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Home/ World Systems @ KSU/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by elligant35

Contents contributed and discussions participated by elligant35


Riley County MapStats from FedStats - 0 views

    • elligant35
      This website breaks down the demographics of race throughout Kansas. It will tell you the number of persons under specific age groups; for example it will show the percentage under 5, 18, and 65. It also breaks down the racial demographics of each town by reporting how many African Americans, Cuacasians, and Hispnaics live in a specific area of Kansas. This website will be important for helping to define an accurrate number of person living in poverty and defining the racial classes that exist in poverty.
elligant35 - 0 views

    • elligant35
      The Economic Statisitics of Kansas breaks down the monetary and employment status of people living in Kansas. Futhermore these numbers aid in the understanding of why so many people live in poverty globally. The average family of four living in Kansas makes less than 10, 000 dollars a year annually. The Kansas Economic stats break down even further and will show the poverty levels in Manhattan and surrounding towns.

Structural Adjustment-a Major Cause of Poverty - Global Issues - 0 views

    • elligant35
      Poverty is a continous cycle because much of the money that is spent on exports sustains the ecomony of another country rather than the country who buys the goods. Having less imports and more exports creates a system of maintaining dependency and poverty or industrialized product-exporting/commodity-importing country is wealthy and an underdeveloped product-importing/ commodity-exporting country is poor. There is also shocking evidence of those individuals who work for the World Bank. This would definetly be good shocker for those that "Earn More" and "Eat Less".

Poverty Facts and Stats - Global Issues - 0 views

    • elligant35
      This article will be a good source for finding out how mamy people are living in poverty. This article also lists some things that are wrong structurally within poverty. One of the most interesting statistics that this article claims that 27,000 children died today and this is a number that coincides with the 3 billion people that live on less than two dollars a day.
    This article basically describes poverty as a result of third world debt, free trade, corporations, consumption and consumerism, and a complex list of other facts that places almost three billion people living on less than two dollars a day.  The article goes on to state how much money is being spent to try to help solve the poverty issue.
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