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Marge Runkle

bloomsapps - 0 views

    Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available.
Marge Runkle

Ahead - Playground for creative minds - 0 views

    Ahead is a web application that facilitates Creative processes. We are a team of architects, designers, developers, and business people with backgrounds in the creative industry. Ahead originated out of frustration with the shortcomings of current tools for online collaboration and publishing because we don't think they support rich media and visual creative processes and communication very well. Inspired by the proven zoom and pan user interfaces known from main creative authoring tools like Autodesk, Adobe, and Sketch-up we're committed to develop the first online tool ever that makes it as fast, natural and fun to publish and work with visual concepts together online.
Marge Runkle


    Some students seem naturally enthusiastic about learning, but many need-or expect-their instructors to inspire, challenge, and stimulate them: "Effective learning in the classroom depends on the teacher's ability ... to maintain the interest that brought students to the course in the first place"
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