"Chaplin is an architecture for JavaScript applications using the Backbone.js library. The code is derived from moviepilot.com, a large single-page application."
"The observer pattern (aka. Dependents, publish/subscribe) is a software design pattern in which an object, called the subject, maintains a list of its dependents, called observers, and notifies them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods."
Capistrano is a developer tool for deploying web applications. It is typically installed on a workstation, and used to deploy code from your source code management (SCM) to one, or more servers.
GFX - a 3D CSS3 animation library for jQuery. GFX integrates CSS3 transforms and transitions into jQuery, making it stupidly simple to create sophisticated and gorgeous animations.
PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API. It has fast and native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG.