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Home/ WORDLE/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Beatriz Lupiano

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Beatriz Lupiano


ddeubel Presentations - 12 views

    ddeubel's SlideShare account has several presentations on using Wordle in the EFL classroom in innovative ways (sometimes they refer to well-known activities made more interesting by using Wordle). Not all the activities are solely for EFL use

TweetStats :: Graphin' Your Stats - 11 views

    Just for fun -see when, to whom and what time you tweet and then turn it into a cloud or with one click into a Wordle (I didn't save mine; it looked nice but a bit disturbing at the same know that all your tweets can be gathered just like that! Apparently I tweet about teaching, with edchat really big next to the other words :-). You're also told about your twooshes (exactly 140 characters)
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