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Derek Martin

AQ Advanced Hair Complex Serum - The Best Solution for all Hair Problems - 0 views

    Looking for a perfect solution to all your hair related problems such as thinning hair, hair loss, hardening of the scalp and weak hairs? AQ Advanced Hair Complex Serum brings you the best solution, for your hair problems, that you have ever come across. The formula delivers nutrition to the scalp to provide the perfect environment for hair growth, increases circulation around the hair shaft to encourage growth and the restoration of damaged hair follicles. It is safe for both men and women, non greasy with no 'drug like' or hormonal side effects and applied in-clinic as well as at home products. For more information visit LaNu Medi Spa, Drogheda.

Sebaceous Cyst - 0 views

    What is a Sebaceous Cyst?

    Sebaceous cyst is a closed sac that is found just under the skin and containing dead skin, keratin and other skin parts. The exact causes are not known, generally derived from hair follicles swelling or injury to the skin. Sebaceous cysts are small and can be found on anybody part, but generally found on the scalp, ears, face, neck, back, or scrotum (the scrotum). These cysts palpable rubbery and easily driven, generally do not cause pain.
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