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Mike Wesch

Ideas from Games - 55 views

gaming worldsim

started by Mike Wesch on 21 May 07
  • Mike Wesch
    Hi class,
    I think there were a lot of great ideas flying around the room inspired by the games you were playing. If you have any ideas about how we might integrate some of these ideas into the World Sim, please post them here.
    ~ Prof. Wesch
  • anonymous
    After playing "Nuclear War," I thought that adding an element of randomness to the use of nuclear weapons would improve the simulation. Whenever a colonizer wants to use a nuclear weapon, a game of rock-paper-scissors or odds-and-evens (or whatever) would determine whether the nuclear weapon actually worked. If the colonizer wins, the local population dies; if the colonizer loses, the locals live and the colonizer loses its nuclear weapons for that round. This would simulate technological difficulties associated with the development and deployment of nuclear weapons.
  • chiefs100
    I was watching the settlement game and a few ideas popped up. One is that to make a nuclear bomb, a team has to find maybe three key resources that go into a N. Bomb to be built. Also you could have actually colonization, like the early US. You could send out a major nation to set-up permenet settlement, in which then they have a revoultion and found there own nation.
  • Seiji Ikeda
    I played the "Settlers of Catan" game. One interesting aspect was that you had to collect enough resources to build roads (technology) and establish settlements (colonization). So, if you were to colonize something, you need enough resources to do so.

    Another thing was that in the game if you had 4 cards of any resource, you had the option of trading them in for 1 card of another resource (cashing them in to the dealer/"god", not another player). So, I could trade my 4 cards of grain for 1 card of ore. In our World Simulation, maybe we can trade a certain amount of resources for Hard Power cards? Or vice versa?
  • Ryan Felber
    I played "Settlers of Catan" as well and I like the idea of cashing in resources. But I think it would be cool to set up "ports" or "markets" or something during the world sim. You would be able to take your resources to the market and then trade them in at stable prices. Or if we did use the corporate sim we could always make them the "market"

    > Another thing was that in the game if you had 4 cards of any resource, you had the option of trading them in for 1 card of another resource (cashing them in to the dealer/"god", not another player). So, I could trade my 4 cards of grain for 1 card of ore. In our World Simulation, maybe we can trade a certain amount of resources for Hard Power cards? Or vice versa?
  • Brandon Fox
    After playing simulation games like Settlers of Catan and Civilization I thought international trade would be a good idea to incorporate. I know we already have this in the word simulation but it seems mostly based on a slave trade system. I think it would be neat to incorporate third party variables like Pirates that would just mess up an un defended land. I also think it could be a neat idea to incorporate war wiriness with nations that keep colonizing. for instance if a nation keeps taking over other nations perhaps their hard power will keep getting weakened ever consecutive battle they fight. I think also having multiple news outlets at once that may even report conflicting reports rather than just one.
  • senoumou
    After today's games in class, what I suggest is that we can think about limiting the strenght of growing nations, and give a kind of long life to weak nations. By doing so, the competition might be tough, and a little bit long between superpowers. We can also think about some new infracstructures for shipping / transporting ressources. For example, from African continent to European/or from Asia to the Americas etc... We might also think about the system of debt, for example, if a colonial power is attacking a colony, this colony can ask for help from another power, by endebtting himself, so as to defend his land.

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