the literacy rates to see how much children struggle with vocabulary. Rote learning of vocabulary does not really work. Experience has taught me students remember what they use and explore. Students need to have fun, engage with the material, and explore how their new knowledge works. "
Marge Runkle

The Complete Guide to Google Wave - 0 views

    Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes.
Marge Runkle

MixedInk - Free Collaborative Writing Tool - 0 views

  • MixedInk's collaborative writing platform allows groups of any size to weave their best ideas and language into a single text. Cutting-edge government agencies, news organizations, advocacy groups, and businesses use MixedInk to gather meaningful input and give their communities a voice.
    MixedInk's collaborative writing platform allows groups of any size to weave their best ideas and language into a single text. Cutting-edge government agencies, news organizations, advocacy groups, and businesses use MixedInk to gather meaningful input and give their communities a voice.
Marge Runkle

Twitter, The 140-Character Chameleon - 0 views

    What Twitter can be to users . . . Broadcast medium, PLN builder, Professional Development, Edchat, Virtual conference attendance, Live blogging, Backchannel, Complaints dept., Tech support, Subscription service, Disaster and emergency tool, Share your tastes and activities, Real time search, News on demand, Broadcast the revolution, Journaling, Look at me, look at me!
Marge Runkle

Library of Congress Newspapers on Flickr - 0 views

    In 2008, the Library of Congress began offering historical photograph collections through Flickr in order to share some of our most popular images with a new visual community. Now, the Library of Congress has expanded its Flickr collections to include illustrated and visual content from historic American newspapers available in its online collections.
Marge Runkle

PhysicsCentral: Learn How Your World Works - 0 views

    The American Physical Society represents some 45,000 physicists, and most of our work centers on scientific meetings and publications-the primary ways that physicists communicate with each other. With PhysicsCentral, we communicate the excitement and importance of physics to everyone. We invite you to visit our site every week to find out how physics is part of your world. We'll answer your questions on how things work and keep you informed with daily updates on physics in the news. We'll describe the latest research and the people who are doing it and, if you want more, where to go on the web. So stick with us. It's a big, interesting world out there, and we look forward to showing you around.
Marge Runkle

10 Incredible interactive audio experiences :: 10,000 Words - 0 views

    Audio isn't just for podcasts and slideshows. The following sites are using audio in new and creative ways to make create unique interactive experiences.
Marge Runkle

Lab Out Loud | Science for the classroom and beyond - 0 views

    Lab Out Loud is a podcast, hosted by two science teachers, that discusses science news and science education by interviewing leading scientists, researchers, science writers and other important figures in the field.
Marge Runkle

MixedInk - Free Collaborative Writing Tool - 0 views

    MixedInk's collaborative writing platform allows groups of any size to weave their best ideas and language into a single text. Cutting-edge government agencies, news organizations, advocacy groups, and businesses use MixedInk to gather meaningful input and give their communities a voice.
Marge Runkle

You Are Your Words - AHD - 0 views

    The American Heritage® Dictionary invites you to create a self-portrait using your words. The words that tell the world who you are. That make you, you. It's easy to do, whether you decide to link to places like Facebook for words you've already written or write something new specifically for your portrait. Either way, you'll create a unique image that can be shared and saved and will remind everyone that You Are Your Words.
Marge Runkle

Officials come together to align K-12 standards, higher ed - 0 views

    Now here is a thought!
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