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Dianne Krause

Learn a Language | Free Online Language Learning - 0 views

    "Learn a Language - or Learn 8 of Them! Learn a language here with Visual Link® Languages. You can learn over 1,400 words for free here! There are interactive audio/visual flash cards to help you learn a foreign language. There's also an addictive Lingo Dingo game to help you on your online language learning journey. As seen above, you can learn any language of your choice. You can also learn important phrases like greetings, survival expressions and slang words in the language of your choice. If you want verbs, there are over 350 verbs to help you with your language study. To our knowledge, this is the most extensive, free website dedicated to online language learning. Be sure to use it and pass it on to others. "
Dianne Krause

100+ Language Learning Sites - 0 views

    This is an alphabetical list of websites where you can learn a language. Some sites provide content; others community; and a number have both. Some sites focus on learning one specific language, others cover a number of languages. Thanks to all those who have contributed to this list. Please send further links to language learning websites to
Dianne Krause

CORRECTMYTEXT.COM - experts will check your text in a foreign language - 0 views

    Started to learn a foreign language, but need to verify your texts by native speakers? You can place your text on CORRECTMYTEXT.COM and language experts will check it! Help other users to check their texts in your native language or language that you know!
Dianne Krause

Learn a language and meet people worldwide! - 0 views

    In Babelyou you can find new friends, learn languages together and keep the contact with them. Show your photos and videos to others, practice languages with a language buddy, and discover the culture of the countries you are looking forward to visit. Connect yourself with the whole world and create interesting groups of discussion. Ads and events will help you to find a job abroad as well as to be informed about activities worldwide. Students will be able to know everything about their universities before they start a degree abroad. Babelyou is already available in 75 countries and 45 languages.
Dianne Krause

Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning - 1 views

    "The Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning investigates how those involved in education - teachers, students, and administrators - can respond to the opportunities offered by Web 2.0 technology, within existing institutional and pedagogical frameworks. Containing nearly 30 chapters by experts from across the globe, this defining body of research is the first of its kind to focus on second language learning in relation to the history of computer assisted language learning."
Dianne Krause

langalot :: Fast Online Language Dictionary (German, French, Italian, Spanish, English) - 0 views

    "Langalot is a collection of tools to help you learn a foreign language. Right now, you are using the dictionary. Langalot also contains tools to learn vocabulary, study sentences and phrases, and learn from the community. Langalot also provides the same audio programs used by the Foreign Service Institute (the U.S. State Department) for language learning. All of the audio programs are available in the language lab. "
Dianne Krause

How Global Language Learning Gives Students the Edge | Edutopia - 0 views

    "In the quickly evolving world of global-language learning, America is waking up to a new reality. Though we once asserted a sense of world dominance that relied on foreigners learning English, the United States is starting to hear the clarion call of a connected world in which knowing how to communicate in multiple languages is crucial. "
Dianne Krause

Foreign Language Teaching Wiki - home - 0 views

    Together, you and your colleagues will develop the Foreign Language Teaching Wiki to serve as a resource for yourselves and future foreign language teachers. Pages for: Feedback, Language Choice, Technology, Culture, Grammar, Resources and Tips, and Articles
Dianne Krause

Free Technology for Teachers: 10 Resources for ESL & Foreign Language Students - 1 views

    "While writing about LangMedia yesterday I realized that I've reviewed a lot of resources for foreign language and ESL/EFL students and teachers over the last couple of years. Here are ten of the better free resources for foreign language and ESL/EFL students."
Dianne Krause

Interesting Things for ESL/EFL Students (Fun English Study) - 0 views

    "This web site is for people studying English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL). There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, anagrams, a random-sentence generator and other computer assisted language learning activities. Even though the primary focus is for ESL, native English speakers may also find some interesting things on this site. This site is non-commercial and has no advertising. TESL/TEFL teachers may want to recommend this site to their students. "
Dianne Krause

18 Great Sites to Learn a New Language - 0 views

    Although there are endless resources to learn languages on the web, it is often difficult to find quality websites that offer structured lesson plans for free. I, however, have scrounged the murky depths of the web to bring you the following, resource-packed sites; may they be the Babelfish for your future forays.
Dianne Krause

Flux » Articles | Digital Technologies in 'Modern' Modern Foreign Languages - 0 views

    There is currently a real interest in the role digital technologies can play in the application of MFL in the classroom. Social software and digital media are increasingly being used by teachers to help students' access language learning, and language labs have been newly incarnated for the digital age.
Dianne Krause

Crossword Builder - 1 views

    Asymptopia Crossword Builder is a JavaScript education application that runs in any modern internet browser but does not require an internet connection. The simple controls allow teachers or parents to create unlimited math crosswords, or supply their own word:hint pairs. Support has recently been added for French, Spanish, pt-Brasillian, Kiswahili, and special characters (accents, tildes etc), in general. Some suggested uses include: cities, countries, lattitudes and longitudes to teach geography and spherical trig, simultaneously; Periodic table word:hint pairs; Language[i]:Language[j] word:hint pairs, for foreign language learning exercise; Terminology practice with virtually any other subject.
Dianne Krause

Wikipedia for Language Learning - a guide for teachers - - 1 views

    "How to use Wikipedia and Wikitravel in Language Lessons Wikipedia is well-known and has become a main source for initial research. Yet its interactive nature allows language learners to play a more active role, to gain an online voice and focus on accuracy and quality in their written work."
Dianne Krause

Dear World Language teacher:If you were on Twitter... @sylviaduck - 0 views

    Dear Foreign Language Teacher: If you were on Twitter... Things language teachers could learn from Twitter...
Dianne Krause

Indo-European Languages: Free Online Tutorials & Exercises * * Learn French * Learn Spanish * Learn Italian * Learn German * Learn Dutch * Learn Swedish - 0 views

    Nice language tutorial site with 13 different languages.  More available for French, a LOT of stuff for French!
Dianne Krause

Importance of Language - 0 views

    A nice website to not only learn the importance of learning languages but also more specific sites for each of the following:  Arabic, Chinese, French, German, HIndi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish
Dianne Krause

Language Exchange - the social network for language learners - 0 views

    In L2Exchange, you can # SEEK help and DISCUSS problems with other language learners # BUILD and STUDY vocabularies using wordlists and pictures # CREATE your own blog and share your learning experience # STRENGHTEN your listening skills with video or audio subtitles
Dianne Krause

How to Connect Your Foreign Language Students with the World | Edutopia - 1 views

    "How to Connect Your Foreign Language Students with the World"
Dianne Krause

Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Foreign Language Resources to Try in 2011 - 1 views

    "Today, I have 11 good foreign language resources to try in 2011 (I've included a couple of ESL/EFL resources in this list)."
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