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Contents contributed and discussions participated by izzerios


Trump reverses abortion-related U.S. policy, bans funding to international health group... - 0 views

  • a rule is back in effect to block U.S. international family-planning assistance to foreign organizations that use funds from other sources to perform or discuss abortions.
  • einstating a rule first instituted by President Reagan
  • Stop providing abortions, or any information about abortions, or lose valuable dollars from the United States, the biggest global funder of family-planning services.
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  • denunciations from family-planning groups and their Democratic allies and praise from pro-life officials and Republicans.
  • officially known as the “Mexico City policy” and referred to as “the global gag rule” by its critics
  • repealed and reinstated every time a different political party has assumed power in the White House.
  • Even when the rule has not been in effect, however, existing federal law has barred the use of U.S. funds to pay for abortions anywhere in the world.
  • sparked a flurry of angry responses from Democratic lawmakers and women’s health organizations.
  • “We won’t go back to coat hanger medicine.”
  • Pelosi said in a statement that Trump’s order “returns us to disgraceful era that dishonored the American values of free speech and inflicted untold suffering on millions of women around the world.”
  • the group said, it received $30 million in aid from the United States Agency for International Development
  • that implementation of the Mexico City policy was linked to increases in abortion rates in sub-Saharan African countries
  • couldn’t draw “definitive conclusions about the underlying cause of this increase.”
  • “This is a vital step in the journey to make America great again, recognizing and affirming the universal ideal that all human beings have inherent worth and dignity, regardless of their age or nationality,”said Tony Perkins
  • “Funding foreign groups that promote or participate in abortion violates the principle that there should be a ‘wall of separation’ between taxpayer money and abortion,”
  • Trump has started to “make good on his promises to the millions of pro-life Americans that helped him ascend to this office.”
  • “marked an expansion of existing legislative restrictions that already prohibited U.S. funding for abortion internationally,”
  • the foundation said, NGOs could use non-U.S. funds to engage in abortion-related activities as long as they kept separate accounts for any U.S. money received.

2 Experts Back James Mattis, Defense Nominee, as 'Stabilizing' Force - The New York Times - 0 views

  • The prospects for James N. Mattis to serve as secretary of defense in the Trump administration received a boost on Tuesday when two experts in military policy recommended that an exception be made so Mr. Mattis, a retired four-star general, can assume the top Pentagon post.
  • Military officers are barred by law from serving as defense secretary unless they have been retired for seven years.
  • John McCain, the Arizona Republican who leads the Senate Armed Services Committee and has strongly supported General Mattis’s nomination
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  • hearing on Tuesday that was intended to give committee members, particularly Democrats, a chance to explore the issue of civilian control of the military,
  • Mr. Cohen, who signed a letter during the campaign arguing that Donald J. Trump was unfit to serve as commander in chief, argued that an exception should be made because General Mattis was a person of integrity, had important experience at a time when the Pentagon has to contend with multiple threats and might dissuade the incoming administration from acting recklessly.
  • Hicks, with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told the hearing that it was appropriate to make an exception for General Mattis, and praised his character and expertise. But she stressed that this was the sort of exception that should be made only rarely.
  • The only previous case in which a legal exception was made so that a military officer could become defense secretary was George C. Marshall.
  • Faced with the Korean War and growing tensions with the Soviet Union, Congress passed an amendment in 1950 allowing General Marshall to become the Pentagon chief.
  • Senator Jeane Shaheen, Democrat of New Hampshire, said that Mr. Cohen’s assertion that General Mattis could be a stabilizing force within the Trump administration was the “strongest argument” in favor of confirming the retired Marine general.
  • asked for advice on crafting legislation to ensure that confirming General Mattis would not open the door for similar nominations of recently retired officers to run the Pentagon.
  • General Mattis’s supporters hope President Obama will sign the legislation before leaving office.

N.S.A. Gets More Latitude to Share Intercepted Communications - The New York Times - 0 views

  • In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.
  • new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations
  • the government is reducing the risk that the N.S.A. will fail to recognize that a piece of information would be valuable to another agency, but increasing the risk that officials will see private information about innocent people.
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  • Previously, the N.S.A. filtered information before sharing intercepted communications with another agency, like the C.I.A. or the intelligence branches of the F.B.I. and the Drug Enforcement Administration
  • N.S.A.’s analysts passed on only information they deemed pertinent
  • other intelligence agencies will be able to search directly through raw repositories of communications intercepted by the N.S.A.
  • “This is not expanding the substantive ability of law enforcement to get access to signals intelligence,”
  • “It is simply widening the aperture for a larger number of analysts, who will be bound by the existing rules.”
  • Toomey, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, called the move an erosion of rules intended to protect the privacy of Americans when their messages are caught by the N.S.A.’s powerful global collection methods
  • “Rather than dramatically expanding government access to so much personal data, we need much stronger rules to protect the privacy of Americans,” Mr. Toomey said
  • “Seventeen different government agencies shouldn’t be rooting through Americans’ emails with family members, friends and colleagues, all without ever obtaining a warrant.”
  • Under the new system, agencies will ask the N.S.A. for access to specific surveillance feeds, making the case that they contain information relevant and useful to their missions.
  • The move is part of a broader trend of tearing down bureaucratic barriers to sharing intelligence between agencies that dates back to the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
  • Congress enacted the FISA Amendments Act — which legalized warrantless surveillance on domestic soil so long as the target is a foreigner abroad, even when the target is communicating with an American
  • Among the most important questions left unanswered in February was when analysts would be permitted to use Americans’ names, email addresses or other identifying information to search a 12333 database and pull up any messages to, from or about them that had been collected without a warrant.
  • National security analysts sometimes search that act’s repository for Americans’ information, as do F.B.I. agents working on ordinary criminal cases. Critics call this the “backdoor search loophole,” and some lawmakers want to require a warrant for such searches.
  • However, under the rules, if analysts stumble across evidence that an American has committed any crime, they will send it to the Justice Department.
  • Americans’ information gathered under Order 12333 do not apply to metadata: logs showing who contacted whom, but not what they said.
  • Analysts at the intelligence agencies may study social links between people, in search of hidden associates of known suspects, “without regard to the location or nationality of the communicants.”

James Mattis Calls Iran 'Biggest Destabilizing Force' in Region - The New York Times - 0 views

  • President-elect Donald J. Trump’s choice for defense secretary, Gen. James N. Mattis
  • The retired Marine general provided his written responses on an array of policy questions to the Senate Armed Services Committee, which is meeting Thursday morning to take up his nomination for defense secretary, as well as to consider the legal waiver that would be needed so that he could serve in the Pentagon’s top civilian job.
  • The document is intended to serve as a guide to lawmakers who will be questioning General Mattis, and it will become part of the permanent hearing record.
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  • On some issues, General Mattis appeared to take a starker view of the dangers faced by the United States than Mr. Trump
  • he asserted that the United States needed to maintain its influence there long after Mosul was captured from the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. “Our principal interest in Iraq is to ensure that it does not become a rump state of the regime in Tehran,”
  • he described the fighting as a major threat to American national security interests, offering a more alarming view of the crisis than the Obama administration and, at times, than Mr. Trump.
  • “The brutal civil war in Syria has destabilized the Middle East, contributed to the destabilization of Europe and threatened allies like Israel, Jordan and Turkey, all while ISIS, Iran and Russia have profited from the chaos
  • “Challenges posed by Russia include alarming messages from Moscow regarding the use of nuclear weapons; treaty violations; the use of hybrid warfare tactics to destabilize other countries; and involvement in hacking and information warfare,”
  • Mr. Trump said during the campaign that it might be necessary to “take out” terrorists’ families to win the war against the Islamic State. General Mattis categorically opposes such an approach. “The killing of noncombatants in a war against a nonstate enemy violates Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions,” he wrote.
  • he opposed military exchanges or security cooperation with Raúl Castro’s Cuba.
  • “We all remember what it felt like on 9/11 and 9/12,” he wrote. “We should do what is necessary to prevent such an attack from occurring again.”
  • General Mattis said he saw Iran as an increasing threat. “Iranian malign influence in the region is growing,”
  • He said the alliance “enormously” benefits American security. “The alliance must harness renewed political will to confront and walk back aggressive Russian actions,”
  • “Legal questions aside, it is my view that such actions would be self-defeating and a betrayal of our ideals.”
  • “Having demonstrated 40 years of loyalty to the principle of civilian control and to the U.S. Constitution, I know what to expect from the uniformed leadership,”
  • “Furthermore, I understand what is required of the civilians tasked with leading our military services.”

Comey Letter on Clinton Email Is Subject of Justice Dept. Inquiry - The New York Times - 0 views

  • James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, to inform Congress about a new review in the Hillary Clinton email investigation — a move Mrs. Clinton has said cost her the election.
  • The inspector general’s office said the investigation had come in response to complaints from members of Congress and the public about actions by the F.B.I. and the Justice Department during the campaign that might be seen as politically motivated.
  • decision by Mr. Comey’s to write two letters on the email matter within 11 days of the election, creating a wave of damaging news stories about the controversy late in the campaign.
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  • In the end, the new emails that the F.B.I. reviewed
  • proved irrelevant.
  • Both Democratic and Republican administrations have interpreted that policy broadly to prohibit taking any steps that might even hint at an impression of partisanship.
  • Mr. Horowitz has the authority to recommend a criminal investigation if he finds evidence of illegality
  • there has been no suggestion that Mr. Comey’s actions were unlawful
  • The Justice Department and the F.B.I. have a longstanding policy against discussing criminal investigations
  • Michael Horowitz, said he would also be examining other issues, including whether the deputy director of the F.B.I., whose wife ran as a Democrat for the Virginia State Senate, should have recused himself from any involvement in the Clinton email investigation
  • It is extraordinarily rare for the inspector general to publicly disclose its investigations, particularly in such detail
  • Mr. Comey’s actions attracted criticism from members of both parties.
  • Donald J. Trump, on the other hand, accused him of being part of a rigged system because the F.B.I. cleared Mrs. Clinton of criminal liability
  • Since the election, Mr. Trump has not indicated whether he intends to keep Mr. Comey in his job
  • “This is highly encouraging and to be expected, given Director Comey’s drastic deviation from Justice Department protocol. A probe of this sort, however long it takes to conduct, is utterly necessary in order to take the first step to restore the F.B.I.’s reputation as a nonpartisan institution.”
  • also investigating whether the Justice Department’s top congressional liaison, Peter Kadzik, had improperly provided information to the Clinton campaign.
  • WikiLeaks showed that Mr. Kadzik alerted the campaign about an upcoming congressional hearing that would most likely raise questions about Mrs. Clinton.
  • The bureau., which usually keeps its distance from presidential campaigns, found itself much more centrally involved this time because of its yearlong investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s use of private email server.
  • Mr. Comey announced that the F.B.I. would not seek criminal charges against Mrs. Clinton. But he said she had been “extremely careless” in her handling of sensitive national security information during her time as secretary of state, from 2009 to 2013.

Trump Tells Congress to Repeal Health Care Law 'Very Quickly' - The New York Times - 0 views

  • “In an ideal situation, we would repeal and replace Obamacare simultaneously, but we need to make sure that we have at least a detailed framework that tells the American people what direction we’re headed,”
  • vote gives Senate and House committees until Jan. 27 to write legislation that would repeal major provisions of the health care law.
  • convinced Mr. Trump to leap into the fray. Not only did he try to steel Republican spines, but he threatened Democrats who might stand in his way, saying he would campaign against them,
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  • “It may not get approved the first time, and it may not get approved the second time, but the Democrats who will try not to approve it” will be at risk, he said,
  • He described the health law as a catastrophe. “I feel that repeal and replace have to be together, for very simply, I think that the Democrats should want to fix Obamacare,”
  • After meeting with House Republicans on Tuesday, Mr. Ryan took a similar tone, calling the campaign to repeal the health law “a rescue mission to save families who are getting caught up in the death spiral that has become Obamacare.”
  • That legislation would take Democratic cooperation to be passed, because Senate Republicans are eight votes short of a filibuster-proof majority.
  • Far from a “death spiral,” Mr. Obama and congressional Democrats call the Affordable Care Act the best health law since the creation of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965.
  • Obama administration reported on Tuesday that more than 11.5 million people nationwide had signed up for health insurance or been automatically re-enrolled under the Affordable Care Act as of Dec. 24, 2016.

Taiwan's President Meets With Ted Cruz in the U.S., and China Objects - 0 views

  • President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan met with Senator Ted Cruz of Texas in Houston and then flew off to visit leaders in Latin America, seeking to promote her island’s cause as it gets positive signals from President-elect Donald J. Trump.
  • Ms. Tsai was looking to expand her ties to the Republican Party as it takes control of the White House and keeps its grip on Congress.
  • “We discussed our mutual opportunity to upgrade the stature of our bilateral relations in a wide-ranging discussion that addressed arms sales, diplomatic exchanges and economic relations.”
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  • Beijing’s influence in Latin America and the Caribbean is growing, and it is expected to achieve recognition from more countries, as China is the wealthier benefactor.
  • The United States does not maintain official diplomatic relations with Taiwan as a result of negotiations with Beijing that led to Washington’s recognition of the People’s Republic of China in 1979.
  • China has warned Mr. Trump against making changes to the One China policy after he takes office on Jan. 20. The warning came in response to a phone call between Ms. Tsai and Mr. Trump after his November election victory, the highest-level exchange between American and Taiwanese leaders since the end of diplomatic relations
  • “Cruz is influential above and beyond many senators, given his performance in the last election campaign. It makes sense to add Cruz, whatever his relationship is going to be with the Trump administration.”
  • “The People’s Republic of China needs to understand that in America we make decisions about meeting with visitors for ourselves,” Mr. Cruz said.
  • We will continue to meet with anyone, including the Taiwanese, as we see fit.”
  • While American leaders have vowed to defend Taiwan from attack, the United States is not legally bound to do so, despite what Mr. Cruz said. Advertisement Continue reading the main story
  • Beijing opposed any contact between Taiwan’s leader and “anyone from the U.S. government,” saying it threatens to hurt ties between Beijing and Washington.
  • “The U.S. is Taiwan’s most important ally and friend, and it occupies a special place in the hearts of the Chinese people,”
  • neither Mr. Trump nor anyone on his transition team would be meeting with Ms. Tsai.
  • “In general, it raises Tsai’s national and international stature to be going on trips like this,”

On the Trail With Gary Johnson - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party’s candidate for president, will be on the presidential ballot in all 50 states
  • the first time a third-party candidate has managed that feat in 20 years
  • But Mr. Johnson, a 63-year-old former governor of New Mexico, is walking a lonely road. While his name may be familiar, his face is not
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  • Last week, he missed the chance to make his case to more than 80 million Americans, when he fell shy of the 15 percent polling average needed for inclusion in the first presidential debate.
  • To the extent that Mr. Johnson has managed to generate coverage of his candidacy, the headlines have typically not been confidence inspiring
  • A competitive triathlete who has run 20 marathons, climbed the tallest mountains on all seven continents and almost died — twice — on gas ballooning adventures, he is not easily deterred.
  • He defines himself as a social liberal, a fiscal conservative and a military isolationist.
  • This is not the first time Mr. Johnson has run a long-shot campaign for the presidency. He won just 1 percent of the popular vote as the Libertarian Party’s candidate in 2012, after first competing for the Republican nomination
  • He has even won a handful of newspaper endorsements — more, in fact, than Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee — including, most prominently, that of The Chicago Tribune.
  • Mr. Johnson is polling especially well in Ohio and Colorado, which could both still be up for grabs.

Donald's Trump Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame Is Smashed - The New York Times - 0 views

  • A man dressed as a construction worker took a sledgehammer and a pickax to Donald J. Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
  • a suspect was pulled over and arrested on a charge of felony vandalism
  • “He didn’t get to his speech,” Sgt. Montgomery said.
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  • en route to the Walk of Fame, where he was planning to explain his actions
  • the man had told him he wanted to auction the star and raise money on behalf of the nearly dozen women who have accused Mr. Trump of sexual assault or sexual harassment.
  • Mr. Trump’s star, in the 6800 block of Hollywood Boulevard, has been the target of numerous attempts at defacement in the last several months.
  • Even when visitors do not try to deface the star, they sometimes use it to express their feelings toward the Republican nominee, like a young man who posed with both middle fingers extended above the star in this Instagram photo.

Abandoning Donald Trump and, for Some Women, the G.O.P., Too - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Donald J. Trump has polarized men and women, with the sexes parting ways to such a degree that Election Day could produce the biggest gender gap in decades.
  • gender war in the Republican Party itself.
  • Men and women are taking sides over accusations of Mr. Trump’s mistreatment of women,
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  • Republican women have turned on their party’s male leaders for defending Mr. Trump against accusations that he groped or forcibly kissed more than 10 women.
  • they see hypocrisy in Republican men rallying behind Mr. Trump after the same leaders for years accused Bill Clinton of predatory behavior.
  • Among Republican women, 79 percent supported Mr. Trump
  • far below the 93 percent of Republican women who voted for Mitt Romney in 2012.
  • women are deeply anxious that Mr. Trump’s candidacy will damage the party’s ability to appeal to them for years to come.
  • the sum difference between how men and women vote — could be the most yawning since 1952, when it was 26 points.
  • “I think we’ll see a lot of women walk away from the party over this,”
  • Many of the women came forward after Mr. Trump boasted of just such behavior in a leaked recording from 2005.
  • “I’m not fascinated by sex, but I am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we’re getting in the Oval Office,” Ms. Kelly said.
  • Some Republican women are now openly organizing to support Mrs. Clinton.
  • “I was horrified that our Republican leaders, who I looked up to, endorsed Trump in the midst of his worst comments about women,”
  • Republican women were not on board with Mrs. Clinton, though they have disavowed Mr. Trump
  • “When your leaders come out and make excuses and use biblical analogies to defend and promote Donald Trump,” she added, “that to me crosses a line I’m not comfortable with.”

Donations to Foundation Vexed Hillary Clinton's Aides, Emails Show - The New York Times - 0 views

  • In the years before Hillary Clinton announced she would run again for president, her top aides expressed profound concerns in internal emails about how foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton’s own moneymaking ventures would affect Mrs. Clinton’s political future.
  • The emails, obtained by hackers and being gradually released by WikiLeaks this month,
  • personal income from some foundation donors and “gets many expensive gifts from them.”
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  • Clinton Foundation gathering in Morocco at the behest of its king, who had pledged $12 million to the charity.
  • “She created this mess and she knows it,” a close aide, Huma Abedin, wrote of Mrs. Clinton in a January 2015 email.
  • Founded in 1997, when Mr. Clinton was still president, the foundation has raised roughly $2 billion to fund projects around the world, helping African farmers improve their yields, Haitians recover from a devastating 2010 earthquake and millions of people gain access to cheaper H.I.V./AIDS medication, among other accomplishments.
  • At the time, she was beginning to exert influence at the foundation, expressing concerns that Mr. Band and others were trying to use the charity to make money for themselves, and accusing another aide in her father’s personal office of installing spyware.
  • One such donor, Laureate International Universities, a for-profit education company based in Baltimore, was paying Mr. Clinton $3.5 million annually “to provide advice” and serve as its honorary chairman
  • Chelsea Clinton helped enlist an outside law firm to audit the Clinton Foundation’s practices.
  • the foundation “ensure that all donors are properly vetted and that no inappropriate quid pro quos are offered to donors in return for contributions.”
  • In August, the foundation said it would no longer accept foreign donations should Mrs. Clinton win the White House.
  • Russian government’s efforts to use cyberattacks to influence the election in favor of the Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump.
  • asked whether Mrs. Clinton’s name would be used in connection with the foundation, which is formally known as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. “It will invite press scrutiny and she’ll be held accountable for what happens there,”
  • a lawyer and top aide, said she discussed with Mrs. Clinton various “steps” to take to adjust her relationship with the foundation, including her resignation from the foundation’s board.
  • Mr. Band, who helped Mr. Clinton build the foundation, clearly felt irritated by Chelsea Clinton’s stream of implications that he had padded his own pockets from his work for her father.
  • “As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far,” he wrote. “A kiss on the cheek while she is sticking the knife in the back, and front.”

Pat McCrory: Firebombing 'an attack on democracy' | The Charlotte Observer - 0 views

  • firebombing of a North Carolina Republican headquarters
  • “an attack on our democracy,”
  • “political terrorism.”
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  • somebody threw a bottle of flammable liquid through the window of Orange County’s GOP headquarters, setting campaign signs, supplies and furniture ablaze before burning itself out.
  • A swastika and “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” were spray painted on the side of an adjacent building.
  • I will use every resource as governor to assist local authorities in this investigation.”
  • incident took place in Orange County, home of the University of North Carolina in nearby Chapel Hill.
  • But Clinton’s campaign tweeted, “The attack on the Orange County HQ @NCGOP office is horrific and unacceptable. Very grateful that everyone is safe.”
  • “Violence has no place in our democracy and can not be tolerated. The culprits must be caught and brought to justice.”
  • “political terrorism.”
  • “Whether you are Republican, Democrat or Independent, all Americans should be outraged by this hate-filled and violent attack against our democracy. … Everyone in this country should be free to express their political viewpoints without fear for their own safety.”
  • “The idea is to intimidate us, to make us crawl back in the shadows,” he said. “But I think it’s going to backfire on them.”
  • “It always happens that toward the end of the campaign, emotions get both frayed and intensified.”
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