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Jason Schmidt

Historical Maps in Minecraft | The New York Public Library - 0 views

    Historical maps - converted for Minecraft!
Sallie Draper

Bethel Evangelical Lutheran - 3 views

    WELS church in York, NE using WordPress for web site
Emile Burgess

It's 'digital heroin': How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies | New York Post - 2 views

  • If you have to, demand that your child’s school not give them a tablet or Chromebook until they are at least 10 years old (others recommend 12).
  • Developmental psychologists understand that children’s healthy development involves social interaction, creative imaginative play and an engagement with the real, natural world.
Sallie Draper

Teaching Kids Coding, by the Book - The New York Times - 0 views

    Girls Who Code unveils 2 coding-themed books Girls Who Code is releasing two books this week, a fiction novel called "The Friendship Code," and an illustrated coding manual. "I wanted to create a series of books that girls could see themselves in, where you could sneak in the algorithms and you sneak in the coding," said founder and CEO Reshma Saujani, whose organization has taught about 40,000 to code over the past five years.
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