Smartboard Lessons created organized by grade level. Nice resource full of lessons for elementary, middle and high school, plus "other lessons" and a rubric for smartboard lessons.
Collection of links and resources for the Smartboard including Notebook Sources, Links, Tutorials, Related Topics, and a whole list of SMARTboard templates.
Enter in a search word under #3 Entire Web Google search like egypt or
fractions and hit return. Next click on the smartboard notebook link to
see only Smartboard notebook files relating to that topic. It searches
the web including the Smartboard's website. Right click on a file and
download it.
This Video Podcast explores SMARTBoard teaching techniques to 6-12 Math Teachers. Each episode lasts from 10-20 minutes. Our emphasis and purpose is to create lessons that are engaging for students. The lessons we will present will focus on getting students up to the smartboard and out of their desks. We will be covering template lessons that the viewer will be able to download off our website. Although we will be focusing on Math topics, most lessons can be applied to any subject.
A GREAT website full of resources for the SMARTboard - links to SMART websites, lesson examples & ideas, and a complete list of interactive sites to use with the SMARTBoard.
Winner of this year's Edublog Award for best informational blog, this has OOODLES of info, tricks, tips, resources, etc for using smartboards in the classroom.
A SmartBoard mini-movie is a simple (most involve only a click of the mouse), interactive animation that teachers can download and add to their galleries. From there, the movies can be inserted into their SMART Notebook presentations. Each mini-movie is a dynamic Flash file, similar to the same files that are already included in SMART Notebook's resources.
Here are many links that will be helpful for your SmartBoard experience. These links come from many devoted people that have either made or searched the internet to find the tools for your teaching.