Contents contributed and discussions participated by Aaron Scott
Microcredit - Microfinance-Credit lending models - 0 views
Site has a breakdown of a number of different models used by microfinance institutions, including the Grameen bank model created by Dr. Yumus, and those of NGOs.
Site has a breakdown of a number of different models used by microfinance institutions, including the Grameen bank model created by Dr. Yumus, and those of NGOs.
spiked | 'Bob Geldof, you are not our messiah' - 0 views
Article that criticizes specifically Bob Geldof, Bono, Tony Blair, and others behind the Group of Eight, but more broadely all westerners who believe that those in Africa need a savior, that its the White Man's Burden, to help those in need, and that we have the right answers and they can't make smart choices for themselves.
Make Poverty History - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views
Another campaign that was maybe too much like Easterly's "Planner" as its members disbanded last year after increasing awareness and pressuring governments to relieve absolute poverty. The campaign was formed from members of trade unions, charities, religious groups, and many celebrities. In the US the campaign was known as the ONE campaign.
Another campaign that was maybe too much like Easterly's "Planner" as its members disbanded last year after increasing awareness and pressuring governments to relieve absolute poverty. The campaign was formed from members of trade unions, charities, religious groups, and many celebrities. In the US the campaign was known as the ONE campaign.
UN Millennium Project | About the MDGs - 0 views
YouTube - Impact of Technology on Microfinance - 0 views
Short video on how technology will affect/improve the potential of microfinance. He talks about how they tried a village computing center, but also how they (Grameen Bank) are working on using mobile phones that will allow borrowers to access bank accounts, and connect to customers to improve business transactions, and many other things.
YouTube - Damned by Debt Relief - 0 views
YouTube - Microcredit debate - 0 views
Most Poverty Solutions Miss Central Issue - The George Foundation - 0 views
Article that was written in response to Jeffrey Sachs "The End of Poverty". This article, like that of Easterly's, states that what is needed is a new model of poverty solution, His suggestion is that government's role should not be of manager or director of change, but rather just a catalyst for change. Also the author believes there needs to be a focus on farming, and incentives, loans, and tax breaks to help build rural areas.
Project Concern International: Health and poverty solutions for children in need - Proj... - 0 views
This organization works to fight against poverty by providing health care and development to those communities and families that can't afford it. Interestingly, on its mission statement page, one of its operating principles listed is Accountability, which is what Easterly said was one of the things that seperated planners and searchers.
Stir : Issues : War on Poverty - 0 views
Poverty - The Global Relations of the Many Nations - 0 views
All over the world, countries are stricken with famine. Children and adults alike are forced to live in miserable circumstances without proper living conditions or enough food. This situation, known as poverty, is an economic condition brought about when people lack sufficient income to be able to provide health services, h
This site explores some social and historical causes of poverty, as well as other issues, in a number of countries including the US. It also has testimonies of those who have struggled with poverty and different organizations and ways to get involved to help the cause of the people around the world.
Global Rich List - 0 views
CARE :: Defending Dignity. Fighting Poverty. - 0 views
CARE seems like it has some of Easterly's Planner tendencies in that it has some Big Goals
(and celebrity faces on its homepage) but it seems that many of its methods are more those of searchers in that it gets involved with local families and communities to understand the problems they face and ways that they can help them.
Video - Subsidy System - 0 views
This video show how both African and American farming families struggle because of commodity subsidies given to producers from the US government. In this case there are a few number of farmers that benefit while the majority suffer. Here we can see how choices made by our gaovernment affect not only us but others as well.
This video show how both African and American farming families struggle because of commodity subsidies given to producers from the US government. In this case there are a few number of farmers that benefit while the majority suffer. Here we can see how choices made by our gaovernment affect not only us but others as well.
One example of how religion has played into the globalization of our world is in Ecuador(and elsewhere) where missionaries (working with the monetary aid of oil companies) witnessed to and pacified the Huaorani indians who had previouslly resisted the encroachment of oil companies. After they were pacified the oil companies could then begin drilling in the area without fear of the Indians, and now the land has been destroyed and the Huaorani culture has been completely chaned. And so in this case the spread of Christianity facilitated the work of the oil companies.
mwesch wrote:
> Hi class,
> Post your world simulation ideas here. Read Wallerstein, Lappe & Collins, and the first 2 pages of Wolf. Using the ideas you gather there, re-write the rules and post them here.