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Beth Hartranft

Technology Integration in Education | Edutopia - 0 views

    Why integrate technology into the curriculum? - good article about effective technology integration

Education Nation 2011: Give Students Mobile Devices to Maximize Their Learning Time - 0 views

    The Education Department's 2010 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP) presents a transformational vision for 21st century education, depicting how new technologies can help people learn lifelong and "life-wide" - in libraries and museums and their homes, and through interactions with people in their neighborhood and community.
Beth Hartranft

ISTE | NETS Standards - 0 views

    Home page for ISTE educational technology standards. Includes links to NETS for Students, NETS for Teachers and NETS for Administrators
Beth Hartranft

Tammy's Technology Tips for Teachers - Helping teachers make better classrooms, one mou... - 0 views

    This site includes good tips and lessons plans for integrating technology.
Beth Hartranft

iPad as... - 0 views

    apps sorted by student goal/project
Beth Hartranft

Parent, Teacher, Student Communication - Going Beyond Paper Newsletters and Emails | Sc... - 0 views

    "Clear communication is one of the keys to success in school and in life. As the technology in our parents' and students' hands change, so should the way we communicate with them and keep them informed and involved in their education."

Home | Digitales - 1 views

    DigiTales ( is a website promoting the art of digital storytelling.  If you have students create personal stories about themselves and their experiences, this website is worth a hard look.  Here is an excerpt explaining their mission: "Digital Storytelling takes the ancient art of oral storytelling and engages a palette of technical tools to weave personal tales using images, graphics, music and sound mixed together with the author's own story voice. Digital storytelling is an emerging art form of personal, heartful expression that enables individuals and communities to reclaim their personal cultures while exploring their artistic creativity. While the heart and power of the digital story is shaping a personal digital story about self, family, ideas, or experiences, the technology tools also invite writers and artists to think and invent new types of communication outside the realm of traditional linear narratives." This website provides some great rubrics for grading a number of oral, visual and print activities.  It also provides some great ideas for projects, activities and lessons to support what you are already doing.
Beth Hartranft

Warning: Flipping Your Classroom May Lead to Increased Student Understanding | Teaching... - 0 views

    "Flipping a classroom is not a teaching technique, it is more in line with a philosophy or way of teaching. It involves using technology as a tool, not the main focus, for helping students increase their understanding" Nice blog post on the philosophy of the flipped classroom.

Part 1: Flipping The Classroom? … 12 Resources To Keep You On Your Feet | 21 ... - 1 views

    If you are beginning to investigate what a Flipped Classroom is, with the thought of possibly trying some kind of Flip yourself… then this is also the right place. They have researched and tried to find you the very best resources to get educators in all positions thinking about what a Flipped Classroom" really is.
Beth Hartranft

TechLearning: Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally - 0 views

    A Churches updated Bloom's taxonomy with digital additions and explanations
Beth Hartranft

20 Great Math Websites for Teachers and Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Le... - 0 views

    "The list features some very useful Math websites specifically handpicked for teachers to use with their students."
Beth Hartranft

Technology in Education: Notes from the Closet: Mid-Year Twitter Tweak! - 0 views

    "January is a good time to take a look at your class Twitter account and see if it's all it can be.  Below are some ideas to excite you again about the power of Twitter in your classroom!"
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