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Dianne Krause

Free Web 2.0 Books - 1 views

    The Web 2.0 Projects book contains nearly 60 projects using Web 2.0 tools, organised in age groups. If you downloaded your copy of this booklet before 6 July 2008, please download it again, as it has now been revised. Thanks to Peggy George, who kindly pointed out some typos and formatting errors which had escaped my attention. Coming of Age: An Introduction to the NEW Worldwide Web (1st Ed) is a great introduction to Web 2.0 in education. This first edition was downloaded 60,000 times before I lost count!
Dianne Krause

Web 2.0 Tools for Educators Home - Web 2.0 Tools for Educators - 1 views

    Web 2.0 Tools for Educators Home Web 2.0 is a cool buzzword floating around, but its meaning has become somewhat diluted and obscured like a spoken story handed down from generation to generation. So many people limit their thinking of Web 2.0 to blogs and wikis, but it's so much more.
Dianne Krause

Michelle Krill's List: A Collection on "web2tools" (web2,web2.0,web2tool,aggregator,pln... - 0 views

    A nice list of web 2.0 tool separated by category.
Dianne Krause

findingDulcinea | Online Guides | Internet Library | Web Resources - 0 views

    Our mission is to bring users the best information on the Web for any topic, employing human insight and methodical review. FindingDulcinea presents only credible, high-quality and trustworthy Web sites, saving time for the novice and the experienced user alike. Each piece, whether a Web Guide, a Beyond the Headlines story or a Netcetera article, receives the same meticulous research. The Web sites included in each piece are connected through original narrative, providing users with information on each site before they even click on it.
Dianne Krause

Web Based Science Inquiry Learning Centers: Combining Online Resources with Classroom S... - 0 views

    "For a web-based learning to be truly effective it must be interactive. This means that it is not just a reformatted canned lesson of printed worksheets placed on the web. The web-based activity is inquiry-based and incorporates the full features available on the web - interactivity between computer and student. The learning activity must engage student critical thinking skills by using the scientific inquiry process."
Dianne Krause

thefive - home - 0 views

    "Want the quick and dirty on Web 2.0 tools? Do you need help getting started with the Read/Write Web? The 5 answers these questions and features five main ideas educators should know about a variety of technology integration tools, focusing particularly on Web 2.0 resources."
Dianne Krause

Connect Safely |Connect Safely | Online Safety 3.0 - on and off the fixed and mobile In... - 1 views

    ConnectSafely is for parents, teens, educators, advocates - everyone engaged in and interested in the impact of the social Web. The user-driven, all-media, multi-platform, fixed and mobile social Web is a big part of young people's lives, and this is the central space - linked to from social networks across the Web - for learning about safe, civil use of Web 2.0 together. Our forum is also designed to give teens and parents a voice in the public discussion about youth online safety begun back in the '90s. ConnectSafely also has all kinds of social-media safety tips for teens and parents, the latest youth-tech news, and many other resources.
Dianne Krause

Easy to Use Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers by Joanne Keating on Prezi - 2 views

    Easy to Use Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers - A large collection of FREE and easy to use Web 2.0 tools that are available for K-12 teachers. These ideas for educators can inspire kids of all ages and vastly improve collaboration and technology efforts in schools today. SJC.
Dianne Krause

JotForm · Easiest Form Builder - 0 views

    "First and Always Ahead. There was a time once when creating web forms was a big pain for webmasters. Then came JotForm, first web based WYSIWYG form builder, and turned into a joy. Today JotForm has over 500,000 users. Free. JotForm is a free web form builder. For basic usage, upto 100 submissions/month, you can use JotForm fully. No crippleware. No ads. Just what you need. Fast. When you need to create forms quickly, JotForm is your best friend. We don't waste your time with things like registration. Just point your browser to, create your form and post it on your web site. Literally in minutes!" **CAN USE AS A DROPBOX FOR STUDENTS TO UPLOAD FILES TO YOU**
Dianne Krause

Perk Up Your Projects with Web 2.0 - 1 views

    Tired of assigning the same old boring Power Point presentations again and again? Want to challenge your students a bit more than the traditional tri-fold or poster project? Come learn a whole host of new tools to spice up your students' projects and your lessons. Explore and experiment with a variety of Web 2.0 tools including animated avatars, comic creators, digital scrapbooks, image creators, interactive timelines, logo generators, slideshows, streaming video, and the web resources that will serve as "containers" for the different elements.
    Tired of assigning the same old boring Power Point presentations again and again? Want to challenge your students a bit more than the traditional tri-fold or poster project? Come learn a whole host of new tools to spice up your students' projects and your lessons. Explore and experiment with a variety of Web 2.0 tools including animated avatars, comic creators, digital scrapbooks, image creators, interactive timelines, logo generators, slideshows, streaming video, and the web resources that will serve as "containers" for the different elements.
Dianne Krause

Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask - 0 views

    Evaluating web pages skillfully requires you to do two things at once: 1. Train your eye and your fingers to employ a series of techniques that help you quickly find what you need to know about web pages; 2. Train your mind to think critically, even suspiciously, by asking a series of questions that will help you decide how much a web page is to be trusted. This page is organized to combine the two techniques into a process that begins with looking at your search results from a search engine or other source, follows through by investigating the content of page, and extends beyond the page to what others may say about the page or its author(s).
Dianne Krause

The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You - Edudemic - 3 views

    If you're not an avid follower of #edchat on Twitter, you may be missing out on a great opportunity to learn about some new Web 2.0 tools that are currently being used in classrooms around the world. That's because @chickensaltash posed a simple question to the PLN and there has been a huge swell of support as hundreds of people have jumped in to answer the question about which 5 Web 2.0 tools teachers are using in classrooms.
Dianne Krause

13 Free Web Tools Students and Teachers Should Know About | MindShift - 2 views

    Web-based tools continue to proliferate, giving teachers more to add to their arsenal, but it can be hard to determine which resources are worth spending time exploring. At the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) conference this year, Adam Bellow, founder of EduClipper, and Steve Dembo, Online Community Manager for Discovery Education offered a quick run through of some favorite apps. The two educators are early adopters of ed-tech classroom strategies and have a lot of experience with tech integration.
Dianne Krause

Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning - 1 views

    "The Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning investigates how those involved in education - teachers, students, and administrators - can respond to the opportunities offered by Web 2.0 technology, within existing institutional and pedagogical frameworks. Containing nearly 30 chapters by experts from across the globe, this defining body of research is the first of its kind to focus on second language learning in relation to the history of computer assisted language learning."
Dianne Krause

TeachersFirst: The web resource by teachers, for teachers - 0 views

    TeachersFirst is a rich collection of lessons, units, and web resources designed to save teachers time by delivering just what they need in a practical, user-friendly, and ad-free format. We offer our own professional and classroom-ready content along with thousands of reviewed web resources, including practical ideas for classroom use and safe classroom use of Web 2.0. Busy teachers, parents, and students can find resources using our subject/grade level search, keyword search, or extensive menus.
Dianne Krause

Bitty Browser Home Page -- Picture-in-Picture for the Web - 0 views

    Bitty Browser helps you keep track of your favorite Web stuff by enabling navigable windows directly within your favorite sites - it's like Picture-in-Picture for the Web
Dianne Krause

The Best Collections Of Web 2.0 Tools For Education | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the ... - 4 views

    "In order to make it on this list, the criteria was pretty simple - it offers and easily navigable collection of Web 2.0 tools for education in a way accessible to non-tech-savvy teachers. Here are my picks for The Best Collections Of Web 2.0 Tools For Education:" -- Both the eToolBox and Perk Up Your Projects are on there! :)
Dianne Krause

The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators - 4 views

    "There are many teachers who want to start using technology in their classrooms, but just aren't sure where to start. That's why I got together ten prominent ed tech bloggers, teachers, and school administrators to create The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators. In this book there introductions to more than six dozen web tools for K-12 teachers. Additionally, you will find sections devoted to using Skype with students, ESL/ELL, blogging in elementary schools, social media for educators, teaching online, and using technology in alternative education settings."
Dianne Krause

SideVibe - 1 views

    Our team of teachers and designers focused on creating the next-generation model for Web based teaching tools. Your focus is teaching and you need to include manageable student Web experiences in your classroom.  SideVibe has revolutionized the classroom handout model by putting it online and delivering it with a world class, data base powered solution. Now you can take your students to any destination on the Web, interact with them, guide them, collect and assess their work seamlessly. 
Dianne Krause

Back to School: 15 Essential Web Tools for Students - 0 views

    or much of the world, it's that special time of the year when students head back to school. The good news for students is that even though that means waking up early and doing homework, there are a number of web-based and social tools to help you get through the school year. From staying organized to improving study habits to making sure you reference your research sources properly, the web can help you be a better student.
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