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Lo Bro

Notes From McTeach: A Little Low Tech - 2 views

    This is so easy but a really effective way to engage students with their spelling lists. Love it!
Sheryl A. McCoy

U Tech Tips » Wordle - DIY Word Clouds - 0 views

    My first contribution to the UTechTips site! On to the Tips… Apparently, I am very late on the bus with this particular tool However, I looked at whether it had been covered on UTechTips and I think that often with Web 2.0 tools, we find that we are bringing in new readers in our faculty ALL THE TIME. So how do they go back and discover new tools or read some of the great posts of our past?
Sheryl A. McCoy

Thoughts from a tech specialist... - 0 views

    Wordle of Sarah Palin's acceptance speech for vice president.
Sheryl A. McCoy

Wordle - Education - 0 views

    another wordle with the title related to education; made in September, 2009
Karin Beil

JeffcoETS » October - 0 views

    great example of WORDLE, yet you will have to join this wikispace to see/learn from it.
    ask to join this wiki, so you can see the wordle training.
Sheryl A. McCoy

Wordle - CR2.0 project comments: Nov. 13-18, 2008 - 0 views

    wordle contains the most frequently used 200 words of comments on CR2.0 project to improve access to professional development.
Donna DesRoches

TLC = Tech + Library + Classroom: Wordle and Books = Groovy Stuff! - 22 views

    a neat way to use wordle with books
    Assessment is one of the best ways to use WORDLE. I like to hear of teachers experiences with that aspect of using WORDLE. This is an alternative form of assessment that gives you immediate feedback on increasing vocabulary. Great stuff.
Phil Taylor

3 Ways to Use Wordle for More Than Fluff | The Tech Savvy Educator - 53 views

    Thanks for sharing this! I like playing word games and do it quite often. Word games are a fun way to pass the time but they also have numerous benefits. Word puzzles help build your vocabulary, improve your spelling and writing skills, and increase your general knowledge. Plus, doing these puzzles improves your cognitive function, memory, and attention. Look for word hints here Sometimes it's the only option, especially when you are stuck.
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