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Contents contributed and discussions participated by davisem


The Nazis' First Victims Were the Disabled - The New York Times - 0 views

  • I first discovered that people with disabilities were sterilized and killed by the Nazis when I was a teenager, watching the TV mini-series “Holocaust” in 1978.
  • While he does know that approximately 300,000 disabled people were killed in T4 and its aftermath, he doesn’t know about the direct connection between T4 and the Holocaust.
  • I am also Jewish. At the Karl Bonhoeffer psychiatric hospital in the Berlin suburb of Wittenau, where the exhibition “A Double Stigma: The Fate of Jewish Psychiatric Patients” was held, I learned about, as the exhibition title suggests, how Jewish patients were doubly stigmatized by being separated from other patients, denied pastoral care, and were cared for not at the expense of the Reich but by Jewish organizations.
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  • Three years earlier, when I first arrived in Germany, I was consistently confronted with the treatment of those with disabilities under the Third Reich. But I soon realized I had to go back even farther. In the 1920s, the disabled were mistreated, sterilized, experimented on and killed in some German psychiatric institutions
  • A reading of Hoche and Binding’s “Permitting the Destruction of Unworthy Life” shows the similarity between what they said and what exponents of practical ethics, such as Peter Singer, say about the disabled today. As recently as 2015, Singer, talking with the radio host Aaron Klein on his show, said, “I don’t want my health insurance premiums to be higher so that infants who can experience zero quality of life can have expensive treatments.”
  • Three years ago, I was the only visitor at a museum dedicated to the history of the Reinickendorf area of Berlin.
    The first people that the Nazi's killed were people with disabilities. 73% of parents said they would have their kids killed if they were not told about it (parents with kid who had disabilities).

Germany paves way for recognition of 'third gender' - CNN - 0 views

shared by davisem on 10 Nov 17 - No Cached
  • Germany's top court ruled Wednesday that lawmakers must legally recognize a "third gender" from birth.
  • Once a law is passed, Germany would become the first European country to offer intersex people the option of identifying as a designation other than male or female.
  • In 2013, Germany became the first European country to allow parents of intersex children to leave the gender box blank on a birth certificate.
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  • Between 0.5% and 1.7% of the global population is born with intersex traits, which means a person does not have typical male-female sex characteristics, according to the United Nations.
  • Infants born in Germany with visible variations in their sex characteristics often undergo painful and irreversible surgery to give them the appearance of a conventional male or female gender, according to an Amnesty International report published in May.
    Germany will be the first European country to let people who are intersex identify as a third option (not male or female).

Trump, Propaganda and the Destruction of the Free Press | At the Edge | US News - 0 views

  • President Trump on Sunday leveraged a recent Politico/Morning Consult poll to prove a point he's been trying to make for months. "It is finally sinking through. 46% OF PEOPLE BELIEVE MAJOR NATIONAL NEWS ORGS FABRICATE STORIES ABOUT ME. FAKE NEWS, even worse! Lost cred," the president tweeted.
  • He and his advisers fomented Lugenpresse – the concept of "lying press" made famous by the Nazi party in Germany during Adolf Hitler's rise to power -- to undermine journalists covering his presidential campaign at every stop.
  • The process was accelerated by Facebook and Google, two companies that control information access for millions of people and allowed fake news to be presented, unfiltered, to voters around the country.
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  • We are now more than a generation away from Nazi Germany and the roots of the conflict that precipitated World War II
  • Today, in the U.S., we are just one nuclear confrontation away from becoming a nation where martial law and a military-controlled mass surveillance state will be viewed as a relief by many citizens.
  • Adolf Hitler and his state media chief, Joseph Goebbels, forged plans for the Nazi party's Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment during peacetime, long before the onset of World war II. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, it was an unprecedented, and largely unnoticed, strategy.
  • The second half of successful propaganda – the "national education" of the people by the government, as Goebbels so accurately portrayed it - relies on a confluence and collaboration between the state and mass media that voters consume.
    Trump is saying that the news fabricates stories, and that is what the Nazi party invented when Hitler came into power. If we destroy the media's credibility, we could be a country with people being relieved that they are a military-controlled country. We see scary similarities with how Trump rose to power and Hitler as well.

The great dealmaker? Lawmakers find Trump to be an untrustworthy negotiator. - The Wash... - 0 views

  • President Trump campaigned as one of the world’s greatest dealmakers, but after nine months of struggling to broker agreements, lawmakers in both parties increasingly consider him an untrustworthy, chronically inconsistent and easily distracted negotiator .
  • The president’s propensity to create diversions and follow tangents has kept him from focusing on his legislative agenda and forced lawmakers who might be natural allies on key policies into the uncomfortable position of having to answer for his behavior and outbursts.
  • Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Trump called him one morning that same week, interrupting his workout at the gym to tell him, “Let’s do some bipartisan work on health care!”
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  • But this past week, Trump created whiplash. On Monday — just moments after Alexander and Murray released the blueprint for a short-term authorization of federal subsidies that help lower-income Americans afford coverage but that the administration had just halted — Trump said he supported the effort.
  • Corker said his fellow Tennessean has “the patience of Job” to negotiate with Trump, referring to the biblical prophet who suffers one curse after another but keeps his faith.
  • “The expectation that you will stand by what you said you would do is higher in politics than it is in the cutthroat world of real estate,” Schwartz added. “That’s a brutal environment in which misdirection and bullying and making one offer and changing it later are all common practice.”
  • Trump’s lack of ideological roots makes him an unusual figure in Washington, where most lawmakers adhere rigidly to their party’s agendas.
  • Trump has been traveling the country to pitch his plan for broad tax cuts, targeting in particular Manchin and other Democratic senators up for reelection in 2018 in states Trump won last year. The president boasted this past week of being able to easily pass tax legislation this fall, even though a bill has not been introduced.
  • Schumer said the key to getting things done on Capitol Hill is for the president to take a back seat.
  • Schwartz said playing to Trump’s ego, as Graham has with his golf compliments, is an effective way to manage him. His advice to those seeking to make deals with Trump: Find the most persuasive way to portray one’s agenda as a personal victory for the president, and be the last person to talk to him. “Trump is motivated by the same concern in all situations, which is to dominate and to be perceived as having won,” Schwartz said. “That supersedes everything, including ideology.”

Obama calls on Americans to reject 'politics of fear' - CNNPolitics - 0 views

shared by davisem on 20 Oct 17 - No Cached
  • Former President Barack Obama returned the campaign trail Thursday with a warning about the current state of politics in America.
  • The 44th president did not mention his successor by name in his remarks, which were interrupted with chants of "four more years" from the crowd. President Donald Trump has actively taken steps to attack Obama's legacy in recent weeks, including on Iran, immigration and health care.
  • The appearance for Murphy, who served as Obama's ambassador to Germany from 2009 to 2013, marked the first foray onto the campaign trail for the former president since he left office in January.
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  • Obama made another campaign stop Thursday in Virginia, where he campaigned with Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, who is running against Republican Ed Gillespie, a former adviser to George W. Bush and chairman of the Republican National Committee, in the race to succeed Democrat Terry McAuliffe as governor.
  • Obama also touched on the violent clashes that occurred at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville over the summer."We don't rise up by repeating the past. We rise up by learning from the past," Obama said.

Pruitt: Scientists receiving federal grants will be cut from EPA advising roles - CNNPo... - 0 views

shared by davisem on 18 Oct 17 - No Cached
  • Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt says scientists who sit on EPA advisory boards and committees who have also received federal grants for studies could be cut from their roles as soon as next week, citing a lack of objectivity in their research.
  • Pruitt said having individuals on EPA advisory boards who have received grants from the agency raises red flags.
  • Jennifer Sass, the Natural Resources Defense Council's health program senior scientist, said Pruitt's goal was to "get rid of scientists who tell us the facts about threats to our environment and health."
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  • During his speech at the Heritage Foundation, Pruitt also confirmed that he's looking at a red team-blue team approach into questions about climate change.
  • Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Bruce also opposed Pruitt's announcement.
  • "Of course Scott Pruitt doesn't want to support science, because science makes clear that Pruitt's policies are disastrous for the health of our kids and our communities," Bruce said. "For Pruitt, anything that helps corporate polluters make money is good and science and facts are just roadblocks he wants to tear down."

Trump will end health care cost-sharing subsidies - CNNPolitics - 0 views

shared by davisem on 13 Oct 17 - No Cached
  • President Donald Trump plans to end a key set of Obamacare subsidies that helped lower-income enrollees pay for health care, the White House said Thursday, a dramatic move that raises questions about the law's future.
  • In a series of tweets Friday morning, Trump called on Democrats to reach out to him to "fix" the law, which he called a "broken mess."
  • Nearly 6 million enrollees, or 57%, qualify for the cost-sharing payments this year, according to the most recent data from the Department of Health and Human Services. The subsidies are expected to cost the federal government about $7 billion in 2017.
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  • White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the decision was "based on guidance from the Justice Department."
  • "It is a spiteful act of vast, pointless sabotage leveled at working families and the middle class in every corner of America," said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in a joint statement. "Make no mistake about it, Trump will try to blame the Affordable Care Act, but this will fall on his back and he will pay the price for it."
  • This was the second major move on Obamacare Thursday. Earlier in the day, Trump signed an executive order charging his administration with developing policies to increase health care competition and choice in order to cut prices. However, it could also destabilize Obamacare by siphoning off younger and healthier Americans from the exchanges.
  • What will Congress do?
  • "Cutting health care subsidies will mean more uninsured in my district. @POTUS promised more access, affordable coverage.," Florida Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican who will be retiring at the end of this term, said in a Twitter post after the news broke Thursday night. "This does opposite."
  • "Under no circumstance should Congress attempt to expand Obamacare by cutting a check for President Obama's bailout of insurance companies," tweeted GOP Rep. Mark Walker of North Carolina. "Instead, Congress must fulfill the promise to repeal and replace Obamacare with high-quality, patient-centered health care."
  • Will costs go up?
  • Insurers have already signed contracts committing them to participating in 2018 and setting their rates. They must continuing offering the reduced deductibles and co-pays to eligible enrollees, but they won't be paid for them. That's why many asked for such large rate hikes.
  • Obamacare enrollees eligible to receive premium subsidies, which are not affected by Trump's move, will continue to get discounted rates.

Trump attacks San Juan mayor over hurricane response - CNNPolitics - 0 views

shared by davisem on 30 Sep 17 - No Cached
  • President Donald Trump launched a Twitter attack Saturday morning on San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz for "poor leadership ability," saying she and others in Puerto Rico "want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort."
  • The President again praised the federal government's response on the island, which is grappling with the devastating impact of Hurricane Maria, saying the 10,000 federal workers there were doing a "fantastic job."
  • "This is the time to show our 'true colors,'" she wrote. "We cannot be distracted by anything else."
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  • The Trump administration has repeatedly lauded the federal government's response to Maria, despite criticism from some that the administration has not been as engaged in the recovery efforts to this storm as he was for the recent hurricanes that battered Texas and Florida.
  • "Fake News CNN and NBC are going out of their way to disparage our great First Responders as a way to 'get Trump,'" he tweeted. "Not fair to FR or effort!"

Saudi Minister Says Adding Women Drivers Will Reduce Car Crashes | World News | US News - 0 views

  • RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's lifting of a much criticized ban on women drivers will reduce the number of car crashes in a country with one of the world's worst traffic-related death rates, its interior minister said on Thursday.
  • Saudi Arabia was the only remaining country in the world to bar women from driving, a policy that will officially end in June 2018 after a ministerial committee reports on measures needed for implementation.
  • While Saudi women have generally praised the lifting of the driving ban, some men expressed concern it would dramatically increase the number of cars on already crowded Saudi roads.
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  • The royal decree promises to change lifestyles for many of the 10 million women over the age of 20, including foreigners, who live in Saudi Arabia.

North Korea: Pyongyang vows 'suffering' ahead of sanctions vote - CNN - 0 views

shared by davisem on 11 Sep 17 - No Cached
  • North Korea has warned the United States that it will pay a "due price" if harsh sanctions against the country are agreed at a United Nations Security Council meeting on Monday.
  • The US had proposed some of the strictest sanctions yet against the already heavily censured nation. It called for a full ban on oil exports to the country, and an immediate asset freeze on North Korean leader leader Kim Jong Un and his government for all financial assets held overseas, among other measures.
  • China -- North Korea's most powerful ally -- said Monday that it supported the Security Council's plan for a "further response" to North Korea and to take "necessary actions."
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  • The test sent powerful tremors across the region, suggesting the device used was the most powerful the nation has ever tested. Pyongyang claims it tested a hydrogen bomb capable of sitting atop a ballistic missile.
  • North Korea commemorated the 69th anniversary of its founding on Saturday, holding large patriotic displays of dancing and devotion to the Kim family.
  • We know the Americans may come back with many more sanctions but in response we Koreans will continue shooting up many more missiles and conducting many more H-bomb tests," North Korean shop assistant Han Myong Sim told CNN's Will Ripley.

Trump sides with Democrats on fiscal issues, throwing Republican plans into chaos - The... - 0 views

  • President Trump, a man of few allegiances who seized control of the Republican Party in a hostile takeover, suddenly aligned himself with Democrats on Wednesday on a series of key fiscal issues — and even gave a lift to North Dakota’s embattled Democratic U.S. senator.
  • The episode is the latest turn in Trump’s separation from his party as he distances himself to deflect blame for what has been a year of gridlock and missed opportunities for Republicans on Capitol Hill.
  • agreeing with Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on plans for a bill to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling for three months
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  • In siding with Democrats, Trump overruled his own treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, who was in the middle of an explanation backing a longer-term increase when the president interrupted him and disagreed, according to a person briefed on the meeting who was not authorized to comment publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity.
  • Trump opened his speech by recounting his “great bipartisan meeting” at the White House. “I’m committed to working with both parties to deliver for our wonderful, wonderful citizens,” Trump said, citing Schumer and Pelosi by name before mentioning the Republicans who were in attendance.
  • The plan for now is to suspend the debt ceiling until Dec. 15 and then revisit it with a vote by Congress before then, but the Treasury Department would retain flexibility to take emergency steps, two congressional aides said.

Trump says military action is not his 'first choice' on North Korea - CNNPolitics - 0 views

  • Trump said when asked if he was still considering military action. "Certainly that's not a first choice, but we'll see what happens."
  • Asked Sunday whether he was going to attack North Korea, Trump said simply: "We'll see."
  • Trump has repeatedly leaned on China in hopes that the North Korean neighbor and its biggest trading partner will exert its influence to bring a stop to the regime's increasingly aggressive nuclear and ballistic missile activity, which have increased in the first months of Trump's presidency.
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  • considering "stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea."
  • US officials to worry North Korea's ballistic missiles could now reach large swaths of the US.
davisem - 0 views

shared by davisem on 09 Jun 17 - No Cached
  • On May 12, just three days after he fired James Comey as the FBI director, President Donald Trump tweeted this: "James Comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"
  • And, like many of Trump's tweets, it produced a chain reaction of events that backfired on Trump.
  • Comey said Thursday that Trump asked him directly for his loyalty and implied strongly that his job might well depend on it. Trump, via his lawyer Marc Kasowitz, insisted that never happened. Comey said under oath on Thursday that Trump made clear to him he'd like the federal investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn to end. Trump has flatly
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  • he said when asked about the Comey allegation on Flynn.
  • The Trump tweet on "tapes" is now a central part of the investigation into what exactly happened between he and Comey. And that's not going to change until we get a clear answer on whether they actually exist -- and, if they do, what's on them.

Comey Tried to Shield the F.B.I. From Politics. Then He Shaped an Election. - The New Y... - 0 views

  • WASHINGTON — The day before he upended the 2016 election, James B. Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, summoned agents and lawyers to his conference room. They had been debating all day, and it was time for a decision
  • But with polls showing Mrs. Clinton holding a comfortable lead, Mr. Comey ended up plunging the F.B.I. into the molten center of a bitter election. Fearing the backlash that would come if it were revealed after the election that the F.B.I. had been investigating the next president and had kept it a secret, Mr. Comey sent a letter informing Congress that the case was reopened.
  • An examination by The New York Times, based on interviews with more than 30 current and former law enforcement, congressional and other government officials, found that while partisanship was not a factor in Mr. Comey’s approach to the two investigations, he handled them in starkly different ways. In the case of Mrs. Clinton, he rewrote the script, partly based on the F.B.I.’s expectation that she would win and fearing the bureau would be accused of helping her. In the case of Mr. Trump, he conducted the investigation by the book, with the F.B.I.’s traditional secrecy. Many of the officials discussed the investigations on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to reporters.
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  • he examination also showed that at one point, President Obama himself was reluctant to disclose the suspected Russian influence in the election last summer, for fear his administration would be accused of meddling.

Comey Testimony Shows It's Not The Crime That Could Hurt Trump. It's The Cover-Up. | Hu... - 0 views

  • WASHINGTON ― When it comes to President Donald Trump and Russian interference in the election, the issue is the cover-up, not the crime. That’s the takeaway from former FBI Director James Comey’s dramatic testimony before Congress on Thursday
  • By firing Comey, Trump created a powerful enemy no longer entirely constrained by the traditions of the FBI or the desire to keep his job. Compounding their error, the Trump administration and the president himself angered Comey with what Comey called their “shifting explanations” for his firing that left him “confused” and “concerned.”
  • The American people should have full confidence in Mueller, who preceded Comey as head of the FBI, Comey said Thursday. Mueller, he said, is a straight shooter who will “turn over all the rocks” in the course of the investigation. Comey added that Mueller would never have agreed to become special counsel last month “if he wasn’t going to get full independence.”

North Korea fires anti-ship missiles, says South Korea - BBC News - 0 views

  • Authorities said the weapons, launched on Thursday morning near the city of Wonsan, appeared to be short-range "surface-to-ship" missiles.
  • The resolution issued on 2 June specifically bans Pyongyang from nuclear activity and ballistic missiles, but also bans launches of "any other provocation" and "any other existing weapons of mass destruction".
  • But South Korea said on Wednesday it was suspending the further deployment of the system until an environmental assessment is completed.

The center in British politics has all but disappeared, leaving the country as polarize... - 0 views

  • LONDON — Conditions seemed ripe for a resurgenceof Britain’s political middle when the country learned seven weeks ago that it would return to the polls in a snap election, which takes place Thursday.  
  • The Liberal Democrats, who saw their representation in Parliament fall to eight seats in 2015, hoped for a resurrection this summer. A special election win in December, in a district that had heavily favored remaining in the European bloc, seemed to offer a blueprint for the party’s return to prominence. A redo referendum is at the heart of its manifesto. 
  • One stumbling block has been doubt about how Farron, a Christian, views homosexuality and abortion rights. He has been tongue-tied at times about the distinction between his own beliefs and legitimate subjects of government regulation. “I’m not running to be pope,” he said Wednesday, calling it “fundamental” to liberalism that everybody “live the way they choose to
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  • Colin Hay, a political scientist at Sciences Po in Paris studying European democracy and voter disaffection, said it was “deeply ironic that the Liberal Democrats’ leader is accused of being the only illiberal leader of a liberal party in Europe.” 

Supreme Court rules to limit SEC power to recover profit from fraud - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • The Supreme Court on Monday unanimously limited the federal government’s power to recover the profits made from illegal behavior.
  • The question for the Supreme Court was whether disgorgements were a form of a penalty, which is subject to the statute of limitations, or a remedy for unjust enrichment that simply restores the offender to the situation he would have been in if he had not acted illegally, as the government claimed.
  • A judge in 2015 ordered him to pay a $2.4 million civil penalty. But because the SEC has interpreted disgorgement to have no time restraint, the judge said Kokesh must also pay $35 million, the calculated amount of illegal profits dating back to the initiation of his illegal behavior.

The Paris climate decision is Trumpism in its purest form - - 0 views

shared by davisem on 02 Jun 17 - No Cached
  • President Donald Trump's decision to pull the United States out of a global climate accord represents the clearest evidence yet that his worldview represents a radical break from that of the Republican and Democratic presidents who have preceded him in office over the last seven decades
  • Inherent in that rhetoric is the idea that has animated Trump -- in politics and the business world -- from the very beginning: The elites in this country (and the world) think they know better than us regular people. (Leave aside the fact Trump is a billionaire who was raised with money.) They think they can tell us what's good for us. But, we know what's good for us better than they do. And it's time to stand up for it!
  • o Trump, the world community is driven, at least in part, by a desire to draw the US into deals like Paris to hobble us economically.

Trump expected to withdraw from Paris climate agreement - - 0 views

  • President Donald Trump is expected to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, two senior US officials familiar with his plans told CNN Wednesday, a major break from international partners that would isolate the United States in global efforts to curb global warming
  • The precise mechanism for withdrawal hasn't yet been determined, and White House officials cautioned the plans could change until Trump makes his decision public.
  • ice advocating for withdrawal, Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt.
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