This article shows how racial profiling is still relevant to today's society when a African American man tried to purchase a belt from Barney's New York. The man was stopped a few blocks down from the shop, being accused of paying with an unauthorized card. He was told his identification was false and there was no way he could have afforded such an expensive purchase. This reminded me of Blink when Malcolm Gladwell introduced this idea of thin slicing and the intuition and how sometimes one's first thoughts can be wrong. One example that this connected to in Blink was the car salesman, who had to get rid of his initial thoughts about someone and be more open to the buyer and decide who the person is before he made judgements about the buyer. I thought this article was very interesting because, it questions everything that we have been told about space. Is there really another planet out there that could be attainable for humans to live on? Immediately I thought of Malcolm Galdwell's "Blink", and this idea of thin slicing when the question "Could this be the only planet brimming with life in all the cosmos?" was brought up in the video. Astronomers have this gut feeling that there is something out considering space is so big why would it just be us on Earth? Which reminded me of the fake art and how Gladwell stressed the importance of snap judgements and how they are usually correct. Therefore if astronomers believe there is a planet that can sustain life, do you believe them?