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Austria becomes part of Germany 1938 - 2 views

    This video explains the Anschluss and its events.
    Brief summary of the Anschluss. Videos of the moment exactly

Sudetenland - 0 views

    HITLER SAYS OCTOBER 1 Patience is at an End: Czechs must give us Territory Immediately or we will Fetch it Ourselves

Hitler announces an Anschluss with Austria - 2 views

    On this day, Adolf Hitler announces an "Anschluss" (union) between Germany and Austria, in fact annexing the smaller nation into a greater Germany.

Germans to the Front - 1 views

    In "Germans to the Front," David Large charts the path from Germany's total demilitarization immediately after World War II to the appearance of the Bundeswehr, the West German army, in 1956. The book is the first comprehensive study in English of West Germany.

Hitler´s rearmament of Germany - 1 views

    Four minute video that explains the Rearmament of germany

Nazi-Soviet pact - 2 views

    Germany and Soviet Russia joining to attack Poland

cartoon- nazi soviet pact - 0 views

shared by baibieneagus on 26 Apr 14 - No Cached

cartoon- rearmament - 0 views

shared by baibieneagus on 26 Apr 14 - No Cached

cartoon-rearmament - 0 views

shared by baibieneagus on 26 Apr 14 - No Cached

InterWar-Bernard-Partridge-Cartoons-Punch-1932-09-14-295.jpg (551×720) - 13 views

    "FOR DEFENCE ONLY" Germany "I never did like the look of that old word"
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    In this cartoon, a german people is changing the word REPARATIONS by PREPARATIONS. It shows that they were not paying reparations but they were preparing for the war. They were buying weapons with the money they had to pay reparations.
    Germans changing the word Reparations for Preparations, in order to show that they were prepared for war
    Germany didn't pay reparations to the big three. Instead of paying them, they used the money to rearm, and recovered the factories so they had more weapons and had more jobs. They did this with the excuse that it was only for defence, this way no one would be able to stop them. With this same excuse they remilitarised the Rhineland. The source helps me a lot!!!!!!
    The poster shows how the Germans, instead of triying to rebuild Germany and make "reparations" in it, they were preparing for another war, in order to make revenge for all the damaged that the "Triple Entente" brought them in and after the first world war. Diego Goldaracena and Juan Landolfo
    this source show how Germany was treated too harshly specially with the reparation, leading people starve to death. this encouraged people to want revenge after the T. of Versailles and with the money they prepared for another war and people as Hitler used this to win the elections Mechi Anelo

Anschluss - 11 views

    This source is clearly from the allies' point of view. The image depicts Hitler pointing to forwards but metaphorically, he is poitning to the future.The soldiers turn into swastikas and later on into crosses meaning that they are being lead to the death. Posse and Helou
    This cartoon shows how Hitler sent troops, first with a bad porpous and also shows how he sends inossent people to death. it is also a symbole that swastikas or nazis leaded to death and were terrible Mechi Anelo

Nazi-Soviet Pact - 10 views

    "This cartoon by the British cartoonist David Low was published in the Evening Standard newspaper on 21 October 1939. Having destroyed Poland, Hitler and Stalin stroll down their now-shared frontier."
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    it is a critic from western countries saying that Stalin and Hitler made a peace pact only to prepare themselves and stabb each other from the back at the end
    This is a British cartoon in which again the Nazi-Soviet Pact was described as a fake friendship. The handkerchief represents the pact and how they stick together, also they were hugging, but however they were aiming each other with a gun secretly. They knew that even though they were allies, they were expecting the betrayed from the other. Lucia Paz and Victoria Gonzalez
    This British cartoon represents, the false alliance that Hitler and Stalin made in the Nazi-Soviet pact. The british people and other countries knew that Germany and the U.S.S.R, made this temporally alliance, not trusting each other. Diego Goldaracena and Juan Landolfo.
    This is a cartoon by David Low, publish in 1939 on a newspaper. It shows how Hitler and Stalin relation was fake. Although their feet are tied together in their back they are both holding a gun. This show how both counties were allies for convenience but didn't trusted each other. Blatasar Querio and Julia Molmenti

Nazi Soviet Pact - 10 views

    American cartoon, 1939
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    Cartoon in which Nazi Germany is presented as the wolf of the Red Riding Hood, Soviet Russia is a smiling bear and Red Riding Hood is Poland, surprised by the couple.
    A cartoon from 1939, shows nazis and soviets as wolf and poland as red riding hood
    1939 cartoon,Poland got a surprise because Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia are like couple.
    a cartoon made by the capitalists trying to show the union that the Nazis and the Soviets had and poland is personified by a little, indefense and innocent girl.
    The cartoon's point of view is clearly from America as it is showing how Hitler (the wolf) is allied to Russia, represented as a bear which is a dangerouse animal but much more harmless thana hunger wolf, so it could attack Poland. What it represents was the Nazi-Soviet pact to take control over Poland. Lucia Paz and Victoria Gonzalez
    This cartoon was drawn by US cartoonist Herb Block in 1939. In this source you can see a small girl labelled "Poland", confronted by two predators witch represent Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. This source shows how Poland was vulnerable, weak and was going to be "eaten" by wolf and the bear (Germany and Russia) Baltasar Querio and Julia Molmenti
    This cartoon is clearly from the point of view of the allies. It conveys the situation of fear and shock from Poland who is set a trap (depicted as the red riding hood whilst the Soviets and the Nazis are drawn as the bear and the wolf). Posse and Helou
    this cartoon was made from the part of the allies showing the sorprise of Poland produced by the Nazi Germany and the USSR, it also represents the surprise of the allies of this new alliance which was the straw that broke the camel's back. Poland was trapped and surpised by this new alliance Mechi Anelo

Sudetenland 1938 - 9 views

    "This cartoon by the British cartoonist Sidney 'George' Strube appeared in the Daily Express on 3 October 1938. Chamberlain (on the right, with nothing but a hat and umbrella), confronts Mars (the God of War)."
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    this is a British source trying to convince other countries that his leader was looking for world peace. in one side we can see chamberlain and in the other Mars, the god of war.
    It is a british cartoon which defended the fact that Churchill wanted to avoid peace and was in favour of the policy of appeasment. It shows Churchill arguing with Mars, the God of war, because he tried to avoid any future war. He only carried a hat and an umbrella, while Mars had a sword. So the aim of these source is show to the world Churchill was a peaceful man lookinf for peace. Lucia Paz and Victoria Gonzalez
    This cartoon shows how Chamberlain was against war, and how he supports apeassement by confronting "Mars", that was for the Romans, the god of war. Diego Goldaracena and Juan Landolfo.
    Candela Zufriategui and Camila Carnemolla This source is from a british view. Churchil is shown standing against the war, always supporting the policy of appeasement.
    It is a primary source because it was published on 3 October 1938 in the Daily Express. In this one Chamberlain is confronting Mars, who is the God of War for the ancient Roman religion. The sources´s message is that Chamberlain wanted to avoid war. He followed the policy of Appeasment in order to not make his country enter in another war. He was keen on not suffering such a devastation, as the one sufferend in the WW1, again. The perspective is from the British because it shows a very positive image of Chamberlain. It shows him as a hero.

Speech from Hitler - 11 views

We, the German Fuhrer and Chancellor and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognising the question of Anglo-German relations as of the first importance...


started by mariabelen98 on 25 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Romina Farina

stepping stones - Buscar con Google - 7 views

    Low's famous 'Stepping Stones to Glory' showed Hitler marching towards his goal ('Boss of the Universe') along a carpet laid across the backs of the 'spineless leaders of democracy'. The message of the source that Hitler is travelling down a 'road', and Low has even identified the first two steps correctly - 'Rearmament' and 'Rhineland'. But Low was able to do so because those were the two steps Hitler had already taken. He guesses Hitler's next step (Danzig) incorrectly, and the rest of the steps are marked with question marks. Low was claiming that Hitler was heading down a road to war and that everyone else as too scared or spineless to stand up to him.
    Bruce Donald and Delfina Urso This source shows the Policy of Appeasement. It shows how Hitler was expanding his territory and nobody was trying to stop him.
    This cartoon is from the London Evening Standar, a popular newspaper with a large readership in Britain. This source show the way in which Hitler toughly stepped though and mocked his rivals in order to achieve his goals. in the source we can see how Hitler gets higher each step, gaining power and defeating more people each time
Romina Farina

The Goose-Step German Plans for Invasion - 6 views

    The Goose-Step. Goosey Goosey Gander, wither dost thou wander? Only through the Rhineland, pray excuse my blunder!. Suggestion that the German Goose is equipped to domanite the Rhineland; artist: Ernest Howard Shepard. Published in Punch Magazine 18 March 1936.
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    Bruce Donald and Delfina Urso In this source germany's army is being represented as a goose, because the way the germans marched was known as the Goose Step. It shows the rearmament of the Rhineland, breaking the Locarno Treaty.
    The Goose-Step is a political cartoon by E. H. Shepard, drawn in 1936. The goose represent the German Army as it used to defile in what was called goose step, this source represent how the army was rearming and didn't care about other things such as the Locarno treaty Blatasar Querio and Julia Molmenti
    Candela Zufriategui and Camila Carnemolla This cartoon shows that the remilitarisation of Rhineland which was the first action of Hitler gambling towards breaking the Treaty of Versailles. The "Locarno" paper which the goose stands on is representing that Germany was not going to respect the Locarno Treaty which was made to respect territory borders.
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