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Marriage Predictions According to Date of Birth - 0 views

Do you want to know when you will married? If yes, Visit at Onegodmed. Marriage predictions starts from knowing the right time for marriage, who will be your future life partner, you will have love...

marriage predicitons marriage predictions by date of birth kundali matching talk to astrologer chat with astrologer

started by onegodmedindia on 26 Aug 22 no follow-up yet
Skeptical Debunker

Traces of the past: Computer algorithm able to 'read' memories - 0 views

  • To explore how such memories are recorded, the researchers showed ten volunteers three short films and asked them to memorise what they saw. The films were very simple, sharing a number of similar features - all included a woman carrying out an everyday task in a typical urban street, and each film was the same length, seven seconds long. For example, one film showed a woman drinking coffee from a paper cup in the street before discarding the cup in a litter bin; another film showed a (different) woman posting a letter. The volunteers were then asked to recall each of the films in turn whilst inside an fMRI scanner, which records brain activity by measuring changes in blood flow within the brain. A computer algorithm then studied the patterns and had to identify which film the volunteer was recalling purely by looking at the pattern of their brain activity. The results are published in the journal Current Biology. "The algorithm was able to predict correctly which of the three films the volunteer was recalling significantly above what would be expected by chance," explains Martin Chadwick, lead author of the study. "This suggests that our memories are recorded in a regular pattern." Although a whole network of brain areas support memory, the researchers focused their study on the medial temporal lobe, an area deep within the brain believed to be most heavily involved in episodic memory. It includes the hippocampus - an area which Professor Maguire and colleagues have studied extensively in the past. They found that the key areas involved in recording the memories were the hippocampus and its immediate neighbours. However, the computer algorithm performed best when analysing activity in the hippocampus itself, suggesting that this is the most important region for recording episodic memories. In particular, three areas of the hippocampus - the rear right and the front left and front right areas - seemed to be involved consistently across all participants. The rear right area had been implicated in the earlier study, further enforcing the idea that this is where spatial information is recorded. However, it is still not clear what role the front two regions play.
    Computer programs have been able to predict which of three short films a person is thinking about, just by looking at their brain activity. The research, conducted by scientists at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at UCL (University College London), provides further insight into how our memories are recorded.

Talk to astrologer - 1 views

Onegodmed is the best astrology platform for online astrology predictions. Talk to Astrologer on call/chat and get answers to all your problems by seeing the future life through Astrology horoscope...

Talk to astrologer chat with astrologer astrologer astrology online astrology predictions online astrology consultation

started by onegodmedindia on 09 Aug 22 no follow-up yet

future predictions by date of birth free - 1 views

Are you wondering for your future? If yes, visit at Onegodmed. You can get your complete vedic astrology report with precise predictions about your life, including future predictions. And also, kno...

future prediction by date of birth talk to astrologer chat with astrologer

started by onegodmedindia on 11 Jul 22 no follow-up yet

Free Horoscope Prediction by Online Astrologer - 0 views

Horoscope is known as Kundali in and is regarded as the cornerstone of Vedic Astrology. Whether you have an important show or meeting to join in, know about the way things will peruse your weekly h...

astrology astrologer horoscope Free Horoscope Prediction by Online Astrologer horoscope prediction by date of birth horoscope matching horoscope milan

started by onegodmedindia on 30 Jul 22 no follow-up yet

Free Kundali Online kaise check kare? - 1 views

Check free kundali online according to your astrology signs or by date of birth at Onegodmed. You can get free online horoscope from this website. All the calculators on this website give results b...

free kundali online free kundli online marriage prediction by date of birth horoscope prediction kundali matching kundli matching kundali match making online kundli match making online astrology predictions

started by onegodmedindia on 14 Jul 22 no follow-up yet

Improve the ability of intelligence | Onegodmed - 0 views

    Talk to Astrologers at onegodmed and know that, which planets are meaningful to improve the ability of intelligence. Our expert astrologers are accessible round the clock, to provide you authentic prediction and remedies. To know more just visit here -

Career Astrology Prediction From Best Experts - 1 views

Each planet supports a particular career direction and your career horoscope shows the placement of different planets in your chart. Career Astrology can predict your career growth, when will you g...

Career Astrology Online astrology prediction Talk to astrologer chat with astrologer

started by onegodmedindia on 20 Jul 22 no follow-up yet
21 articles

21 Articles | Daydreaming Power - 0 views

    The pace of change in the work world is increasing exponentially at a dramatic rate. A report highlights a startling prediction "that we will face the equivalent of all the milestones of the 20th century--world wars, creation of the automobile.
Desmond Morris

Mothers' Weight Before and During Pregnancy Affects Baby's Weight - 0 views

    A new study published in the journal Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (AOGS) reveals that both pre-pregnant weight (body mass index, BMI) and weight gain in pregnancy are important predictors of babies' birthweight. This is important since high birthweight may also predict adult overweight.
wb health

How to measure Basal Body Temperature or BBT - 0 views

    By measuring and recording basal body temperature, we can predict the time of ovulation, or choose safe time to have sex to avoid conception
sachin master

Anti Aging Skin Care Tips | Anti Aging Skin Care Reviews | Anti Aging Analyst - 0 views

    A combining of unaffected whole extant choices such as limited foods, consumption habits, aliveness style, dietetic supplements, and new anti-aging products could slacken doctor and flat oppositeness senescent to a predictable award. Whatever anti old secrets that fill have utilised effectively to reduce aging and win a younger feigning are only not average knowledge, and most fill never heard of them.
    A combining of unaffected whole extant choices such as limited foods, consumption habits, aliveness style, dietetic supplements, and new anti-aging products could slacken doctor and flat oppositeness senescent to a predictable award. Whatever anti old secrets that fill have utilised effectively to reduce aging and win a younger feigning are only not average knowledge, and most fill never heard of them.
Think Inc

Diabetes - 0 views

    Diabetes has emerged as a major health care problem in India. According to Diabetes Atlas published by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), there were an estimated 40 million persons with diabetes in India in 2007 and this number is predicted to rise to almost 70 million people by 2025. The countries with the largest number of diabetic people will be India, China and USA by 2030. It is estimated that every fifth person with diabetes will be an Indian.
Skeptical Debunker

Human cells exhibit foraging behavior like amoebae and bacteria - 0 views

  • "As far as we can tell, this is the first time this type of behavior has been reported in cells that are part of a larger organism," says Peter T. Cummings, John R. Hall Professor of Chemical Engineering, who directed the study that is described in the March 10 issue of the Public Library of Science journal PLoS ONE. The discovery was the unanticipated result of a study the Cummings group conducted to test the hypothesis that the freedom with which different cancer cells move - a concept called motility - could be correlated with their aggressiveness: That is, the faster a given type of cancer cell can move through the body the more aggressive it is. "Our results refute that hypothesis—the correlation between motility and aggressiveness that we found among three different types of cancer cells was very weak," Cummings says. "In the process, however, we began noticing that the cell movements were unexpectedly complicated." Then the researchers' interest was piqued by a paper that appeared in the February 2008 issue of the journal Nature titled, "Scaling laws of marine predator search behaviour." The paper contained an analysis of the movements of a variety of radio-tagged marine predators, including sharks, sea turtles and penguins. The authors found that the predators used a foraging strategy very close to a specialized random walk pattern, called a Lévy walk, an optimal method for searching complex landscapes. At the end of the paper's abstract they wrote, "...Lévy-like behaviour seems to be widespread among diverse organisms, from microbes to humans, as a 'rule' that evolved in response to patchy resource distributions." This gave Cummings and his colleagues a new perspective on the cell movements that they were observing in the microscope. They adopted the basic assumption that when mammalian cells migrate they face problems, such as efficiently finding randomly distributed targets like nutrients and growth factors, that are analogous to those faced by single-celled organisms foraging for food. With this perspective in mind, Alka Potdar, now a post-doctoral fellow at Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic, cultured cells from three human mammary epithelial cell lines on two-dimensional plastic plates and tracked the cell motions for two-hour periods in a "random migration" environment free of any directional chemical signals. Epithelial cells are found throughout the body lining organs and covering external surfaces. They move relatively slowly, at about a micron per minute which corresponds to two thousandths of an inch per hour. When Potdar carefully analyzed these cell movements, she found that they all followed the same pattern. However, it was not the Lévy walk that they expected, but a closely related search pattern called a bimodal correlated random walk (BCRW). This is a two-phase movement: a run phase in which the cell travels primarily in one direction and a re-orientation phase in which it stays in place and reorganizes itself internally to move in a new direction. In subsequent studies, currently in press, the researchers have found that several other cell types (social amoeba, neutrophils, fibrosarcoma) also follow the same pattern in random migration conditions. They have also found that the cells continue to follow this same basic pattern when a directional chemical signal is added, but the length of their runs are varied and the range of directions they follow are narrowed giving them a net movement in the direction indicated by the signal.
    When cells move about in the body, they follow a complex pattern similar to that which amoebae and bacteria use when searching for food, a team of Vanderbilt researchers have found. The discovery has a practical value for drug development: Incorporating this basic behavior into computer simulations of biological processes that involve cell migration, such as embryo development, bone remodeling, wound healing, infection and tumor growth, should improve the accuracy with which these models can predict the effectiveness of untested therapies for related disorders, the researchers say.
Emilia Klapp

How to Use the Hip and Waist Ratio to Improve Your Health | The Diabetes Club - 0 views

    Knowing your hip and waist ratio, also known as waist hip ratio, is important because where your body stores fat makes a difference in your health. In fact, it can be used to predict your risk for developing heart disease in the future.
thinkahol *

Work Days of 11 Hours Boost Risk for Heart Disease, Study Says - Bloomberg - 0 views

    Working overtime may be a killer, according to research that finds long hours on the job is a heart risk along with smoking, bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. Adults who worked 11 hours a day or more had a 67 percent higher risk of developing coronary heart disease than those who worked an 8-hour shift, a study today in the Annals of Internal Medicine found. The researchers found that by adding working hours to a standard heart risk assessment model they could increase the accuracy of heart disease predictions by 5 percent.

Some Tips To Teach Kids to Stop Blaming Others and Take Responsibility for Their Behavior - 0 views

    2. Pay Attention To How You React. Do not become enraged if your youngster makes a mess. Calmly respond. "Oh, you have made quite a mess. Come on, let us tidy it up." Encourage them to help with the cleanup, even if it takes longer and is not as effective as you would like. Learning to do it calmly among all the mess is quite a parenting challenge. 3. Teach Them To Find A Solution. Nobody likes to get themselves into problematic situations. It is understandable to be concerned about the implications of one's actions. "If I say I did not finish my homework, the teacher will scream at me." They may not be able to predict how others would behave in their interactions with them. They do, however, have power over what they do. Instill in them the understanding that we all make errors. What matters is what we do after we have made a blunder. They must understand that while they will not be able to undo their error, they may assist in its healing. Inquire about their options for resolving the issue.
Skeptical Debunker

A mother's sensitivity may help language growth in children with autism spectrum disorder - 0 views

  • Maternal sensitivity is defined in the study as a combination of warmth, responsiveness to the child's needs, respect for his or her emerging independence, positive regard for the child, and maternal structuring, which refers to the way in which a mother engages and teaches her child in a sensitive manner. For example, if a child is playing with colored rings, the mother might say, "This is the green ring," thus teaching the child about his environment, says Messinger. In this study, maternal sensitivity (and primarily, sensitive structuring) was more predictive of language growth among toddlers developing autism than among children who did not go on to an autism diagnosis. One possible explanation is that children with autism may be more dependent on their environment to learn certain skills that seem to come more naturally to other children.
    A new study by researchers from the University of Miami shows that maternal sensitivity may influence language development among children who go on to develop autism. Although parenting styles are not considered as a cause for autism, this report examines how early parenting can promote resiliency in this population. The study entitled, "A Pilot Study of Maternal Sensitivity in the Context of Emergent Autism," is published online this month and will appear in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Pregnancy Calculator Guide For Pregnant Women | Health Blog - 0 views

    Pregnancy calculator guide or how to use pregnancy calculator? There are some questions which you are curious to find the answer about these. We covered briefly this topic for you. You will get the answer here also, What are pregnancy symptoms and due date calculation procedures?
    After getting married, every couple certainly wants to have a baby. So, when a wife gets pregnant, both she and the husband want to know as soon as possible when she will give birth. Usually, a married couple will go to a hospital and follow USG test to know the predicted birth date. However, you can actually calculate it by your own. You should know when your last period was started so then you are able to find a due date. Today, there is what is called pregnancy calculator. It can be used by everyone. If you are curious about it, let's pay attention to the following discussion.

Kundli Milan by Name and Date of Birth - 0 views

In India, Due to Vedic Astrology Method, Kundali Milan by name and date of birth is the best and most authentic method of matching horoscopes and predict the compatibility between the boy and girl....

kundali milan kundali milan by date of birth kundali matching astrology

started by onegodmedindia on 26 Aug 22 no follow-up yet
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