irst session designed to share tips on generating traffic to your blog. No BS info on what I personally use and how you can begin implementing it right now! This might be the ONLY free session I provide, so while registration is optional - I would love to see you and give you podium to ask me questions direct. Ever wanted to ask me - here is your chance, don't loose it.
I *highly* recommend you visit his site, sign up for his feed, read his Wordpress Web 2.0 Free guide, and benefit from his insights like I have. You won't be disappointed!
Would you like to have your very own profitable blog? How about a blog that only takes 3 simple steps to install, requires No Technical Knowledge and once you done with your clicks - fully configured and customized!
Expert WordPress - What Can You Learn?
Or perhaps the better question would be - what do you want to learn? Because the wealth of information available covers every major aspect of the blogging and profiting with it!
Maybe I should say is there anything wrong with it! Blogs and blogging are the website of the future. They are friendly to both people and to search engines. They are relatively easy to learn how to "do". And now more than ever folks who want to work at home have access to the simplest way to get started earning money on the Internet. Until now though even I was mystified as to just which plugins were best, just how to manage the SEO in a blog and most importantly, how to make money with a blog. Enter Expert WordPress!