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World Simulation Ideas - 95 views

I think it would be great to add more natural disasters, along with trying to bring out the slave trade, I think we could make the slave trade more part of the game. Also I think it would be great ...



Global Warming International Center - Home - 0 views

    This is a website about international global warming.  There are a variety of articles, news headlines, press releases, etc. that all deal with global warming on an international level.  This site provides a different perspective on global warming.
Aaron Scott

Playpumps International and the PlayPump water system. Kids play. Water Pumps! :: PlayP... - 0 views

    Here is the website to the organization that is putting in the merrygoround/waterpumps that I talked a little about today in class.

Act now - Amnesty International - 0 views

shared by tomorronow on 29 May 07 - Cached
    Amnesty is a trusted and proven leader in human rights advocacy, and a great watchdog in international affairs.  On this particular page, one can donate, learn more, find people who want to make change, and put ideas into action. 

Child soldiers - Amnesty International - 0 views

    similar to Human Rights Watch, Amnesty Int'l has statistics and plege forms for sending aid to the areas where children are recruited and used for military.
    Amnesty internationals fight for the end of children being used as soldiers (much like HRW)
Aaron Scott

Project Concern International: Health and poverty solutions for children in need - Proj... - 0 views

    This organization works to fight against poverty by providing health care and development to those communities and families that can't afford it. Interestingly, on its mission statement page, one of its operating principles listed is Accountability, which is what Easterly said was one of the things that seperated planners and searchers.

The nuclear fallacy | Greenpeace International - 0 views

  • Nuclear power remains dangerous, polluting, expensive and non-renewable. More nuclear power means more nuclear weapons proliferation, more nuclear-armed states, more potential "dirty bombs" and more targets for terrorists. It also means less resources invested in real solutions to growing energy demands.
  • If we would replace all fossil fuels with nuclear power, the world would run out of uranium in less than four years.
  • Currently, nuclear is a marginal energy source, supplying only two percent of the world energy demand, and there is no realistic scenario in which this could be significantly increased.
    Although nuclear power seems to be an option, this article claims that, with our current technology and resources, it is a non-renewable option that will promote, rather than solve, problems concerning global warming, nuclear arms proliferation, etc.

Greenfreeze and solar chill | Greenpeace International - 0 views

  • When the dramatic discovery of the ozone hole in 1986 forced the banning of chlorofluorocarbons  (CFCs), the refrigeration industry switched to hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). HCFC¹s are also ozone depleting substances but less so than CFCs. Meanwhile, both HCFCs and HFCs are potent greenhouse gasses.
  • Greenfreeze uses hydrocarbons as the blowing agent for the insulation foam and for the refrigerant. Hydrocarbons are completely ozone friendly, and used in refrigeration have minimal global warming impact.Hydrocarbon technology is not dependent on patented foaming agents and refrigerants. The operating costs are lower, and the maintenance is easier than with HCFC or HFC technology.

Hydroelectric | Greenpeace International - 0 views

  • Wave powerThe World Energy Council estimates that wave power could produce two terawatts of energy each year. This is twice the world's current electricity production, and is equivalent to the energy produced by 2,000 large oil, gas, coal and nuclear power stations. The total renewable energy within the world's oceans, if it could all be harnessed, would satisfy the present world demand for energy more than 5,000 times over.

Geothermal | Greenpeace International - 0 views

    The earth's core is very hot!  If we can tap into this renewable source of energy, we will be able to satisfy a large chunk of our energy needs while simultaneously cutting down emissions and pollution dramatically.

Governments | Greenpeace International - 0 views

  • Industrialised nations are responsible for the bulk of greenhouse gas emissions - both today and historically. In the past, economic progress was linked directly to carbon dioxide emissions (via the burning of oil, coal and gas to generate energy). Renewable energy sources change this, but only a small number of nations have begun to implement them in earnest.
  • Two billion people – one third of the world's population – have no access to electricity for basic needs such as lighting or cooking. Getting people the clean and reliable energy necessary for essential needs such as clean water, health care facilities, heating and lighting is one of the most pressing problems facing humanity today.
  • Industrialised nations have the capital, resources and expertise to jump-start their renewable energy industries. Obviously, countries with advanced space programs, established higher educational systems and abundant cash for investment are better positioned to implement these new energy technologies then countries still struggling with basic energy needs.
Amanda Stueve

Africa --COUNTDOWN TO 2015 / IPS Inter Press Service - 0 views

  • This process has to begin with an attitude change in the people.
  • The international system cannot determine for the people the needs, however obvious the needs may be.
  • MDGs are derived from the international system rather than the domestic environment. They are thus perceived to be foreign, however good the intentions may be.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Institutions in many African countries are derived from developed countries’ institutions. This makes the whole idea of independence derisory.
  • elimination of proxy wars that were constantly blamed for the underdevelopment of the third world, third world leaders would re-channel their resources in worthy directions, such as health care, education and poverty eradication.
    An opinion is put forth here that solutions for Africa must come from Africans so that they have legitimacy. Parochialism is a hindrance to solving political and healthcare issues in Africa (because people are not aware of their rights and privileges?).

Solar - Sunlight to Energy | Greenpeace International - 0 views

  • Solar Energy is already being harnessed in many part of the world and it has the potential to provide several times the current world energy consumption if properly exploited.
  • Globally, the sun provides 10000 times the energy humanity uses

Wind | Greenpeace International - 0 views

  • With installed wind capacity growing at 30 percent over the past few years, it is an entirely realistic goal to for wind to provide 12 percent of the world's energy by 2020.  Along the way, this would create two million jobs, and save more than 10,700 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.
Amanda Stueve

DEVELOPMENT-SOUTHERN AFRICA: Leaving the Country to Earn a Living - 0 views

  • All of that changed because of the structural adjustments introduced by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). ‘‘That forced people to migrate internally and across the border,'' Ines Raimundo, a lecturer of human geography at Mozambique's Eduardo Mondlane University, told the gathering.

Energy efficiency | Greenpeace International - 0 views

    What can we do to make our homes better?  This article provides us with a few simple steps that can make our homes more efficient, which, amazingly enough, not only creates enormous benefits for us, but also helps to protect the environment.
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