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Sheryl A. McCoy

U Tech Tips » Wordle - DIY Word Clouds - 0 views

    My first contribution to the UTechTips site! On to the Tips… Apparently, I am very late on the bus with this particular tool However, I looked at whether it had been covered on UTechTips and I think that often with Web 2.0 tools, we find that we are bringing in new readers in our faculty ALL THE TIME. So how do they go back and discover new tools or read some of the great posts of our past?
Sheryl A. McCoy

Diigo & Duplicate Bookmarks - 99 views

Karin, I agree. Thanks for adding good ideas about the bookmark duplicates. I have invited MaggieT to this group, so I am sure she will see these messages. Diigo is always growing and evolving, so...

Diigo duplicate bookmarks

Sheryl A. McCoy

FINANCE - Grocery bill still high? Blame 'sticky' prices - Top News - - 0 views

    text I am using for WORDLE ANALYSIS; You can blame "sticky" prices. That's what analysts call it when companies slap higher prices on products and keep them there even though the rationale for the price hikes _ such as soaring oil prices _ is gone
Karin Beil

DoodleBuzz:Typographic News Explorer - 0 views

    a similar application to WORDLE
Jess McCulloch

Ways to use Wordle | SoulCradler - 0 views

    A couple of months ago, my network of teachers went a little bit nuts over a new web2.0 application called Wordle. I blogged about it, as did many others.
Sheryl A. McCoy

Exploring Web 2.0 Teaching Ideas - Exploring Web 2.0 Teaching Ideas - 0 views

    @bookjewel has developed a new wiki for educators and collaboration on teaching ideas. She used a web application called imagechef to make WORDLES in various shapes. Hers is a star; very cool!

New members - 18 views

Word games are a great way to pass the time and keep your mind active. I enjoy playing Wordle, crossword puzzles, scrabble, and Quordle. You may think it's too easy and could be frustrating but it'...

wordle education web2.0 nonlinguistic_representation teaching infographics visualization technology data visualization n2teaching

Emily Vickery

The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Nottingham - 14 views

  • Tables charting the chemical elements have been around since the 19th century - but this modern version has a short video about each one. We've done all 118 - but our job's not finished. Now we're updating all the videos with new stories, better samples and bigger experiments.
Jamie S

The Wordle Collection - 4 views

This is a great site with some quirky wordles. Any suggestions can be submitted too. It's wuite new so there isn't much content but its quality that counts ri...

wordle visualization technology blog

started by Jamie S on 03 Jul 10 no follow-up yet
Sheryl A. McCoy

Thanks! - 8 views

I'm glad you're collaborating in our WORDLE group. If you are new to this group, I'd like to encourage you to friend any of your colleagues here. They are all great assets and wonderful colleagues....

WORDLE collaborate friend colleague n2teaching data visualization group

started by Sheryl A. McCoy on 24 Aug 10 no follow-up yet
Dean Mantz

ImageChef - Word Mosaic - 2 views

    saw @bookjewel used this WORDLE related web application on her new Web2.0 wrksp for educators; very cool

Department Of Education - 0 views

  • is one of the most popular education related sites. We publish current daily education related news, useful article and many more information.
Dean Mantz

The Ultimate Guide to Wordle - Thinking Skills - Edgalaxy: Where Education an... - 26 views

    Complete guide and examples for successful Wordle creation.
    I often play Wordle as this simple but sometimes tricky game helps me to distract myself. It is also fun and educational. I am new to this game so I use the word finder tool from time to time. But I have already noticed my skills improved.
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