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Book Review - 'Virtually You' and 'Reality Is Broken' - - 0 views

  • you away from the difficulties of real life. It lets you customize your fantasies
    • Hailey Kolb
      just like the feed the internet allows people to customize themselves the way they want
  • In short, everything you thought was good about the Internet — information, access, personalization — is bad.
    • Hailey Kolb
      all of the new things that technology is offering people is taking over their minds

Buying Online Has Its Pros and Cons - The Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying Online... - 1 views

  • ou can do it 24/7. You can shop whenever you want
  • 3. Wide variety of stores within a few clicks. This is very important for me since there are few stores in our locale.
    shopping online is useful to be able to buy things from different places you are not able to get to. there are more items online then there are at the store
  • ...1 more comment...
    there may be more options to buying online and may seem easyer, but in regards to feed it takes away the human to human natrual can be good but not at the expence that your ONLY buying online. in addition it can have a lot of credit card trouble.... just sayin.
    Always good to go shopping on line, but when everybody was indict to shopping on line, then people will start to lose the job.
    This is similar to the feed because people can shop with out going to a store and now that the internet is on many phones it is possible to shop online pretty much whenever you want

Technology Is Taking Over Americans' Lives -- Digital Home Messaging Survey -- Informat... - 0 views

  • If there was any doubt that computers and technology are taking over the lives of Americans, it was dispelled Monday by two studies -- one noting that most Americans spend more time with their computers than with their spouses, the other revealing many drivers are e-mailing and instant messaging while driving.
    • Hailey Kolb
      just like the feed technology is taking over the human mind.  In the book they have the feed all of the time because it is in there minds.  Today people are spending more time with technology than doing there every day activities and/or their families
  • "Technology is one of the greatest DWD culprits," the insurance firm said, noting that younger drivers are most likely to drive while multitasking.
    • Hailey Kolb
      just like the feed technology is distracting and you start to feel dependent on it  

Advantages and Disadvantages of Advanced Technology | Scienceray - 0 views

  • A few advantages of upgraded technology are that one can save time and money and life will be made easier as a result of not having to do all the hard labor
    • Victor Shen
      the advantage of the technology, like the people in the Feed always enjoy the feed by doing less work
  • the disadvantages of upgraded technology are that people will loose their jobs to machines that will do the work for them. In addition, machines and robots are too complex for most people to use.
    • Victor Shen
      since the technology is good, maybe even better than human being, than human being will lose themselves, like the feed, the disadvantage is the big company almost countrl the world
  • when you have advanced technologies, life is much easier as robots and machines would take over your daily life chores.
    • Victor Shen
      technology always good for people's life, like the feed, the feed can make everything easier, and everybody looks smart
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • robots and machines do not make mistakes when programmed correctly. They always accomplish tasks perfectly so you won’t have to worry about making a mistake and getting trouble
  • they save a great deal of time and money
  • as technology develops, robots and machines will take over many jobs and people will loose their jobs by contrast. As people loose their jobs, they will have hard time getting money which would make it hard for them to continue to meet living expenses
  • t machines and robots are complex. It is hard to activate all the machines you have unless you can multitask
  • machines and robots are complex. It is hard to activate all the machines you have unless you can multit
    advantages and disadvantages of the technology

IBM's Watson Dominates Jeopardy Competition on Day 2 - PCWorld - 0 views

    • Victor Shen
      New function of the computer which is kind of similar to the feed, the computer had the mind
    • Victor Shen
      The IBM dominate the computer market, it is kind of similar to the feed company dominate the future world in the book feed
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Regardless of Watson's shortcomings the IBM sup
  • Regardless of Watson's shortcomings the IBM super computer has been dominant against its human adversaries. Now, it all comes down to Wednesday night's broadcast when Jennings and Rutter will attempt to battle back and overcome Watson's commanding lead.
    • Victor Shen
      The IBM dominate the computer market, it is kind of similar to the feed company dominate the future world in the book feed
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
    • Victor Shen
      New function of the computer which is kind of similar to the feed, the computer had the mind
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
  • s shortcomings
    IBM's new technology dominate the market!
    I think this is really cool because it kind of shows both sides of the feed how it knows so much. Although at the same time there are malfunctions much like the virus that violet and others were hit with.

They can't all be winners. - Worst of New York Fashion Week Fall 2011: Seriously? You w... - 0 views

  • Twice a year, Fashion Week descends on New York City and enlightens its denizens with an array of perfect, glamorous creations that make one long to have a fabulous life and a zillion dollars to scoop up all the latest trends
    • Tori O'Kane
      This says right in the sentence to pick up on the latest trends and it is relating to the feeds constant updating trend feature.
  • These are the total misses, those looks that seem so off, so disappointing, they're almost personally insulting. Behold, the Fashion Week clothes that gave us nightmares.
    • Tori O'Kane
      Although one person might think that one of the outfits on this list is beautiful or something they would just wear in general the media is telling us otherwise swaying our opinions like the feed that ends your sentences and helps guide your thoughts.
    An article alerting the nation of the worst looks that were seen at New Yorks famous fashion week

Couples Hoping for a Baby Born on 11/11/11 Need to Get Busy, Now - 0 views

  • Break out the candles, romantic music and a bottle of wine, and put away the birth control.
    • Tori O'Kane
      This seems like a message in the Feed people would receive relating to the latest trends.
  • For women with a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, this week, ending tomorrow, is prime baby-making time,
    • Tori O'Kane
      This also is something that seems to be an order or reminder to people to "hop on the ban-wagon" and conceive friday if you want to have a child on this "memorable" day in the future.
  • "There's absolutely no guarantee," Rhonda Gannon, a nurse at Boston IVF in Waltham, Mass., told AOL News.
    • Tori O'Kane
      This makes me think that people are going to just do this because they are told to and want to have a child on this particular date when there is no real guarantee like Rhonda states. And this makes me think of the Feed because the trends being introduced so constantly were never guaranteed to be a trend for very long.
    an article telling people when they need to conceive in order to have a baby on the eleventh of november in 2011

Earth Problems - Pollution - 2 views

  • Chemicals have poisoned all of the world, harming humans, wildlife, and plant life, on land, sea and air. Approximately 100,000 synthetic chemicals are now on the market, with one thousand new chemicals are added yearly
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      I don't think people realized how pollution is actually destroying our world. Each day new ways of pollutions are being made. This connects to Anderson text because when Titus and his friends came home from the moon they fly Cloud TM. Even though he probably doesn't know what he is doing is harmful, but he is still polluting the earth.
  • In the United States, traffic fatalities total just over 40,000 per year, while air pollution claims 70,000 lives annually. U.S. air pollution deaths are equal to deaths from breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      Wow that fact is incredible! Annually the pollution takes 70,000 lifes that is huge! How is that the same thing as cancer. Make pollution is cause cancer and other illnesses. This connects to Anderson because these character are polluting the earth and they dont even know it. Maybe because this is the future we can see how the air pollution will change in a good or bad way for the future.
  • Today, NPS pollution is the main reason approximately 40 percent of the rivers, lakes, and estuaries surveyed are not clean enough to meet basic uses such as fishing or swimming.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      Everything that we know that is natural is being destroyed for the pollution on earth. Maybe we will end up like the feed because it is controlling our life and what ever happens we will have the feed to fall back on.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Every chemical we use, every substance we produce, in manufacturing, farming, energy use, or consumption, remains here on Earth. These poisons may seem to disappear—but they are only hidden.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Yuck! Just imagine how much recycled poo there is in the environment! Where exactly does this poison and waste get hidden?
  • combinations
  • Although
  • hat, when in an environment, poisons our air, land and water
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      This is the craziest! We are living in an environment full of our own poison! Land?Poisioned.Air?Poisoned.Water?Poisoned? Makes me wonder, what exactly around me is pure water or malaria free snacks, and what is polluted, disgusting, and unhealthy?!
    This Article is about how air pollution is creating problems in the United States and how it is one of the leading causes of death just as big as cancer. It talk about how people are polluted the earth and what will happen if people continue to do this. Questions that are being raised are when will people stop polluting the earth or will they ever? Other quesetions are do people actually know how to stop, just like the feed it controls people lifes. Do people mean to pollute the earth or is it just the easy thing too do?

Egypt's Autocrats Exploited Internet's Weaknesses - - 0 views

  • But now, as Egyptian engineers begin to assess fragmentary evidence and their own knowledge of the Egyptian Internet’s construction, they are beginning to understand what, in effect, hit them. Interviews with many of those engineers, as well as an examination of data collected around the world during the blackout, indicate that the government exploited a devastating combination of vulnerabilities in the national infrastructure.
    • Kevin Zhou
      Everyone is too dependent on internet, similar to how everyone is too dependent on the feed in Feed.
  • For all the Internet’s vaunted connectivity, the Egyptian government commanded powerful instruments of control: it owns the pipelines that carry information across the country and out into the world.
    • Kevin Zhou
      The internet is the place that contains all the information that anyone wants to find. By having it shut down within Egypt, it prevents information from leaving or entering, causing people to have no ideas. However, another way to gain information is also through books, but this way has become less common around people as the faster internet. This is related to the Feed as people has found no reason to use books to find any information and use their feed to find everything, much like us using the internet to find everything instead of books.
    Egypt's internet

Warner Bros. Stuffs Movies Into iPad, iPhone Apps - PCWorld - 0 views

  • Buying the film unlocks streaming and downloadable versions, along with bonus features such as games, trivia and soundboards. While watching, you can also send and view status updates on Facebook and Twitter.
    • Victor Shen
      It shows that the Apple is similar to the feed company which get into the application
    • Victor Shen
      The more function the iPad had, the more similar the iPad to the feed, which also shows that a lot of the technology is getting similar to the feed
  • Apple doesn't allow for individual discounts or free unlock codes within its apps - but either way, from a consumer perspective it's a raw deal.
    • Victor Shen
      The more function the iPad had, the more similar the iPad to the feed, which also shows that a lot of the technology is getting similar to the feed
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Victor Shen
      It shows that the Apple is similar to the feed company which get into the application
    The function of the ipad is being more and more usful

Share this: Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page is hacked - 0 views

    It goes to show you the reason the world created passwords. without password, hacking would become a hobby among everyone who could get into anything and change it.
    This is why we have passwords to protect everything we own!

2010's Top Celeb Fashion Trends - 0 views

    • Lily Pelanne
      My Sister has many of these and they are awesome!
    • Lany Miller
      Really? That's cool lil! hahahahahahah :D
    This explains the top few fashion styles of 2010. This relates to "Feed" by the feed giving out the latest fashion trends.

Young People Cop to It: Technology Is Bad for Us - ABC News - 2 views

shared by Ryan Clarke on 16 Feb 11 - No Cached
  • Time-waster: "Technology is the key to procrastination," said Kenny Kobetsky, 14. Eighty percent of the class said they had missed sleep because of playing on the Internet, 50 percent said they had forgotten to do homework for the same reason. "The Internet is just so tantalizing," said Nick Gregov, 14. "I actually think McDonald's is healthier than my computer," added Blake Billiet, 13. Though the students did admit that the Web and cell phone can save time that used to be burned up driving to the store or library, few felt that these gains exceeded the many hours wasted on text or Web surfing.
    • Ryan Clarke
      This represents the negative side of technology and it is affecting all ages from various important tasks
    technology is just easier to access and has more entertainment on it that doesn't mean it is by itself bad for us because kids will always pick something more fun than homework because homework is boring. if you had the chocie between having a party or hanging out with friends and playing a game outside or doing homework i wouldn't pick the homework.

Virtually Diseased! Technology is taking over our lives | The Michigan Daily - 0 views

  • It is just that I am becoming conscious of the fact that as we give in to technological innovation, we give up on traditional human nature.
    • Lany Miller
      People depend on all types of technology. Even little things, to work up words, and directions. Its as if people can't follow a printed out map.
  • I believe it all started when I sat down to balance my checkbook (a depressing task as it is) and realized that I could not subtract without my calculator.
    • Lany Miller
      People need to be able to use their own brains instead of relying on technology. Since the feed is implanted into Titus and his friends' brains, they can't use their own brain power to think.
  • The power of computers is immense these days and I am so scared that our lives are succumbing to the use of them, thus swallowing up the importance of the human mind and personal interaction with others.
    • Lany Miller
      People are beginning to forget what the human mind is capable of doing. In feed they forget to just how easy it can be to think for yourself and have your own thoughts.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • I believe this is absurd! What is next? Virtual sex? I will not even attempt to illustrate that!
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Yuck! Sounds like technology really is trying to replace every aspect of life. That last bit about virtual sex sounds ridiculous but with the way technology advances, there might be an app for that soon!
  • Always value the potential of the human mind. Always cherish the human touch, voice and face. And never let a computer replace a friend or a lover.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      I Agree! The way computers dominate aspects of our lives is taking away from how it was back in the day, when you could leave your couch without a cell phone, computer, ipod, calculator, navigation system, remote control prius keys etc. This makes me wonder, does technology really make life easier? Or does it make it harder to live without thousands of dollars worth of equipment everyday?
    Technology is replacing simple tasks and abilities that people should have.

App Can't Replace Confession, Vatican Says - - 0 views

  • cannot be used as a substitute for confession with a priest, the Vatican said Wednesday
    • chris zabriskie
      unless your Iphone is blessed or sacred in some way i dont think an app can count as a confetion
  • But some media reports cast the app as a “virtual priest” for Catholics who do not have time for church
    • chris zabriskie
      this is just a way for advertisers to market the app to anyone
    technology is trying to replace all of the things people leave their houses for like confession or hang out or being active by making games and skype and confession apps

iCrazy: Is Technology Taking Over? - DivineCaroline - 0 views

  • I think our obsession with rather expensive convenience gadgets is bordering on ridiculous.
    • Lany Miller
      Everyone's obsession with technology is going crazy, every year some new technology is coming out and it's supposedly better than the device before. In feed they got so advanced that they implanted a feed in everyone's brain and it tells the person whenever some new trend is hot. In the book and in reality people are becoming too obsessed with technology.
  • Obviously modern day iPods and their accompanying devices aren’t taking over our sprawling civilizations
    • Lany Miller
      The new technology isn't taking over exactly, or yet, but it has the capability to do so. Technology is good for us, but sometimes it can get a little too hectic.
    Going iCrazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Watson and "Jeopardy!"-Intelligence vs. Wisdom - Science and Religion Today - 1 views

  • How can we most effectively address global poverty?
    • Nathan Nast
      Can Watson give us the answers we need to get out of the economic hole we are in today? I believe we are going to rely on computers like Watson to much, and technology will go in the direction of the feed.
  • Watson may be able to get all the answers right, but only humans know how to ask the right questions.
    • Nathan Nast
      This relates back to the feed, with the idea of human interaction. A computer (like watson) can always get you information or tell you the best place to eat...but computers cannot have feelings. They cannot have a sitdown conversation with you. They cant help you get through a tough time. After Computers are made to its full potential, human interaction will still be more important.
  • That’s actually much harder than it looks. As human beings, part of our intelligence is our ability to understand statements without much context—“Hey, did you get my email?” is often perfectly understandable because we know the reference point. But computers don’t have context, and often tell us things that are totally unrelated to what we are looking for.
    • Nathan Nast
      I thought this whole paragraph was very interesting. The slang used in everyday language is to hard for a computer to learn. A human brain is capable of understanding this. I think in the feed they use slang (just like us) to get away from the feed. To act like rebels in a world that is hard to rebel against. 
    Watson, not only taking over jeopardy but also taking over the world.
    its not perfected just yet but they are working on it but i think its cheating and also its not interesting to watch play

Why Reliance on Technology is a Bad Thing | World of Psychology - 2 views

  • All of that has changed. I suspect some new architects wouldn’t know how to design a 50-story building on paper (without aid of a CAD program), or a doctor who had to diagnose a patient without the reliance on ordering 10 or 15 lab tests. Or a politician who couldn’t rely on instant polling techniques. Or citizens who had to resort to reading their news, instead of watching in on TV. Or an important stock exchange not being able to function because generators were never meant to be used full-time, indefinitely.
    • john peacen
      this relates to the book because titus and his friend are very dependent to the technology that even the technology think for them
    • john peacen
      this means that we can not function without the help of technology. before this innovation of technology we depend in our intelligence not like today that we can't make something that was very simple for us ancestor.
  • But as our thirst for power increases, and our infrastructure fails to keep pace with it
    • Dan Tusler
      This relates to the story because the thirst for power in Feed is overpowering the logical descionmaking part of our inteligance. It makes us want to make things more efficent even when their working just fine. If it aint broke don't fix it
  • As a tool, a computer is a useful aid. It has helped architects and engineers design and provide more reliable, interesting structures and buildings. It allows us to split atoms, and categorize human genomes.
    • Dan Tusler
      This give the ups about how computers and technology could be used responsibly and soely for the benifit of important work. It provides a contrasting view towards the book as the professions and uses listed still require a vast understanding of the use. In the story, there doesn't seem to be any depth or complication in anything, including professsions
    the article discuss the point how the people dependent in technology can produce big disaster when all this technology not be available, because all the architects and doctor etc.

Computers Get Help from the Human Brain - Technology Review - 0 views

    the articulo talk about one innovation in computer program that will read the human brain and how this program will make the research more easy to people find things online.

Processed Foods - What Are Processed Foods - 1 views

  • Processed foods have been altered from their natural state for safety reasons and for convenience. The methods used for processing foods include canning, freezing, refrigeration, dehydration and aseptic processing.
    • Ryan Clarke
      Processing foods can be a good thing. Because there getting rid of the things that are not healthy for our body.
  • milk would be considered a processed food because it is pasteurized to kill bacteria and homogenized to keep fats from separating. While some people prefer to drink raw milk, most of us should consume the "processed" version we find in our grocery stores.
    • Ryan Clarke
      This is an example of the good to processed food for example milk.
  • canned foods with lots of sodium white breads and pastas made with refined white flour, which are not as healthy as those made with whole grains packaged high-calorie snack foods, like chips and cheese snacks high-fat convenience foods, like cans of ravioli frozen fish sticks and frozen dinners packaged cakes and cookies boxed meal mixes sugary breakfast cereals processed meats
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Processed meats might be some of the worst of these foods. Eating these meats may increase your risk of colorectal, kidney and stomach cancer. Processed meats include hot dogs, bologna, sausage, ham and other packaged lunch meats.
  • Processed foods that may not be as healthy as fresh foods include: canned foods with large amounts of sodium or fat breads and pastas made with refined white flour instead of whole grains packaged high-calorie snack foods such as chips and candies frozen fish sticks and frozen dinners that are high in sodium packaged cakes and cookies boxed meal mixes that are high in fat and sodium sugary breakfast cereals processed meats
    • Ryan Clarke
      This relates to the novel "Feed" because most of the food there is processed food. At the meat farm where Tutus and violet go they thought this is how meat was made but in reality it wasnt made how violet and titus thought it was.
    This article is talking about the bad and the good of processed foods. This relates back to the novel "Feed" when Violet and Titus went to the meat farm. Some questions raised are "what processed foods are bad for you"
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