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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Carlos Brocca


Frequently Asked Questions - CC Wiki - 0 views

  • Secondly, the noncommercial license option is an inventive tool designed to allow people to maximize the distribution of their works while keeping control of the commercial aspects of their copyright. To make one thing clear that is sometimes misunderstood: the "noncommercial use" condition applies only to others who use your work, not to you (the licensor).
    • Carlos Brocca
      La atribución no comercial se aplica aquellos que utilizan mi trabajo, no a mí, yo sí lo puedo vender, ijiiiji :-)
  • So if you choose to license your work under a Creative Commons license that includes the “noncommercial use” option, you impose the ”noncommercial” condition on the users (licensees). However, you, the creator of the work and/or licensor, may at any time decide to use it commercially. People who want to copy or adapt your work, "primarily for monetary compensation or financial gain" must get your separate permission first.
    • Carlos Brocca
      las personas que quieran comerciar, me tienen que preguntar
  • One thing to note on the noncommercial provision: under current U.S. law, file-sharing or the trading of works online is considered a commercial use -- even if no money changes hands. Because we believe that file-sharing, used properly, is a powerful tool for distribution and education, all Creative Commons licenses contain a special exception for file-sharing. The trading of works online is not a commercial use, under our documents, provided it is not done for monetary gain.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Do I need to register my copyright? In most jurisdictions, registration is not required. However, for creators in the United States registration can be obtained and is advisable so that you can enforce your copyright in court. For US-based creators, you should check out the U.S. Copyright Office’s ‘Copyright Basics’ page, which explains more about copyright registration.
    • Carlos Brocca
      Diferencias entre Copyright y Creative Commons
    • Carlos Brocca
      Advisable: recomendable, aconsejable. La enseñanza es que el registro del Copyright es aconsejable si hay que (enforce=defender o hacer cumplir) el Copyright en por temas de litigio en la corte.
  • Is applying a Creative Commons license to my work the same or an alternative to registering the copyright to my work?
  • No. Applying a Creative Commons license to your work does not give you the same, similar or alternate protection to registering your copyright. Creative Commons licenses apply in addition to and on top of an existing copyright.
  • Do I need to register my copyright in order to use a Creative Commons license? No. Creative Commons licenses apply to works that are copyrighted. As a general rule, in most jurisdictions, copyright protection is automatic for those works that satisfy the requirements of copyright law. Generally, copyright attaches to creative and expressive works once they are fixed in tangible form, ie. the minute you put pen to paper, brush to easel, hit the “save” button on your computer, the “send” button on your email or take a photo.
    • Carlos Brocca
      No necesito registrar mi copyright para aplicar la licencia, porque por regla general en muchas jurisdicciones, el copyright ya se nos imputa cuando la obra está hecha en un medio tangible, ejemplo terminé de escribir una carta, apreté el botón que dice publicar en el blog, ya eso me concede los derechos, lo que pasa es que si voy a un litigio debo demostrar que soy el dueño de ese copyrigho, por eso debo registrarlo
  • Do I need a copyright notice to protect my work? You do not need to apply a copyright notice to secure copyright protection. However, a copyright notice can be useful because it clearly signals to people that you believe you own copyright in your work and who to contact.
  • Do Creative Commons licenses affect fair use, fair dealing or other exceptions to copyright? No. All jurisdictions allow some uses of copyrighted material without permission, such as quotation, current-affairs reporting, or parody, although these vary from country to country. These are not dependent on the license and so cannot be affected by it. To make this clear, all of our licenses include this or similar language: “Nothing in this license is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any rights arising from fair use, first sale or other limitations on the exclusive rights of the copyright owner under copyright law or other applicable laws.” Thus, regardless of the jurisdiction a user is in, our licenses do not affect a user’s right to use or allow use of content under copyright exceptions.

Before Licensing - CC Wiki - 0 views

  • They do not give you the ability to restrict anything that is otherwise permitted by exceptions or limitations to copyright—including, importantly, fair use or fair dealing—nor do they give you the ability to control anything that is not protected by copyright law, such as facts and ideas.
    • Carlos Brocca
      Otherwise = de otro modo, de otra manera
  • Creative Commons licenses attach to the work and authorize everyone who comes in contact with the work to use it consistent with the license. This means that if Bob has a copy of your Creative Commons-licensed work, Bob can give a copy to Carol and Carol will be authorized to use the work consistent with the Creative Commons license. You then have a license agreement separately with both Bob and Carol.
  • One final thing you should understand about Creative Commons licenses is that they are all non-exclusive. This means that you can permit the general public to use your work under a Creative Commons license and then enter into a separate and different non-exclusive license with someone else, for example, in exchange for money.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • What if I change my mind? This is an extremely important point for you to consider. Creative Commons licenses are non-revocable. This means that you cannot stop someone, who has obtained your work under a Creative Commons license, from using the work according to that license. You can stop offering your work under a Creative Commons license at any time you wish; but this will not affect the rights with any copies of your work already in circulation under a Creative Commons license. So you need to think carefully when choosing a Creative Commons license to make sure that you are happy for people to be using your work consistent with the terms of the license, even if you later stop distributing your work.
  • However, you should also think about exactly which elements of your work you are licensing. For example, in the case of a website, are you licensing just the text and images? Or also the stylesheets and the code that run the site? Similarly, if you make CC-licensed music available for download on your site, does the Creative Commons license apply to both the musical composition and the sound recording as well as any artwork and graphics at your site? And remember, as discussed under “2. Make sure you have the rights” above, you need to make sure you have the rights to each element that you license under a Creative Commons license.
    • Carlos Brocca
      Muy importante esto de tener claro mis derechos y a qué le aplico la licencia, textos, imagenes, etc
  • Take a moment to think about exactly what you are intending to license and then frame your metadata and legal notice accordingly, eg. “All images at this site are licensed under a Creative Commons [insert description] 2.5 license.”

Creative Commons For Bloggers : Codswallop - 0 views

  • enticement
    • Carlos Brocca
      tentación, algo que favoreció, creo la expectativa
  • gained sales. As l
    • Carlos Brocca
      ganó, aumentó las ventas
  • ahead
    • Carlos Brocca
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • outnumber
    • Carlos Brocca
  • trick
    • Carlos Brocca
      truco, treta
  • rewards
    • Carlos Brocca
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