Purdue Owl: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ Purdue Owl is a reliable online writing widget that specifies in grammar and gives style tips and other tips for both creative and academic writing. It specializes in styles and formats. It breaks down into different styles such as creative writing,subject specific writing,fiction writing, poetic styles and many others. It allows users to gain knowledge and tips on the following writing styles.
Spark Notes: http://www.sparknotes.com/ Sparknotes provides study guides for English,poetry,history,film and philosophy. For highschool students it is generally used for novel studies like Macbeth, Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet. This online study guides helps millions of users worldwide.
Purdue Owl is a reliable online writing widget that specifies in grammar and gives style tips and other tips for both creative and academic writing. It specializes in styles and formats. It breaks down into different styles such as creative writing,subject specific writing,fiction writing, poetic styles and many others. It allows users to gain knowledge and tips on the following writing styles.
Spark Notes:
Sparknotes provides study guides for English,poetry,history,film and philosophy. For highschool students it is generally used for novel studies like Macbeth, Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet. This online study guides helps millions of users worldwide.
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