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Cara Barnes

52 Interesting Ways to use Wordle in the Classroom - 63 views

    • Cara Barnes
      good for the year start
    "50 Interesting Ways* to use Wordle in the Classroom"
    their great way of classroom
Phil Taylor

3 Ways to Use Wordle for More Than Fluff | The Tech Savvy Educator - 53 views

    Thanks for sharing this! I like playing word games and do it quite often. Word games are a fun way to pass the time but they also have numerous benefits. Word puzzles help build your vocabulary, improve your spelling and writing skills, and increase your general knowledge. Plus, doing these puzzles improves your cognitive function, memory, and attention. Look for word hints here Sometimes it's the only option, especially when you are stuck.
Phil Taylor

Wordle.doc - Powered by Google Docs - 39 views

    I am hooked up on Wordle and play it every day. It's fun to play word games because it helps me to sharpen my brain and exercise the brain. I can play this game anywhere and anytime. Even if it's difficult to guess the word, this website helps to find hints.
Sheryl A. McCoy

A really useful Wordle trick - 36 views

    Create a phrase or keep words together using the "~" sign
  • ...2 more comments...
    Great trick for wordle users.
    Great trick for Wordle users.
    Yes, this is a great tool.
    ~use this to link words into a phrase\nand use paint and print screen to do a screen capture
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Wordles of Character - 28 views

    students studying the concept of character; used backgrounds and placed a Wordle on top; very creative project. this is a complex use of image editing and wordle, yet I think it would a great project.
Phil Taylor

Guess The Wordle » - 34 views

    I like Wordle. This game is so addictive that I can play it all day long and never get bored. It improves memory, increases vocabulary, and hones analytical skills. If you are stuck and can't guess the word, just look for hints here This word generator tool is good not only for Wordle but for other word games as well.
Sheryl A. McCoy

10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics - 29 views

    Thanks Sheryl I've been wondering for a few months now how to get my head around this type of skillet and it is cool how this site references ideas and how to's of infographic creation. This is a Critical Literacy of future and essential for current students. #CritLit2010
Sheryl A. McCoy

Wordle - Lock Your Doors - 27 views

    "Lock Your Doors" WORDLE from a blog post on ethics in social networks; how to counter spammers, phishers and thieves. -n2teaching 0 minutes ago"
    I make WORDLES to determine if I'm really using the words that belong to the main idea or topic of the blog post. You can do this with your students or use it yourself to improve writing.
Ruth Howard

Wordle - Blooms Taxonomy Threaded Discussion Rubric - 23 views

    Andrew Churches Blooms Taxonomy Threaded discussion rubric (edorigami wiki) to help me visualise assessment for elearning in asynchronous discussions.
Donna DesRoches

TLC = Tech + Library + Classroom: Wordle and Books = Groovy Stuff! - 22 views

    a neat way to use wordle with books
    Assessment is one of the best ways to use WORDLE. I like to hear of teachers experiences with that aspect of using WORDLE. This is an alternative form of assessment that gives you immediate feedback on increasing vocabulary. Great stuff.
Dean Mantz

The Ultimate Guide to Wordle - Thinking Skills - Edgalaxy: Where Education an... - 26 views

    Complete guide and examples for successful Wordle creation.
    I often play Wordle as this simple but sometimes tricky game helps me to distract myself. It is also fun and educational. I am new to this game so I use the word finder tool from time to time. But I have already noticed my skills improved.
Dean Mantz

Curriculum 21: Tag Cloud Creators - 20 views

    LiveBinder shared by Mike Fisher providing multiple ideas/tools for creating tag clouds.
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