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Dianne Krause

Copyright -- An Interactive Journey for Kids - 0 views

    Brand new school year. Really cool teachers. Lots of computers that are -also cool. And suddenlyall the fun is gone. I'm supposed to know what copyright means??? I'm supposed to be able to figure out what I can use on the WWW and what I can't? Come on! Follow this interactive adventure. Do all the activities. -Figure out what copyright really means.Then take the test at the end to see what you really do know!
Dianne Krause

The High Cost of Disengagement - 4 views

    "With approximately six hours of actual instructional time per school day, what percentage of that time are students actively engaged and cognitively invested in what is being taught or learned in your classroom? What evidence do we as teachers have that students are actually cognitively in tune with us? And what wonderful and deep critical thinking are we missing out on by not requiring evidence of processing and content-based interaction by our students? Listening Objects"
Dianne Krause

Digital Citizenship - 0 views

    Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology. Too often we are seeing students as well as adults misusing and abusing technology but not sure what to do. The issue is more than what the users do not know but what is considered appropriate technology usage.
Dianne Krause

The Credibles - What to trust on the internet - 0 views

    The internet, we all know, is notoriously unreliable. It is also the premier source of information in both the developed and the developing world. This makes the question of credibility of web based information very important. As students, we constantly refer to the internet for information. But can we trust what we read on the net ? Are online searches trustworthy? We the Credibles, try to bring up this extremely complicated issue in a simple yet interesting and comprehensive manner. We trust that after going through our materials, readers will be able to make better choices about what to trust and what not to trust on the internet.
Dianne Krause

Start Making in YOUR Classroom | Venspired - 2 views

    I've gotten several emails after my last post and they all ended with the same line, "Where do I start?" It can be overwhelming to start by Googling "makerspace." What do you most often see? That stark modern space with expensive 3d printers. But that? It's not the reality of what making in the classroom can be. I know the constraints faced by many of us in education, and I've lived them before. You make do with what you have, get creative, and repurpose existing materials to MAKE making happen in your classroom. You gotta start somewhere, right?
Dianne Krause

How to Create Your Own Online Course: 100 Tools, Guides, and Resources | Best Universities - 0 views

    "Perhaps you have a special skill, talent, or knowledge-base that you want to share with others, and maybe you've heard that teaching online courses can make you a little extra money. The resources below will help you discover how to combine both what you have to offer and what you wish to gain by guiding you through creating and establishing an online course. No matter what age of student, subject you want to teach, or size of the class, you will find resources and information to bring your class online."
Dianne Krause

NCSS Position Statement on Media Literacy | National Council for the Social Studies - 0 views

  • If we hope to make learning relevant and meaningful for students in the 21st century, social studies classrooms need to reflect this digital world so as to better enable young people to interact with ideas, information, and other people for academic and civic purposes
  • The Internet and the everyday use of social networking technologies, together with the expansive growth of corporate entertainment media and the integration of popular culture, also require us as social studies educators to link participatory media literacy with civic education.
  • social studies educators should provide young people with the awareness and abilities to critically question and create new media and technology, and the digital, democratic experiences, necessary to become active participants in the shaping of democracy.
    This position statement focuses on the critical role of media literacy in the social studies curriculum. The statement addresses the following questions. First, why and how has media literacy taken on a significantly more important role in preparing citizens for democratic life? Second, how is media literacy defined, and what are some of its essential concepts? Finally, what is required to teach media literacy and what are some examples of classroom activities?
Dianne Krause

ISTE Standards: Preparing students for the digital age - 0 views

    Students expect technology to be embedded in their learning process. Yet understanding what technology integration is and recognizing what it actually looks like are two different things. To truly prepare kids for success in a digital world, educators need a common language for sharing ideas and best practices. That's what makes the ISTE Standards, developed by ed tech experts and adopted worldwide, so powerful. They provide a shared vision for digital age learning around which educators everywhere can rally.
Dianne Krause

What Type of Teacher Are You - Teacher Personality Quiz - 0 views

    What is your Teacher Personality? Take the following quiz to find out what type of teacher personality you have. Are you the ditto master, the strict disciplinarian, the fair and balanced, or the popular teacher? Maybe you're more coach than teacher? Surely you're not the walking carpet! Of course, the results are nonscientific and mostly meant for fun. Enjoy!
Dianne Krause

What2Learn » Home - 0 views

    What2Learn is an interactive learning solution which provides effective educational resources and revision games. A great tool for students with learning difficulties such as ADHD and literacy difficulties. It is also a great resource for high achieving students looking to work independently to get ahead. Register today and start the learning fun.
Dianne Krause

Big Think - We Are What You Think - 0 views

    What is Big Think? is a new and growing website, currently in its beta version, with a simple mission: This is a digital age, one in which a wealth of accessible information empowers you, the citizen-consumer. But where is the information coming from? How accurate and unprocessed is it, really? Ask yourself this: how empowered do you feel debating a television screen or a newspaper? Our task is to move the discussion away from talking heads and talking points, and give it back to you. That is Big Think's mission. In practice, this means that our information is truly interactive. When you log onto our site, you can access hundreds of hours of direct, unfiltered interviews with today's leading thinkers, movers and shakers. You can search them by question or by topic, and, best of all, respond in kind. Upload a video in which you take on Senator Ted Kennedy's views on immigration; post a slideshow of your trip to China that supports David Dollar's assertion that pollution in China is a major threat; or answer with plain old fashioned text. You can respond to the interviewee, respond to a responder or heck, throw your own question or idea into the ring. Big Think is yours. We are what you think.
Dianne Krause

Exploratorium | Evidence | How Do We Know What We Know? | Human Origins - 0 views

    For most of us, science arrives in our lives packaged neatly as fact. But how did it get that way? Science is an active process of observation and investigation. Evidence: How Do We Know What We Know? examines that process, revealing the ways in which ideas and information become knowledge and understanding. a case study in human origins In this case study in human origins, we explore how scientific evidence is being used to shape our current understanding of ourselves: What makes us human-and how did we get this way?
Dianne Krause

12 YouTube Videos Every Online Educator Should View - 1 views

    "What are the benefits for the teacher and learner in the context of open education and OER? How does a blended-learning school boost student achievement? How can we design the schools for 21st Century Learning? How will be the classroom of tomorrow? What are the tools and resources for the 21st Century Educator?"
Dianne Krause

Five Steps for Implementing a Successful 1:1 Environment | Edutopia - 1 views

    Have you ever wondered what it really means to transform your district, school, or classroom to a 1:1 environment? It is a term we hear a lot about, but not all can see it or experience it. With the takeoff of the iPad and its successor, the iPad 2, the education world is abuzz with the idea of moving towards a 1:1 environment. But is it practical? For some, it is a dream, a wish; for others, it is slowly becoming a reality. So what does a 1:1 environment look like? How will the students and teachers react? Is it the right direction to go?
Dianne Krause

Health Information for Girls | - 1 views

  • was created in 2002 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Office on Women's Health  (OWH) to help girls (ages 10 to 16) learn about health, growing up, and issues they may face. promotes healthy and positive behaviors in girls, giving them reliable and useful health information in a fun, easy-to-understand way. The website also provides information to parents and educators to help them teach girls about healthy living. Our tagline is "Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You. Beautiful." It focuses on the idea that being yourself - finding what makes you smile and how to live well - is what makes you "you." And that is beautiful!
Dianne Krause

10 Podcasts for Teachers and Kids | - 2 views

    What! A podcast? I know what you're thinking. Sounds complicated. Sounds expensive. Sounds, well, technical. The truth is, listening to podcasts or watching videocasts in your classroom couldn't be easier-or cheaper. If you have a computer and an Internet connection, you already have all the equipment you need.
Dianne Krause

8 Steps To Flipped Teacher Professional Development - 0 views

    Oftentimes these "professional growth plans" are scribbled out in 15 minute meetings with your principal, then "revisited" at the end of the year as a kind of autopsy. What would happen if we flipped this model on its head? What if instead we created a teacher-centered, always-on, and social approach to teacher improvement? One that connected them with dynamic resources and human communities that modeled new thinking and possibility, and that crucially built on their strengths?
Dianne Krause

5 Steps to Perfect Projects - 0 views

    tudents need to know what they are expected to accomplish when they are working within a project based unit. When they know where they are headed and what you expect from them, they will always do their best plus a little bit more. At the same time the teacher should understand how to manage the unit's progression from the beginning through the end.
Dianne Krause

15 online photo editors compared | Webware - CNET - 0 views

    Tools that let you edit photos in the Web browser have come a long way in the last few years. We wanted to take a moment to do a feature comparison with a grouping of editors--big and small, to see what each one is capable of. Most of the services on this list take advantage of Adobe's ever-developing Flash platform, which in its latest iteration got a huge boost with support for the large images coming out of today's high-megapixel cameras. On the flip side of that, several of the non-Flash-based editors use AJAX to make the changes happen without reloading the page. The benefit here is that you can run these on machines without the latest versions of Flash installed. While not an exhaustive list of features, we wanted to focus on some of the ones that really mattered, like how much each service costs to use, how large of a photo you can upload, and what makes each one specia
Dianne Krause

LeaderTalk: A 21st Century Professional Development Proposal - 0 views

    Great teachers help create great students, agreed? In fact, research shows that an inspiring and informed teacher is the single most important school-related factor influencing student achievement. So, what helps teachers become great? What equips them in helping students reach their highest potential?
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