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 Tuberc - 0 views

  Tuberculous bacilli  was discovered  more than a 100 Years ago, however, it still remains a major health problem. Presently about 33 % of the world population is suffering from t...

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started by lifelinelab on 04 Dec 18 no follow-up yet

Now autism can be detected from infants aged 6 months - 0 views

    autism, autism can be detected from infants, detection of autism, diagnosis of autism, risk for autism, risk of developing autism, sign of autism

New iPhone app can detect atrial fibrillation | Healthcare Professionals | - 0 views

    Take Home: UMass Medical School and WPI have developed an app that can detect atrial fibrillation.  This moves connected and mobile health closer to reality.  The really important development with this approach might allow us to treat patients who have AF intermittently (paroxysmal) differently than we currently do.  Because we are worried about stroke, patients now get blood thinners all the time because we are concerned that they will have recurrences without knowing about it.  With this technology, in the future, we might see validation of a strategy that allows use of blood thinners when patients are in AF only, sometimes called a pill in the pocket.
GeoSols Consulting

How to avoid Electromagnetic Radiation - 0 views

    GeoSols Consulting help the clients by providing right solutions for geopathic stress and other harmful radiations; removal of negative items from homes and workplaces; human body aura solutions; solutions for cosmic energy of a building; solutions for faulty architectural designs (advance vaastu solutions) and interior designing defects (advance feng-shui consultancy). We detect presence of Negative Infra Red Radiations Line and Negative Ultraviolet Radiations Line at homes and workplaces with the help of scientific instruments. We also help to detect if presence of mobile tower or wireless radiations are causing any health concerns in a building. These problems are cured with the help of suitable remedies thus keeping house or workplace safe from these harmful radiations.
Woodbridge Walk-in

Early Detection Screenings | Family Care Centers - 0 views

    You must take precaution regards health by Early Detection Ultra-Sound Screenings and enjoy, your life with Happily and wellness.


  What is screening ? Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may b...

Bestpathologylabs bestpathlabnearme Bestdiagnosticlab diagnosticcenternearme bestdiagnosticcenternearme diagnosticcenter bloodtestathome bloodtestathomenearme bloodonlinetest onlinebloodtest onlinebloodtestlabindelhi thyroidtestathome thyroidtestlabnearme

started by lifelinelab on 07 Dec 18 no follow-up yet
COVID Antibody test kit

Covid-19 Antibody Test Kit - 0 views

    Are you looking for detecting Covid-19? If yes, then the Covid-19 Antibody test kit provides you a suitable detection to the novel Coronavirus. For more information, read the blog now!!!
Skeptical Debunker

Suspend airport body scanner program, privacy groups say - 0 views

  • Based on the discussions at the event, it is evident that body scanners can be easily defeated by concealing explosive materials in body cavities, the letter says. There is also little information on the health risks posed by the use of such scanners, according to the letter. The fact that the systems can be configured at any time to record and store images of travelers also raises privacy questions, the letter says. "The public does not currently understand the inability of these devices to detect the types of explosive materials that could be used or the possible risks to privacy and health," Rotenberg and Nader wrote. "The Department of Homeland Security has made significant mistakes with similar programs in the past," they added, citing as an example the agency's discontinued effort to equip airports with so-called explosive trace portals (ETP), which are designed to detect traces of explosives on travelers' clothing.
    "The Electronic Privacy Information Center and consumer advocate Ralph Nader are urging President Obama to review the administration's plans to install whole body scanners at U.S. airports. In a joint letter, Marc Rotenberg, the president of EPIC, and Nader asked the president to suspend deployment of the devices until a "comprehensive evaluation" of the effectiveness of the technology and potential health hazards, is completed."

Genius Wave - What Are the Key Features of Genius Wave? - 1 views

⇒Product Name: Genius Wave ⇒Category: SoundTrack ⇒Side Effects: N/A ⇒Rating: ★★★★★ ⇒Where to Buy: Claim Your Product Now Facebook ⇒ Share: https://www...

health tips

started by aloknath1 on 08 Aug 24 no follow-up yet
Desmond Morris

What is The Significance of Breast Awareness in Women Life? - 0 views

    Speed recovery stems from early detection and proper treatment and it is possible only when the symptoms of breast cancer are recognized at initial stage as they take place so that they can be treated effectively. As it is a harsh reality that there is no prevention of breast cancer and the only way to tackle this dreadful disease is to catch it earlier so that to get rid of it becomes easier.
drmartyr md


    Morning friends,today i would like to stress on the importance of screening programmes for early detection of cervical cancer.Cervical cancer is perhaps the most common female genital tract cancer in the developing countries
tan choonpang

What Is Swine Flu? - 0 views

    In the past, people normally do not get swine flu, but human infections has happen. This new strain of virus detected in Mexico can spread between people.
Vaughn Tobes

Understanding the Symptoms of Kidney Disease - 0 views

    Get to know the symptoms of kidney disease. Although the symptoms of kidney disease may be detected at an early stage, this does not dispute the fact that this disease is dangerous if it is not diagnosed and treated early. It is therefore important that you have a good understanding of thi
Richard  Joseph

Importance of Eye exams in St. Louis | Overland Optical Family Eyecare - 0 views

    Eye exams are important for patients of all ages to get regular eye exams whether they are having problems or not. Eye exams can detect a problem before you even know you have one. This is particularly important if you have a family history of eye problems.

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Wheelchair Safety With Power Wheelchairs - 0 views

    Folding Lightweight Wheelchairs For indoor wheelchair safety the folding power wheelchair models that are lightweight have front casters which turn easily, making them ideal for use in small apartments. Having the casters in front makes this a dangerous chair to use outdoors as the front wheels can turn sharply if encountering a crack in the sidewalk, incline, or rocks.Wheelchair india is manufacturer, supplier, distributor and dealer of Karma KP 10-2 Power Wheelchair for disabled and handicapped in india. They usually have one or two removable batteries and have a similar appearance as the manual wheelchair. They can be controlled with a joystick or a sip and puff method. Lightweight Power Assisted Wheelchairs These chairs can be propelled in a similar manner as the manual wheelchair or use a battery. You may want this type if you want to keep fit and get some exercise but need some power when going up an incline or when traveling a distance. They are smaller and lighter weight than the folding wheelchair and have smaller batteries and motors. Dual Purpose Power Wheelchairs These chairs generally are good for either indoor or outdoor use. You need to have larger wheels in front for outdoors as this is a safety feature. It is better to have six wheels for stability when traveling outdoors. These indoor/outdoor power chairs compromise wheelchair safety and perform poorly when you do not have enough room to turn indoors and you need to travel over rough ground and uneven surfaces. Their optimum performance indoors is when you have wider doors and hallways in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or homes/apartments. Ideal outdoor surfaces in urban and suburban areas would include sidewalks and paved areas. Outdoor Power Wheelchairs These chairs weigh as much as 400-500 pounds, add the weight of the user up to 250 pounds and the total weight is approximately 650 pounds. They are very efficient outdoors with their rear wheels they can sa

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: International Disability Day Schemes and Programmes - 0 views

    International day for persons with disabilities on 3rd December - Note on schemes for the welfare of persons with disabilities and concessions available to them. The Government of India is committed for the realization of full participation, protection of rights, and equal opportunities to all including persons with disabilities. India is a country where most of the population lives in the rural areas and accessing the health and rehabilitation services has always been a challenge. In a Backgrounder issued yesterday, a brief summary of the major steps initiated by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment in this direction were given. Following is the Background Note on the legislative and Institutional framework along with the major schemes of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for the welfare of the People with Disabilities (PwDs). The Note also contains information on facilities and concessions available to PwDs under other central schemes which are being run by other Union Ministries. OFFER ON INTERNATIONAL DISABILITY DAY Wheelchair @ 4499 INR Tricycle @ 6500 INR Legislative Framework: There are four important legislations dealing on disabilities issues- The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, has laid the foundation of recognition of rights for Persons with Disabilities and has facilitated development of specific programmes for their education, rehabilitation, employment, non-discrimination and social security. The Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992 regulates and monitors training of rehabilitation professionals and personnel. The National Trust for the welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999, aims at enabling and empowering persons with disabilities to live independently as fully as possible in their community. Mental Health Act, 1987, address to the specific needs of persons with ment
GeoSols Consulting

What is Geopathic Stress - 0 views

    Experts have detected that Geopathic Stress is the common factor that is present in several serious as well as minor illnesses and psychological...

How Can I Detect Glaucoma If There Are No Initial Symptoms? – Spectra Eye Hospita... - 0 views

    Glaucoma does not show any symptoms in the initial stages. The patient feels no pain and the vision also seems normal. How do you tell that the patient is suffering from glaucoma then? What makes it worse is that glaucoma can impact both the eyes, not just one.
Rahul Sharma

Cellulose Nitrate - CN Gridded Membrane Filters - 0 views

    Buy best quality CN Gridded Membrane Filters at Axiva. This membrane filters are ideal for analytical method requiring qualitative, enrichment method microorganism counts for the detection of microbial contamination in food beverages, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
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