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Jessica Bloom

CSS Tutorial - 0 views

    This website is great because it is designed for beginner CSS users as well as advanced users. Some aspects this website offers is CSS background, text, font, border, list, and table. For more advanced users it displays sites that help with dimension, classification, and positioning. This is great general site for CSS users!
Jessica Bloom

CSS Layouts - - 0 views

    CSS layouts and templates to use and start from.
    This site gives tons of CSS layouts. Some are quite simple, and other complex. Either way, it's a great site for people who are looking for layouts. It gives the html and CSS coding : )
Megan Esola

CSS Shortcuts - CSS Tutorial | Tech-Evangelist - 0 views

    This site explains way to condense CSS code while still maintaining the same results (although I'd recommend trying it out before making that assumption). I'm still learning the ropes of CSS, but from what I understand the less code, the better.
Joan Vance

Free CSS templates - Download Free CSS Templates - 0 views

    This page provides tons of CSS templates that we can use to help us design pages.
    This one may work better for websites outside of this class, only because it gives free templates for css pages.
Geetch Spuckler

Equal Height Columns using CSS - Ed Eliot - 0 views

    This blog post presents several options for creating a CSS page with multiple columns, including the faux column method we learned about in class and a JavaScript solution that I had never heard of. The option that uses pure CSS is explained thoroughly with examples.
Megan Esola

Maintainable Css - 0 views

    This page gives great tips on creating CSS coding that is easy to maintain.
Dana Dietrich

Digital Web Magazine - Everything You Know About CSS Is Wrong - 0 views

    An easier way of using CSS Tables to create columns. It gives the HTML and CSS coding for columns without having to use faux columns.
Geetch Spuckler

Css Hack - css-discuss - 0 views

    This is a list of CSS hacks, each of which does something a little different. This might be especially helpful for the personal pages, which don't translate from browser to browser without some intervention.
Megan Esola

American Flag in CSS : Christopher Schmitt - 0 views

    It's really neat how this web designer used CSS to create an American flag that links to all 50 states. I'm satisfied when I get a working toolbar! Click the video link to see how the page works.
Megan Esola

What is CSS? - 0 views

    This was such a comprehensive and easy-to-understand explanation of CSS that I had to share it!
Joan Vance

CSS Background Properties - 0 views

    This website talks about all that you could want to know about adding background to your web page. This includes how to position a background image, how to repeat a background image, how to place a background image, and how to set a fixed background image.
    This page gives examples of what a css page should look like when you try to put in a background. It has a lot of different scenarios.
Geetch Spuckler

Are You Making These 10 CSS Mistakes? - NETTUTS - 0 views

    It's pretty self-explanatory; the article gives 10 common mistakes people makes when writing pages with CSS. Although some of them seem like "duh," I know that it's often something really tiny that throws a spanner in the works when I'm trying to code a page.
Joan Vance

CSS Border Properties - CSS Basics - Chapter 13 - 0 views

    This is a good site for using a border in CSS.
Brittany Mitros

20 Websites To Help You Learn and Master CSS - Six Revisions - 0 views

    has 20 different css sites that will sure to help with coding!
Brittany Mitros

CSS Image Opacity / Transparency - 0 views

    I was looking all over to find something that makes images transparent for the CSS layout. This is awesome! I think i'm going to try this!
Jacquelyn Halbach

How to Position Your Photos and Images Using CSS | - the webmasters guide t... - 0 views

    This website has help in any CSS trouble you might have. This includes, pictures, backgrounds, and layouts.
Joan Vance

CSS Margin Properties - 0 views

    Everything you want to know about CSS margins!
Jacquelyn Halbach

Dynamic Drive CSS Library- Practical CSS codes and examples - 0 views

    This web page gives simple tutorials on some of the basic things in CSS such as templates and adding graphics to your html.
Joan Vance

The mother of all CSS menu lists, tutorials and generators | Heal Your Church WebSite - 0 views

    Has a bunch of different places you can go for CSS tutorials.
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