Is there any proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran? - 0 views
Muslim Academy on 04 Sep 12The situation of Syria is not just due to internal affairs but is also affected by the Arab civil war. The consequence was the proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The main supplier of money and arms to the Syrian army is Saudi Arabia and Qatar. They Syrian army was supported by the Saud's in the golf wars of the 1990's. Syria also got financial help from Saudi Arabia and benefited from them a lot. But after the assassination of the leader of the Saudi Arabia and after the war was ended between Hezbollah and Israel, Syria joined hands with Iran. The reason of the proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia is also that the Sauds are totally against the Shias of Iran and they know that Syria is helping Iran to conduct all the affairs and also the support for the economic sanctions given by the US. Syria is also economically helping Iran and which was not tolerated by the Sauds. They want to destroy Iran and they do not want to see it like a free and independent state. The gulf countries also opposed the allied friendship of Syria with Iran and they also started many political and social campaigns to stop Syria from helping Iran.