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Contents contributed and discussions participated by davisem


Transgender Women Fear Abuse in Immigration Detention - 0 views

    By then, Ms. Martela, 47, had mobilized a small army of supporters through Facebook, tapping into the network she and Ms. Chaubal had built in the three years since they had started Trans Lifeline, a crisis hotline for transgender individuals.

Taiwan's President Meets With Ted Cruz in the U.S., and China Objects - 0 views

    Ms. Tsai's stop in Houston preceded visits to El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, four of the 20 countries, along with the Vatican, that maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan rather than China. Last month, São Tomé and Príncipe, an island nation off the west coast of Africa, severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

U.S. Commandos Conduct Raids Against ISIS in Eastern Syria - 0 views

    United States commandos carried out a raid against Islamic State fighters in eastern Syria over the weekend, two American officials said on Monday. At least 25 fighters were killed in the two-hour raid in al-Kubar, a village in Deir al-Zour Province, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group.

Jerusalem truck attack suspect may have supported ISIS, Netanyahu says - 0 views

shared by davisem on 09 Jan 17 - No Cached
    Two soldiers and a tour guide who is a colonel in the reserves shot and killed the attack suspect, whom they identified as 28-year-old Fadi Qunbar. Police have also arrested nine other suspects, including five of Qunbar's family members.

Senate Looks to Move Fast on Trump Administration Hearings, Health Law - 0 views

    The GOP-controlled Senate, brushing aside concerns from Democrats and a government-ethics watchdog, is moving quickly this week to help help President-elect Donald Trump staff his administration and will vote on a step toward repealing much of the Affordable Care Act.

U.S. Halts Aid Package to Philippines Amid Drug Crackdown - The New York Times - 0 views

  • The United States said on Thursday that it had deferred giving economic aid to the Philippines because of concerns about the rule of law as the brutal campaign on drugs under President Rodrigo Duterte appears to show no signs of slowing down
  • The Millennium Challenge Corporation, set up by the United States government to reduce poverty around the world
  • The United States has been openly critical of the Philippines’ bloody crackdown on narcotics, in which over 2,000 people have been killed at the hands of the police since Mr. Duterte assumed office in June. An additional 3,500 killings remain unsolved, but about a third of those have been identified as drug-related
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  • The initial grant, approved in 2010, helped modernize the internal revenue bureau, expanded programs under the social welfare department intended to alleviate poverty and rehabilitated a major road network
  • The president’s embrace of violence has shocked other countries and brought condemnation from human rights groups, but Mr. Duterte remains popular among a large segment of Filipinos weary of crime and enthusiastic about his pledge to rid the country of drug dealers
    The United States normally send packages to the Philippines, but w halted economic aid because we are worried about the law about drugs

Kremlin Calls NBC Report Putin Directed Hack 'Laughable Nonsense' - NBC News - 0 views

  • The Kremlin on Thursday disputed an exclusive NBC News report that U.S. intelligence has documented Vladimir Putin's personal involvement in a Russian intelligence operation to interfere in the U.S. presidential election.
  • U.S. has information that Putin personally directed how material hacked by Russian intelligence agencies was used during the campaign.
  • n the past, Russia has specifically denied that it orchestrated a campaign of hacking, leaking, social media activism and other so-called "active measures" designed to undermine the U.S. election
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  • U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News they now believe with "a high level of confidence" that Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign
  • Ultimately, the CIA has assessed, the Russian government wanted to elect Donald Trump. The FBI and other agencies don't fully endorse that view, but few officials would dispute that the Russian operation was intended to harm Clinton's candidacy by leaking embarrassing emails about Democrats.
  • Now the U.S has solid information tying Putin to the operation, the intelligence officials say. Their use of the term "high confidence" implies that the intelligence is nearly incontrovertible.
    It is thought that Putin has interfered with the US election, and that he led the mission of how the material was hacked by the Russian government during the campaign.

Russia Says Aleppo Combat Has Ceased; Residents Disagree - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Russian officials said Thursday that the Syrian Army had stopped combat operations in the divided city of Aleppo in order to evacuate civilians, but residents of the rebel-held enclave reported that after a day of intense bombardment, fighting was continuing
  • 150 airstrikes had killed at least 50 people and in which residents said they were unable to flee because of the intense combat
  • At the United Nations, the agency’s envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, told reporters he could not verify whether the fighting had stopped or whether civilians were being allowed to evacuate
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  • Pleas for help from eastern Aleppo escalated on Thursday, with doctors warning that they could no longer provide more than first aid
  • Mr. Assad told Al Watan, a pro-government newspaper, that victory in Aleppo “doesn’t mean the end of the war in Syria. It is a significant landmark toward the end of the battle, but the war in Syria will not end until terrorism is eliminated,” he said, referring to insurgents
  • Bombs containing chlorine, banned as a weapon by international law, fell on the front line near the Kalasseh neighborhood, sickening about 30 people, the White Helmets said.
  • and that now the United States and Russia, as well as the Syrian combatants, could not agree on a plan to deliver aid and evacuate civilians who want to leave
  • Russia’s Foreign Ministry issued an angry and sarcastic response to a statement from six Western countries a day earlier that had warned of a humanitarian catastrophe in Aleppo. The ministry said that Russia was providing aid to residents it said had
  • Led by Canada, the United Nations General Assembly is scheduled to vote on a draft resolution that calls for a “cessation of hostilities” for an undefined period of time and that allows humanitarian aid to be delivered. It would have no force of law.
    Syrian Army stopped combat in the city Aleppo because they wanted to evacuate the citizens, but after they were bombarded, there was still fighting. It is so bad that for doctors, it hard to provide financial aid.

Will China Shrink in 2018, Ten Years Ahead of Schedule? | World Affairs Journal - 0 views

  • The South China Morning Post recently reported that Chinese demographers expect their country’s population to peak in 2018
  • The official National Bureau of Statistics reports that China’s total fertility rate or TFR, the number of births per woman living through childbearing age, was a stunningly low 1.05 last year, well below the replacement rate of 2.1
  • reports that on Saturday China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission projected the number of Chinese births to rise 5.7% this year to 17.5 million, 0.95 million
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  • China’s annual births, the official said, could hit 20 million soon, resulting in a population of 1.45 billion in 2030
  • The new two-child policy, which among other things obliges parents to seek permission for a second child and does not allow single women to bear children
    It s thought that China is going to hit its population peak in 2018. The births could be about 20 million soon, which would be about 1.4 billion people by 2030. How will they deal with this?

Italy's referendum: A nightmare scenario in the heart of Europe - Dec. 1, 2016 - 0 views

shared by davisem on 05 Dec 16 - No Cached
  • Will Italy deliver the next shock to the political establishment?
  • force the prime minister's resignation, spark a banking crisis and ultimately push Italy out of the eurozone
  • Such a scenario would require a line of political dominoes to fall in just the right way
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  • Italians are being asked to vote on a sweeping series of constitutional reforms championed by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. He says the changes are vital to end political gridlock and revive Italy's stagnant economy, and has pledged to resign if voters reject them.
  • immediate risk stems from the country's troubled banks, which are saddled with about €360 billion ($383 billion) in non-performing loans, roughly a third of the eurozone total
  • Its stock has lost 86% so far this year, and other heavyweights such as Unicredit (UNCFF) have fared little better.
  • f Renzi follows through on his pledge to resign, it is possible -- but not a foregone conclusion -- that early elections could be triggered
  • The party, founded by comedian Beppe Grillo, is animated by many of the same forces that Trump leveraged to win the White House.
    Italians vote on Sunday, and it could force the prime minister's resignation, and this would spark a banking crisis and push Italy out of the Eurozone. If Rezni follows through with his pledge to resign, that the elections could be triggered.

How populism could shake up Europe: A visual guide - - 0 views

shared by davisem on 05 Dec 16 - No Cached
  • Europe's populist movements are on the cusp of sweeping far-right, nationalist and euroskeptic parties into power across the continent in a series of upcoming elections
  • he revolving door swung against current Prime Minister Matteo Renzi Sunday, when voters rejected his proposed changes to the country's constitution
  • Experts say that if Grillo comes to power, he'll likely follow through on promises to call a referendum to scrap the euro, reintroduce the Italian lira, and perhaps even follow Britain out of the European Union
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  • Norbert Hofer of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPO) had ridden a populist wave to challenge for presidential power (albeit in a largely ceremonial role). The race had appeared close, but on Sunday Hofer conceded to left-wing independent Alexander Van der Bellen when early returns ran against him
  • Marine Le Pen, leader since 2011, has tried to "detoxify" the party founded by her father Jean-Marie of its reputation for racism and xenophobia -- and has seen its share of the vote rise to 27% in last year's regional elections
  • Formed in 2013, the anti-immigrant party Alternative for Germany (AfD) was initially galvanized into action by what it saw as Merkel's bungled handling of the eurozone crisis -- specifically the multiple Greek bailouts
  • The National Front leader has utilized similar tactics to the US President-elect by tapping into frustrations of the French electorate and focusing on a more nationalistic agenda to sway voters to her corner.
  • Farage was one of the chief architects of the Brexit campaign for Britain to leave the European Union
  • since the 2008 economic crisis unemployment has risen from 7.1% to around 10%, while almost a quarter of the nation's youth is now out of work.
  • Voters in the Netherlands are set to elect a new parliament in March 2017, when the anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant Party for Freedom (PVV) hopes to build on its strong showing in the past two elections
  • Wilders has run on a party manifesto focused on a so-called "de-Islamification" of the Netherlands
    Europe is one the peak of sweeping right, nationalist and eurosceptic parties come into power in following elections, and we see some examples of countries and how the GPA, Unemployment, and others were effected.

Is bombing the s*** out of ISIS a strategy? - - 0 views

shared by davisem on 16 Nov 16 - No Cached
  • "I will quickly and decisively bomb the hell out of ISIS, will rebuild our military and make it so strong no-one -- and I mean, no one -- will mess with us.""I would bomb the s*** out of them."
  • rump pledged in September that on his first day in office he would issue his generals with a simple instruction: "They will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS.
  • is premise is that the US-led coalition simply isn't ruthless enough. In an interview with Fox News in September, Trump said: "We have to lead for a change because we are not knocking them. We're hitting them every once in a while, we're hitting them in certain places, we're being very gentle about it."
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  • H
    Trump says he wants bomb the s*** out of ISIS, but is that really the way?

Paris attacks: A year of grief, anger, change - - 0 views

shared by davisem on 16 Nov 16 - No Cached
  • Salines' 29-year-old daughter, Lola, had gone to a concert at the Bataclan by US rock band the Eagles of Death Metal. Midway through the show, ISIS-linked gunmen opened fire on the audience and detonated suicide vests; 90 people were killed in the raid, one of a series of coordinated attacks across Paris
  • Lola Salines was killed in the attack on an Eagles of Death Metal concert at the Bataclan in Paris.
  • It followed an emotional performance on Saturday night by musician Sting, a fundraiser for victim support charities at the newly opened Bataclan. He began with the words: "We shall not forget them."
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  • French President Francois Hollande unveiled plaques at attack sites in the city -- at the Stade de France, outside the Petit Cambodge restaurant, in the Boulevard Voltaire, and at the Bonne Biere and Belle Equipe cafes.
  • "For three hours, we had to listen to the shooting," he remembers. "That was terrible. Every time we thought it would end, it was just time for the terrorists to get their weapons reloaded, and then they would shoot again."
    ISIS attacked audience an audience in Paris.

Trump-Pentagon relationship likely to be complicated - - 0 views

shared by davisem on 03 Nov 16 - No Cached
  • Trump has taken positions at odds with military pronouncements
  • Clinton and the military differ on a no-fly zone for Syria
  • The Republican nominee, in particular, would enter office having backed a number of positions contrary to the Pentagon and having leveled harsh critiques of military policy and strategy
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  • The GOP candidate also has more broadly criticized the US strategy toward ISIS; suggested bringing back torture; called for a drastic rethinking of American military alliances; and floated the possibility of shifting America's nuclear policy to allow for greater proliferation
  • Clinton, too, has taken positions that appear at odds with some of the public positions of the military, particularly regarding the imposition of a no-fly zone in Syria
  • Not only has President Barack Obama opposed such a move, military leaders have also expressed concerns
  • For weeks, Trump has lambasted the coalition effort, calling the undertaking a "total disaster" and saying the US and its allies were "bogged-down" there even as defense officials say they are encouraged by the progress being made
  • Trump also hinted that he might replace a significant number of senior military leaders not to his liking
    Trump has taken positions at odds with military pronouncements, and Clinton is offering the military no-fly one for Syria. Both of these candidates bump heads on military issues.

F.B.I. Reviewing New Emails in Hillary Clinton Case - The New York Times - 0 views

  • WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. said Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the closed investigation into whether Hillary Clinton or her aides had mishandled classified information, potentially reigniting an issue that has weighed on the presidential campaign and offering a lifeline to Donald J. Trump less than two weeks before the election
  • Mr. Trump seized on the F.B.I. action on Friday at a rally in New Hampshire. To cheers of “lock her up” from his supporters, Mr. Trump said: “Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before
  • After deriding the F.B.I. for weeks as inept and corrupt, Mr. Trump went on to praise the law enforcement agenc
    Trump wants to rally people to "lock her up" because FBI uncovered new emails

Donald Trump's tough path to the White House - - 0 views

shared by davisem on 28 Oct 16 - No Cached
  • The drumbeat of WikiLeaks disclosures yielded material to lambast Hillary Clinton and her family's foundation. And news of rising Obamacare premiums gave him an opening to criticize President Barack Obama's legacy that Clinton is running to inherit.
  • But 11 days before the election, Trump is down six points in CNN's Poll of Polls. His path to the 270 electoral votes needed to capture the presidency remains daunting and it will be tough to overcome the deficit in the remaining time. Trump seemed to acknowledge the challenges Thursday.
    Shows the struggles of Trump and how it has been a bumpy road

FBI reopens Clinton email investigation after new messages found | Fox News - 0 views

  • The move comes after Comey and the Justice Department decided in July not to pursue charges over Clinton's email practices, saying at the time that the investigation was finished. 
  • Comey has since come under criticism from Donald Trump, lawmakers and others who claim the investigation downplayed the mishandling of classified information during Clinton's tenure. 
  • “Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before,” Trump said. “We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.”
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  • “The FBI’s decision to reopen its investigation into Secretary Clinton reinforces what the House Judiciary Committee has been saying for months: the more we learn about Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server, the clearer it becomes that she and her associates committed wrongdoing and jeopardized national security," House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., said in a statement. 
  • The development comes 11 days before the general election, and is the latest shockwave to hit the race. Clinton had been gaining in the polls over Trump in the wake of the release of footage showing Trump talking about groping women and subsequent allegations of sexual assault and harassment against him. 
    The FBI re-opened Clinton's because they found new emailss

Google - 0 views

shared by davisem on 28 Oct 16 - No Cached
    Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

The FBI will re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server - 0 views

    In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday, FBI Director James Comey wrote that the agency is investigating additional emails that were discovered as part of a separate investigation. "In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation ...

Catholic-Protestant feud flares anew in Northern Ireland - 0 views

    BELFAST, Northern Ireland - The Troubles here ended in the late 1990s, when Catholic nationalists seeking independence from Britain buried the hatchet with Protestant unionists loyal to the crown after 30 years of bloodshed.
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