The problem for those sites that were brought down by the AWS outage is sites' own failure to implement the one key design principle of the cloud - design with failure in mind.
V-locity monitors the hypervisor to make sure that defrag does not compete with real work. However, at a list price of $199.95 per core (not CPU), we're looking at about $5K ouch!
"Even without a virtualization management package, vSphere administrators have long zeroed in on the attribute and annotation fields to organize virtual environments. Individual virtual machines have virtual machine (VM) notes to describe an individual virtual machine. Notes can be as simple as when the system was built, denoting if the server went through a physical-to-virtual (P2V) conversion, or it can be something where you add more descriptive notes fields for virtual appliances."
"I'm getting errors on my website when trying to retrieve content via the WebResource.axd provider. I'm running Windows Server 2008 on two machines that are network load balanced. Both sites web.config are identical (mirrored via robocopy) and contain a directive. The error occurs when a page served by machine 1 requests a script from machine 2. The machine 2 event log reports
"In today's post I'm going to be discussing Microsoft Web Deploy - which is a free server technology that enables a comprehensive publishing and deployment mechanism. Web Deploy enables you to not only publish files - but also provision database schema/data, run database change scripts, set security ACLs, and more. All of these deployment steps can be automated using Visual Studio."
"Journalists are coping with the rising information flood by borrowing data visualization techniques from computer scientists, researchers and artists. Some newsrooms are already beginning to retool their staffs and systems to prepare for a future in which data becomes a medium. But how do we communicate with data, how can traditional narratives be fused with sophisticated, interactive information displays?"
Very inspiring look at "data vis"(-ualization), with some astonishingly creative approaches to representing large datasets. Some visualizations are crafted to tel a story; others support users asking questions.
"Data-driven Journalism (DDJ) focuses on using and visualizing data in a journalistic context. I believe that we, as evaluators, have a great deal to learn from some of the best data-based journalism (and, while we can harp on the worst of them, let's focus on the positive). Data journalists take data and render it accessible and understandable for a lay audience - they tell the story of data and push it out in ways that compel use. Evaluators have data, but often struggle with utilization of that data by decision-makers. Data-driven journalists are building the skill set that can take data and make its value more apparent and its meaning more accessible."