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Ling L

Vegetable Diet - 1 views

What do most people think when you say go on a vegetable diet? They think yuck! I cannot eat only vegetables! Another misperception that is around is that if you are a vegetarian then what do you e...


started by Ling L on 18 Mar 09 no follow-up yet
Cary Ellis

How to cook a delicious Thai Noodle Soup - 0 views

    So simple yet so delicious…from Buddhist temples of Asia we hear ancient gong calling to prayer… ah yes, eat this one with chopsticks, sip the broth.
Cary Ellis

Nourish your body with Rice Vegetable Soup - 0 views

    Rice is one of those great foods, again, gentle on the body, ancient seed of the eastern world, simple sustenance with vegetables and herbs - nourishing and light on the body.
Alex Parker

ProVeg International launches petition to challenge EU 'veggie' burger ban - 1 views

    Food awareness organisation ProVeg International has started a petition to 'stop the veggie burger ban' after the European Parliament's proposal to ban the use of words including 'burger' and 'sausage' to describe vegetarian and vegan products.

Test Booster Supplement - The Truth Behind Test Booster Supplement: An In-Depth Analysi... - 1 views

Visit our Facebook page and groups: - https://www.faceboo...

started by kanibi on 16 Aug 24 no follow-up yet
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