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Keith Hamon

Gibbon Fairfax Winthrop - 1 views

    "This is the second year of the GFW High School One-to-One iPad Initiative where every GFW High School student has access to an iPad tablet to use in their classes. Students can use their iPad: -as an organizational tool to track assignments, homework and class projects. -to access the internet to research information needed for class projects. -to create on-line presentations -to word process class papers and projects -to run a variety of applications to enhance their learning experience in class -to read electronic books, tests, newspapers and magazines"
Keith Hamon

What I've Learned from Teaching with iPads - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Educa... - 1 views

    I had high hopes when I handed out iPads to students in my graduate seminar this semester. I wanted to explore the possibilities of tablet computing and see firsthand how tablets might be used in higher education. … For the most part, students ended the semester with a collective shrug. They simply weren't all that impressed with tablet computing as it now exists.
Stephanie Cooper

Learnist - a 'Pinterest for Education' - releases apps for iPhone, iPad - Tech News and... - 0 views

    Another cool platform to consider as an online resource for your classes.
Keith Hamon

Marc My Words: Thinking About Mobile Learning in the Age of iPad by Marc J. Rosenberg :... - 2 views

  • We focused on providing just-in-time resources, in the context of work situations not easily predicted, rather than longer duration, more tightly targeted and structured instructional programs.
    • Keith Hamon
      We see again the shift from just-in-case learning to just-in-time. Anybody want to do a cartoon strip with me, starring Justin Case and Justin Thyme?
  • the screen is bigger, which makes a huge difference in how we can display informational and instructional content.
  • the most important game-changer is that the iPad, and other devices to follow, are designed to be “always on,” or “always connected;” the intent being that you always have access to the Internet (of course this may not be practically true yet, but it certainly is the goal).
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • the use of organization-based social networking as a mobile learning strategy.
  • the idea of downloading starts to seem antiquated.
  • Clearly, the platforms and devices becoming available are more flexible, more powerful, more portable, and more user-friendly. 24x7 access to content makes mLearning more convenient and valuable. New communication channels open up new opportunities to connect with coworkers and experts, anytime and anywhere. And the use of cloud computing makes virtually limitless amounts of content instantly available to virtually limitless numbers of users.
    Clearly, the platforms and devices becoming available are more flexible, more powerful, more portable, and more user-friendly. 24x7 access to content makes mLearning more convenient and valuable. New communication channels open up new opportunities to connect with coworkers and experts, anytime and anywhere. And the use of cloud computing makes virtually limitless amounts of content instantly available to virtually limitless numbers of users.
Thomas Clancy

What Learning Cursive Does for Your Brain | Psychology Today - 1 views

    We all know this, right? Competence in cursive is another fundamental skill that we may be overlooking for struggling college students. How can one take notes without cursive and a notebook? No, I don't think that an iPad or laptop work as well, even if the student's keyboarding can keep up.
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