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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sheri Fresonke Harper

Sheri Fresonke Harper

Ten Wild and Healthy Snack Foods to Collect and Eat During Emergencies - Associated Con... - 2 views

    Healthy snack items may become a necessity during emergencies, look at these top recommendations.
Sheri Fresonke Harper

Best Advice for Looking Younger and Healthier - 0 views

    Follow these tips for using skin products, hair products, diet products, exercise products and fashionable clothing to look younger and healthier. Younger and healthier is about how you feel inside and make yourself look your best on the outside.
Sheri Fresonke Harper

A Day with Canker Sores (and 10 Tips for Handling Them) - 0 views

    A humorous scenario describing potential causes of canker sores and some serious advice with tips from the experts on how to prevent canker sores, treat canker sores, and handle canker sores.
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