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Day 76: Energy and Momentum Practicum - Noschese 180 - 0 views

    interesting energy and momentum practicum

Motivation for pre-reading assignments | Science Edventures - 0 views

    very good post that gives good justification and procedure for reading quizzes. 

Work and energy for an accelerating car | Matter & Interactions - 0 views

    pretty detailed accounting of work and pseudowork for accelerating car

The Richard Feynman Trilogy: The Physicist Captured in Three Films | Open Culture - 0 views

    BBC series of interviews with Feynman on pleasure of finding things out. 

Why Science is "Just So Darn Hard" - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education. - 0 views

  • The traditional lecture format is the not the best method for teaching science. Again to draw an analogy with physical education, lectures are of limited use when the subject being taught is an activity.
  • The competitive model for science education, and for education in general, is poor training for how work is actually accomplished. Corporations compete, athletes compete, politicians compete, but the vast majority of working people have to cooperate if they want to get anything done.
  • Competitive grading systems discourage recreational interest. This is true in school athletic programs and it is also true for science classes. Just as students who get picked last for sports teams conclude athletics is not for them, students who fail to make the cut in science classes, conclude that they lack the "science gene," and should not even try to understand the subject.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Pedagogies that use "inquiry-based" or "discovery" methods have their place in science instruction, but should not, as some educators have advocated, be the only methods used. 
  • Traditional classroom education does not select for some character traits that are critical for success in science. Patience and above all persistence are necessary personal traits for a successful career in science.
  • I tell them that when choosing research assistants I am not necessarily looking for the best student in the classroom, I am looking for a student with a strong work ethic,  one who can accept direction and feedback, and one who is excited about the work.
    interesting article that compares training of scientists to athletes and flaws with that model. 

The Science Network - 0 views

    Look at this interesting and rich resource of videos and interviews with scientists. Some good classroom material no doubt.

Multicellular Life Evolves in Laboratory | Wired Science | - 0 views

    very cool story about multicellular yeast evolving in the lab in just 60 days. 

Collection of Links for Rube Goldberg project - 0 views

    Rubric and instructions for JTMillerphysics's Rube Goldberg project, and youtube video showing final projects.

OpenPCR - the $599 Thermal Cycler / PCR Machine - 0 views

    $600 pcr machine is a real bargin, and students get to build it themselves. 

Snickers Bar #anyqs - YouTube - 0 views

    great video that begs the qeustion how many staircases must you climb to burn off the calories from a snickers. 

dy/dan » Blog Archive » Can Someone Tell Me What I'm Looking At Here? - 0 views

    very cool rotational kinematics problem-can you predict the price is right spinner. 

Pole to Pole Run » A Recursive Process - 0 views

    great math/physics problem from pole to pole run. 

Physics - Landmarks-Millikan Measures the Electron's Charge - 0 views

    nice description of Millikan's experiment, plus photo of apparatus, and links to original paper. 

No Joke: Pigeons Ace a Simple Math Test - ScienceNOW - 0 views

    Pigeons can learn abstract numerical rules, a skill that scientists had believed only primates possessed. Although the birds may not be able to do higher math, their ability to reason numerically is likely something that a wide variety of species can do, too, researchers say.

ScienceShot: Probing a Black Hole - ScienceNOW - 0 views

    Credit: NASA/CXC/MIT/F. Baganoff, R. Shcherbakov et al. How do you probe a supermassive black hole? Take a look at the pulsars that orbit it. These rapidly spinning neutron stars flash regular radio pulses, and in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal astronomers say that the timing of such pulses could provide a new understanding of the 4 million solar mass black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant [Part 3 of 3] - YouTube - 0 views

    Awesome video that explains why plants often (but not always) have leaves that grow in fibonacci patter

Klunky Schematic Editor Home Page - 0 views

    easy web-based circuit schematics creator

Stereo Microscopes: Tips and Tricks - YouTube - 0 views

    video on how to use stereo microscope

Science teacher: Open letter to elementary school teachers everywhere - 0 views

  • If you are going to spend time on science, though, please be wary of glib explanations that will confound a child's true understanding just a few years down the line. Language matters far more than facile explanations of the natural world. Unless you know what energy is, and I got to tell you that I do not, do not pretend a 7 year old can master this. Unless you can explain a concept accurately without using science jargon, do not pretend your lambs will get it. My students are amazed water comes out of flame, something easily demonstrated at any level of public education, yet accept that the Earth is round at face value, because you, the most powerful person in this child's life outside of family (and sadly occasionally including family), said so.

Eric Lander - Video Library - The New York Times - 0 views

    An interview with the mathematician and geneticist behind the Human Genome Project and the Broad Institute Really great video describing how lander fell in love with bio. 
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