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The Alarming Effects of Microwave Apparatus on Food and Humans WILLIAM P KOPP / Percept... - 0 views

  • cancer-causing effects, destruction of nutritive value and biological effects of direct exposure of humans to microwave emissions.
  • A "binding effect" between the microwaved food and any atmospheric radioactivity is created, causing a marked increase in the amount of alpha and beta particle saturation in the food.
  • The unstable catabolism of microwaved food alters their elemental food substances, causing disorders in the digestive system.
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  • A statistically higher percentage of cancerous growths result in these organs, plus a generalised breakdown of the peripheral cellular tissues and a gradual degeneration of digestive and excretory functions.
    • lauren hanson
      Cancer is can grow in the stomach from the radioactivity that is in the food after you heat it up in the microwave.
  • The vital energy field content of all tested foods dropped 60-90%. Digestibility of fruits and vegetables reduced: Microwaving lowers the metabolic behaviour and integration-process capability of alkaloids, glucosides, alactosides and nitrilosides.
  • lectrical impulses in the junction potentials of the c
  • Electrical impulses in the junction potentials of the cerebrum degenerate and break down.
    • lauren hanson
      a microwave can mess up the way your brain is supposed to process your food into your stomach.
  • Their residual magnetism effect can render the psychoneural-receptor components of the brain more subject to influence by artificially induced, microwave-radio-frequency fields from transmission stations and TV relay networks.
    Microwaves take a huge part in our society today. The radioactivity is very harmful to our lives by creating direct exposer of humans. The increase of radioactivity can cause a "binding effect" between the micro-waved food causing a marked increase in the amount of alpha and beta particle saturation in the food. This also effects our digestive system by the unstable catabolism of micro-waved food alters their elemental food substances, causing disorders in the digestive system. Also electrical impulses in the junction potentials of the cerebrum degenerate and break down.

Nintendo to Make 3-D Version of Its DS Handheld Game - - 0 views

  • Nintendo has also scored successes, especially among casual game players, with its Wii video game machine. The Wii comes with a wandlike, motion-detecting remote controller that mimics motions in games, like a golf swing or boxing punch.
    • chris zabriskie
      Nintendo is selling to all types of games
  • manufacturers like Samsung, Panasonic and Sony are racing to bring 3-D technology into the living room. The 3-D LCD televisions come with more advanced “active shutter” glasses, which darken and lighten in sync with the TV to help create the illusion of three dimensions. Sony has also said that games for its PlayStation 3 consoles will be available in 3-D.
    • chris zabriskie
      3D has become the selling point for products
  • Hitachi, another Japanese manufacturer, released a cellphone last year that has a 3-D display that does not require glasses. Hitachi, together with Sharp, supplies LCD screens to Nintendo.
    • chris zabriskie
      soon 3D will be standard and a new style will have to be introduced as wants of the public change
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  • Apple’s multifunction phone and music players run games that can be downloaded from its online iTunes store, and have helped the company build a fan base among less hard-core game players
    • chris zabriskie
      Nintendo has reliable systems and when others fail customers go to Nintendo
    I think that Nintento is clever to make a 3-D version of their own DS handheld game. Currently, a lot of things are going 3D such as in movie theatres...more movies are in 3D version like the movie Step Up, Shrek 4, & Avatar. The chief spokesman of Nintendo said they'll try to convince consumers to play the new video game...this is similar to Feed because whenever Titus receives a signal about something he ends up seeing these vivid images & words of advertisement. Basically just like Ms. McCormick said in our in class discussion, Titus is like a walking advertisement.
    The idea of 3D will definitely draw in consumers...I have a feeling that now & in the upcoming future 3D is the new version of "cool" ...replacing everything that previously wasn't 3D.
    it is really convenient that u don't need glasses because it is adjustable 3D

The Internet transforms modern life - CNN - 0 views

  • In 1994, most people had to call the bank to check their balances. Or inquire in person, or wait for a paper statement to arrive in the mail
  • experimental browser called Mosaic, followed by an improved browser from Netscape
  • Today, the audience for the Web numbers more than one billion and is growing
    • Lany Miller
      In feed the amount of people who are currently using the feed is everyone, and almost everyone in our society uses the internet.
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  • Then along came an
    • Lany Miller
      The feed was a new way life, and so is the internet, and since it was introduce to many of us early in our childhood we have become very dependent on it.
  • According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, fewer than one in seven Americans were online in 1995.
    • Lany Miller
      A few people just used the feed int he book, and when the internet was beginning to become huge, only a few people (less than seven) were using it. Now, everyone has a feed,and everyone uses the internet.
    How the internet is taking over what people used to be able to do.

What Are the Risks of X-Rays? | - 0 views

  • unfortunately, x-rays are harmful to the patient receiving them, the x-ray technician administering the procedure and anyone in the area where the x-ray is being used.
  • While they are obviously necessary to the medical field
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      xrays are essential to the medical field they cause harm to anyone around them including the patient.  The feed seems to be necessary to a happy life for many of the characters in Feed despite it beginning to kill one of them.  
  • and many people are surprised to know that x-rays have been known for the past 100 years.
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  • Harmful x-ray effects were realized almost immediately after the x-ray was invented.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      Despite the harmful effects of x-rays they have been used for 100 years. The harmful effects were not discovered recently. they were actually discovered right after they found X-rays.  This is just like how they have been using the feed for years despite its possible harmfull effects.  
  • The harmful effects of an x-ray include many things. Biological radiation effects is very destructive to any sort of living tissue and in a person it can cause DNA mutation.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      one of the harmful effects of x-rays are that they can cause DNA mutation.  The feeds in the characters in Feed tap into the thoughts and control the advertisements they see.  
    X-rays are very useful to doctors but they pose serious health risks. This texts raises the question is it really worth using X-rays if they pose such a risk to our health?

Is Internet Dependence Helping Us Evolve or Devolve? - Technorati Technology - 0 views

  • op, as well as pocket sized smartphones becoming the must have gadget for digital consumers, Google is becoming more and more prevalent in our everyday lives
    • kaylyn kilmain
      google is becoming a everyday need for most people
    • Nathan Nast
      Google is replacing everything from cookbooks to dictionaries. Soon everything will be on Google.
    • john peacen
      true google has everything book, translate, news,
    this article is talking about how having more technology can cause people to be more dependent on finding information on the internet. this results in loss of memory and only being able to remember how you found the information and not what it is.

Where Does the Garbage Go? - 0 views

  • New York City and its surrounding boroughs are responsible for generating 12,000 tons (that’s right…tons!) of garbage each day.
    • Jett Ankermann
  • carted off to landfills
    • Jett Ankermann
      This is where it all goes then. How exactly do you build a landfill?
  • Many years ago, trash was burned in incinerators, but they didn’t meet the air standards of the EPA and they didn’t generate much power.
    • Jett Ankermann
      I wouldn't think that that makes clean air
    • Jett Ankermann
      Earlier I would've thought "Why can't this be a solution?" Now I realize that it would probably kill us...
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  • “Then there were landfills, but we had to close many of them down because they were filled.”
    • Jett Ankermann
      How do they determine how large they landfill should be?
  • Bloomberg explains that under the new plan, there will be four new marine waste transfer stations built and up to five rail waste transfer stations activated.
    • Jett Ankermann
      How is this more economically friendly?
  • will travel nearly six million fewer miles every year—and New Yorkers will have cleaner air and safer streets.”
    • Jett Ankermann
      Well, I guess that's the closest to more environmentally friendly you can get when it comes to garbage.
  • “Some of the ingredients of diesel fuel are carcinogenic.”
    • Jett Ankermann
      Ughh, I bet. Have you smelled the exhaust from school buses? I could die from that smell!
  • New natural gas fleets have come into operation in Paris, Madrid and Mechlun, Belgium.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Yes, because.....Paris is so close to America!!!
  • “Clean, renewable energy through the combustion of municipal solid waste in specially designed power plants equipped with the most modern pollution control equipment to clean emissions.”
    • Jett Ankermann
      If this whole statement is true, why in the world are landfills such a big issue in the world???
  • “Everything we do with garbage will cause pollution,
    • Jett Ankermann
      How very unfortunate.
  • “If you burn waste at a very high temperature,” he says, “there is little exhaust.”
    • Jett Ankermann
      Yes, but "high temperature" takes lots of energy.
  • So the next time you consider throwing away scraps and trash consider where it might end up.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Well, where else is it going to go?
  • New York City and its surrounding boroughs are responsible fo

Amazon sales pop as Kindle e-books overtake paperbacks - Jan. 27, 2011 - 0 views

  • OK, bookworms, now you can declare Armageddon: Kindle e-books have overtaken paperback books as the bestselling type of content in Amazon's bookstore.
    • Robert Porter
      "Ok, bookworms, now you can declare Armageddon"... This alarming yet realizing statement states that there is a potential danger of the extinction of paperback books. Yes, that is an exaggeration for just one yearly report, yet if this yearly report is the same annually, then that could actually mean the extinction of books, hard copies that is. The kindle has many great aspects to it, it can hold dozens of books in its small case, the books are fairly cheaper, and the portability of it lets users carry around more information in a less encumbering way. Yet as stated in the description box of this article there is certainly many possible negatives to the kindle. Yet as said before this isn't much to worry, yet as technology replaces many things withing life, books just really aren't meant to be replaced, although that doesn't mean that the kindle has to disappear for that to happen. 
  • In fact, for every 100 paperback books sold, Amazon has sold 115 Kindle books since the beginning of the year, the company said.
    • Robert Porter
      Adding on to the previous sticky note, this divide between books and Kindles doesn't seem really much of a huge difference at a 100 to 1155 book, on paper that is. Yet for every Kindle (Lets say the Version 2 of it) can hold over 1,000 books. So say (not practical numbers but to support the argument) 500-100 books are downloaded onto the kindle, so that would be around 5,075 to 111,500, while the paperbacks still remain at 100. The amount here is greatly different, as books are now becoming E-Books, it could set a expatriation date on when the last hard copy of a book is printed. 
    This article states that the sales in amazon's ( which is one of the biggest online retailers) 'Kindle' have oversold the sales of paperback books. Although it's not necessarily alarming, it is something to think about, as actual copies of books are being replaced by a single piece of technology. As it's assumed in M.T. Andersons book 'Feed', the thought of reading books in an actual hard copy seems to be looked at as embarrassing as writing is now look at to be embarrassing in the scene where Violet and Titus are talking. Questions are raised about this particular subject; although there is always a positive to certain things, there is undoubtedly a negative; what is that certain negative? Is it, if there is some certain situation where technology is somewhat not excess able (aka, world war 3, some variation of the Bubonic Plague, or something where technology and humanity are separated as it couldn't be maintained) and 500 years later, most of the recent copies of book or even 1000 year old books are on electronic copies only, and for those generations of people not being able to read from the? Would'nt reading from the screen become tiring, and enables a more subtle way to skip some of the reading? Some things really just seem to be left alone as is; maybe this is one? Cushing Academy, transformed their whole library to an E-Book library, what is this saying about educated the youth, and what precedent does this set for the future? As changing things to suit our technological needs seems great. it has a very subtle uneasy feeling to it.

Sony Introduces New Portable Game Device - - 0 views

    sony is trying to make it's product the new fad item that everyone wants by adding new features and expanding it's gaming horizon to other systems like the android getting playstation games. this is for the most part futile because nintendo has become the name of portable gaming while sony stood idle and the 3ds already has most of the feature and more.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Advanced Technology | Scienceray - 0 views

  • A few advantages of upgraded technology are that one can save time and money and life will be made easier as a result of not having to do all the hard labor
    • Victor Shen
      the advantage of the technology, like the people in the Feed always enjoy the feed by doing less work
  • the disadvantages of upgraded technology are that people will loose their jobs to machines that will do the work for them. In addition, machines and robots are too complex for most people to use.
    • Victor Shen
      since the technology is good, maybe even better than human being, than human being will lose themselves, like the feed, the disadvantage is the big company almost countrl the world
  • when you have advanced technologies, life is much easier as robots and machines would take over your daily life chores.
    • Victor Shen
      technology always good for people's life, like the feed, the feed can make everything easier, and everybody looks smart
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • robots and machines do not make mistakes when programmed correctly. They always accomplish tasks perfectly so you won’t have to worry about making a mistake and getting trouble
  • they save a great deal of time and money
  • as technology develops, robots and machines will take over many jobs and people will loose their jobs by contrast. As people loose their jobs, they will have hard time getting money which would make it hard for them to continue to meet living expenses
  • t machines and robots are complex. It is hard to activate all the machines you have unless you can multitask
  • machines and robots are complex. It is hard to activate all the machines you have unless you can multit
    advantages and disadvantages of the technology

Texting,is it not a big deal? - 0 views

  • In other words, if you get anxious because you can't check your BlackBerry while camping, then you might have a problem. The mental health community has yet to officially classify computer overuse, including e-mail and text messaging, as a mental health disorder.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      Here it shows the ease and coman likely hood of how texting and other email like comunication can become adictive.
  • The all-consuming phone might make you superhuman at work, but it can also turn you into a flaky friend, a jealous lover or a distant parent
    • Jonathan McDavid
      results of over used instant messaging rather than have normal HUMAN interaction, as in face to face.
  • The California State Assembly last month passed a bill specifically banning teenagers from using cell phones for any purpose while driving. California already has a law that bans everyone from using hand-held cell phones while driving. That law will go into effect next year.
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  • phone to check e-mail or send a text message at least every 25 minutes. He doesn't feel guilty about his BlackBerry behavior--interrupting his conversations and social activities, including spending time with his wife.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      Adictive texting/emailing does ruin socail interactions, as shown in example to Alex Pasos.
    In regards to this article that discusses how texting is/becoming an additcion. Texting is a simple way of sending text messages through by phone or computer to another individual. However, is becoming an over used tool by most teens. They text so much that it slowly decreases human intereactions, such as texting your best friend who is in the same room as you! in relation to the book feed, the characters can "text" mental notes/messages to their friends without the need to verbaly talk. To a digree texting has become an adiction because of how easy it is and its availibility/

Education and Technology - 0 views

  • Teachers are creative, intelligent people, and once they learn to use technology in their professional lives -- for keeping records, for creating documents, and for enhancing their own learning -- they will soon discover the many ways in which technology can enhance what they are doing with their students.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      As you can can see, this quoted pharagraph states some uses that technology is used, by teachers in order to enhance the learning of their students.
  • In a technology-rich classroom, students don't "learn" technology. Technology merely provides the tools to be used for authentic learning. It is a means, not an end. Technology provides educators with the opportunity to move from simply streamlining the way things have always been done to really imagining things they would like to do. What a wonderful opportunity!
    • Jonathan McDavid
      This whole section provides evidence of how good technology in schools and classrooms provide oppertunities for higher/easy learning for the students
  • They must expect and demand the best and most interesting software to enhance their educational goals.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      Although having high levels of tech is good, the demand for more and higher tech is in popular demand. making it more adictive to get.
    The article portayed is about how technology makes leanring, in schools, much faster and easyer. As technology advances, so does the need for youthful minds to grow and expand to best use these newer equitment. For example, teachers who understand how to use certain softwares can learn to keep records, for creating documents, and for enhancing their own learning. Technology is helping our learning capibilitys grow. In similarity to the book feed, technology is so advanced in in the timline of the book, that it is within the people itself. Making this so much easyer to gain knowlage without the desperite need for school.

To much, To fast - 0 views

  • A fear of many Web analysts and observers is that today's teenagers, who have never known a world without the Web, will become fixated on instant communication for all their socializing
    • Nathan Nast
      This comment makes me wonder what would happen if the internet was shut down for a day. Would the new generation be able to function? It's scary to think about how much we depend on technology.
  • Despite the ongoing concerns of identity theft, viruses, spam, and fraud, most people successfully use the Web to meet their wants and needs.
    • Nathan Nast
      "Wants and needs", This is the problem. The society today want's more than they need. For example companies are advertisement more than they need to. They also do to for the idea of competition. People are pushing other people to use more technology.
    This article is talking about the new generation.

Apple announces new iPods, iTunes 10, iOS 4.1, and a new Apple TV - Valley News Live - ... - 0 views

  • The iPod nano is getting smaller… and gaining a multitouch color display. The new iPod nano loses the signature clickwheel controller in favor of a multitouch display -- and gains a clik so its instantly wearable like the iPod nano. The new iPod nano is almost half the size and half the weight of its predecessor, and supports 29 languages along with offering 24-hour battery life.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Yikes! This article is showing how advanced these ipods are getting while becoming smaller and smaller. This makes me wonder if this is the same way the feed started, before the way it was introduced to us in, "Feed", by M.T. Anderson. Perhaps it was as harmless looking as an ipod, and advancements like these made the feed smaller and smaller and more advanced, until it was able to do all these great features, while at the same time being so small that the best way to use them is to drill them into your head.
    Woah! Ipods just seem to be getting smaller and more advanced!

New app helps Catholics confess on the go - - 0 views

  • not intended to replace the confessional. Instead, it's designed to complement the act of confession, offering a "personal examination of conscience"
    • Hailey Kolb
      i disagree because if you have this app for confession how would somebody use it to complement the real thing?
    This app allows people to confess right on there phones/ipods without actually going to church. This is an example of how technology is taking over.

Cell Phones for Kids - Pros and Cons - 0 views

  • safety for kids since a cell phone can be used to determine the whereabouts of kids and the kids can also call the parents in case of emergency when they need help.
    • kaylyn kilmain
      a good pro for having a cell phone at a young age is to make sure were ever they are, they are safe.
    • Lany Miller
      I agree!! But what could be a con?
  • Nowadays with the increasing number of threats at schools, it is obvious for parents to be worried about their child’s safety
  • s for the cons of cell phones, there are many. First and foremost, the parents have to be really sure whether their child is capable of handling the responsibility of carrying a mobile phone. Having a cell phone might lead the child to all the probable ways in which the cell phone can be misused. It is one thing to make the children comfortable with technology but giving them their very own mobile phone at an early age might turn them into mobile junkies who are addicted to their mobile phones with constant short messaging, cell phone games and other add-ons. Also think of it from the health point of view. In a world where we hear reports about excessive use of mobile phones being harmful for the health, how could we possibly allow the children to be exposed to these threats?
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      I can see why parents would be hesititant to get their kids a cell phone, but i think it is useful for kids to get one because if they were every need a situation when they needed to get in contact with their parents they will have it.
    • natasha badohu
      I feel that most kids who do have a cellphone still barely keep in contact with there parents, or ignore texts/calls from them. I actually know teenagers that do this exactly, which totally defeats the purpose of there parents buying them the cell phone i the first place.
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  • wever even if the cell phones are provided with the safety interests in mind, the kids will soon start demanding the higher range and fancy cell phones that would be next in line. Providing expensive mobile phone to kids would actually attract muggers and threaten your child’s security instead of safeguarding it
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      again this shows how kids should have cell phone to make sure that their protected in situation. This will help them be safe in all situations.
    cell phones are now not only for adults to use but now are being used for little kids. people today have become addicted to technology.
  • ...3 more comments...
    This is funny because of how crazy the technology has become now. But ironic in the way that it relates to how you can track other peoples feeds, this is much like that for a parent to be tracking their child's location.
    cellular divices have become a nescesity to everyday life ESPECAILY for adolecence's. [my spelling in general may probly be way off...] but it gets to the point of a "need" rather than a "want" to the point where a teen can hardly go an hour let alone 5 minutes without sending a text message.
    Cell phone is a great technology, just like the feed, a new way to communicate with other people, in feed, people can connect to each other, similar to the cell phone
    this is a good example of how everyone is dependent on cell phones especially now that they are giving them out to younger kids
    i do agree with this, this is so a good reason why kids should have cell phones for a good reason.

Technology: Is It Taking Over Our Lives? - Crusader - Opinions - 0 views

  • The advancement of technology can be quite spoiling. With word processors, the internet and web messaging, our daily lives are much smoother and less stressful when we use computers and other electronic devises that categorize our schedules and plans better than our own memory.
    • Lany Miller
      In feed, the feed is designed to think for them and do all of the work. Now, the internet today has everything on it. Even things that are at the library. People turn to the dictionary to find the meaning of something, but now they're using the computer. In feed when Violet says a word that Titus doesn't know, all he has to do is look it up through his feed and there he has it.
    • Lily Pelanne
      Technology is taking over our lives!l!
  • About 23 million households in North America have a broadband connection, and over the next five years, that number is likely to triple.
    • Lany Miller
      23 million, that's a lot of people with internet connection. Just like in feed everyone has a feed. It's become a necessity in peoples lives.
  • eb with me wherever I go has two sides. I do enjoy being able to read my e-mail, talk to people, and lately, check the o
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  • The idea of having the World Wide Web with me wherever I go has two sides. I do enjoy being able to read my e-mail, talk to people, and lately, check the online Facebook.
    • Lany Miller
      It's great to be able to check email wherever you are by your phone, iPods, or iPads. But some of the technology seems to have gone a little too far.
  • I already find myself waking up in the morning and immediately heading to my computer to see who left me an instant message or what new friend is stalking me on the Facebook ... so what will happen if I have the internet with me at all time? The habit of being online will turn into a necessity, and perhaps that is not such a good thing.
    the internet is becoming our own memory and becoming addictive.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong: Flying Hummers | Popular Science - 0 views

  • The Pentagon agency’s $50-million-plus exploratory program for the Transformer (TX) calls for a “robust ground vehicle” that can quickly transform into a vertical-takeoff-and-landing (VTOL) aircraft with a 1,000-pound payload capacity and a flying range of nearly 300 miles. Darpa has a daunting list of specs for any would-be contractors: It must be able to take on small-arms fire and meet federal standards for safety and crash protection. It’s got to have four-wheel drive and be able to reach an altitude of 10,000 feet. Oh, and should the driver become incapacitated, it has to be able to fly itself.
    • Billy Mahoney
      This article about how hummers can now fly relates to the Feed and the upcars. The upcars are used as everyones way of transportation as well.
    • Dan Tusler
      This is an idea for a common dream or view of the future and how we are working to attain it. M.T anderson could be commentating on the fact that our dreams and ideas can be reality, but the message to go with that is there is going to be some tradeoff if we get too dependant on them. it somtimes can take away from reality which can make you care less about other possible issues

HowStuffWorks "How Hybrid Cars Work" - 0 views

  • There are a lot of hybrid models on the market these days, and most automobile manufacturers have announced plans to manufacture their own versions.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      This is a very good point, because it seems the car manufacturers we have grown to love and trust seem to be changing before our eyes thanks to new discoveries in technology like the efficiency of a brand new hybrid car. This article makes me wonder; Are more of the companies in our lives like General Electric, Apple, Playmobile, Motorola, etc. are making great changes to their products today?
    Wow! Hybrid Cars are very relevant to our topic of discussion because they are a new invention that is becoming part of the world we live in.

Your private data pays for 'free' Facebook and Google - Jan. 28, 2011 - 0 views

  • constant stream of breaches, accidents and misfires have given the issue fresh visibility this year
    • Maggie O'Connell
      people have found ways to breach the relatively weak security system of Google and Facebook. Because of the hackings, there is a new focus on the issue. But what happens when the focus is no longer on the issue of weak security?
  • fourth annual Data Privacy Day
  • the tech companies would prefer to see these problems solved through tools, not rules.
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  • The biggest was a "safe browsing option" that integrates the HTTPS protocol for secure connections. That technical tweak will help solve a gaping hole that let hijackers grab control of Facebook accounts accessed through public Wi-Fi hotspots.
  • Facebook posted its new security tool the day after CEO Mark Zuckerberg's fan page was hacked.  
    facebook takes your data. so does google, to be "free"

Now Hear This - TIME - 0 views

  • Now you can walk around town with your cell phone tucked away in your pocket or briefcase and a tiny headset tucked into your ear.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      This is a scary thought because in order to use these headsets, people seem to be devoting more of their attention to technology they can hear in their ear, rather than using that ear of theirs for its original purpose- to hear people and nature around them! Do you think that it is safe to walk around with people asking questions or yelling in your ear while you go about your day in town? While you drive? While you use the furnace? While you use knives in the kitchen? When you're making fires?
    bluetooth in your ear
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