Ever since Microsoft invented the Windows Shell with explorer.exe back in the days of Windows 95, there's been a bug that's gone from one version of Windows to the next; and with each upgrade it became worse and worse - until Vista where it only rears its ugly head every once in a while instead: tooltips appear behind the taskbar, where you can't read them and they are of no use to you. And there's nothing you can do about it!
NST ToolTipFixer patches this bug for once and for all, doing what Microsoft hasn't been able to do in 13 years.
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Mr. DiGi
Stack Overflow - 0 views
www.QR.cz - 0 views
...1 more annotation...
Introducing Ubiquity - 0 views
Empower users to control the web browser with language-based instructions. (With search, users type what they want to find. With Ubiquity, they type what they want to do.)
Enable on-demand, user-generated mashups with existing open Web APIs. (In other words, allowing everyone–not just Web developers–to remix the Web so it fits their needs, no matter what page they are on, or what they are doing.)
Use Trust networks and social constructs to balance security with ease of extensibility.
Extend the browser functionality easily.
Install the prototype and you’ll be presented with a tutorial to get you started