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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Chelcie

Mike Wesch

World Simulation Ideas - 95 views

  • Chelcie
    I think that adding slave trade would be an excellent idea. I think that we can still see evidence today from how slave trading negativley affected Africa and positivley affected many European countries. Slave trading was one of the first "big businesses" our world has ever experienced and not including it directly in the World Simulation isn't realistic. I know colonizers have the oppotunity to "take-over" countries and force them to work, but historically the slave trading business worked a little differently. I personally feel that when playing the World Simulation colonizers should just start randomly taking a person here and there and force them to go to some other area. Also I think that when these countries steal particular individuals a certian number of the "slaves" should die before they even get to their new land area. .This will represent the horrible conditions that slaves experienced when traveling across the sea. Maybe the "dead" indviduals could wear something (like a black shirt or hat) that would symbolically show to the entire world that they had died due to horrible treatment.

    Then eventually with time, I think that certain colonizers should receive a peice of paper in their envelope that says that they decided to abolish slavery/slave trading. It would be interesting to see how this would affect the dynamics of the country. (economically, socially, and politically)

    naytanda wrote:
    > i think we should impliment the idea of having a slave trade as well to make the world simulation more realistic. We could even go as far as some one migrating to other colonies so they can get a job, though it may not pay much that person will have a means to survive. Maybe the youngest person in the group can be the one who migrates, this will prevent the entire colony from being killed or dying off, we will have at least one survivor.
    > mwesch wrote:
    > > Hi class,
    > > Post your world simulation ideas here. Read Wallerstein, Lappe & Collins, and the first 2 pages of Wolf. Using the ideas you gather there, re-write the rules and post them here.
  • Chelcie
    One idea that I came up with had to deal with the establishment of taxes for citizens of a country. Taxes have been and still remain a huge factor within all major countries. My idea is that ever individual within a "colonizer" country will be given a particular number of "food" items during the beginning of each round. (This could be done at random.) Then during the end of each round every citizen has to have at least two peices of food . One peice of food is used for them to "eat" and the other peice of food goes to the government or person in control. If the individual has more than one peice of food they get to keep 50% of the food and the other 50% goes to the government. This taxed food would then add to the country's structural and hard power. (For example, ever 25 peices of collected taxes equals 100 points of power for the country or something to that extent.) Thus the country would have more influence/power over its own citizens and the rest of the world. This would also create social classes, which historically has been a major issue. I think this would also make particular individuals want to leave their country and find better places to live. I think adding taxes would make the World Simulation more realistic and socially diverse. Taxes honestly wouldn't make our "world" better, but I think taxation is an important issue that needs to be address in some way.

    mwesch wrote:
    > Hi class,
    > Post your world simulation ideas here. Read Wallerstein, Lappe & Collins, and the first 2 pages of Wolf. Using the ideas you gather there, re-write the rules and post them here.
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