Introducing Political Timeline Covers - 0 views
News for facebook Music timeline Covers - 0 views
Get Facebook Timeline Cover Right Now - 0 views
Smart Phone App For Real Estate - 0 views
Showing and hiding content with pure CSS3 - Opera Developer Community - 0 views
Modern websites and applications are more dynamic than old style web pages, with several pieces of well-placed JavaScript providing smoother content updates, more intuitive user feedback and more responsive controls. One very common feature is the expanding/collapsing or shown/hidden box, whether this is a tabbed interface, a content "tray" on the side that can be slid out and then put away again, or a complex tree menu with expanding/collapsing sub-menus.
JungleJar | A Closer Look at CSS Tab Designer - 0 views
Do you ever find yourself sitting in front of Photoshop for hours trying to mock up a decent navigation menu, or searching the web for the most aesthetically pleasing color palettes for your users to click on that doesn't remind them of McDonalds or a funeral parlor? Face it, sometimes we all lose our mojo for a moment or two, and then we are forced to validate ourselves not just to the W3C, but also to our website visitors, design clients and portfolio piranhas. And then we remember that through the general kindness of a group of web designers and/or developers, and through organizations such as The Creative Commons who work to guarantee that kind freedom, we don't always have to be the Picaso of style sheets.
Create Your Own Blogger Template - 4 views
25 Examples of Interesting and Beautiful Navigation | Codrops - 0 views
Designing the perfect navigation for a website it's one of the main keys to have a good outcome, to have a website that gets users attentions and make them want to browse around to check every little information (tab, image, text, etc) you have there. Navigation menus, schemes, layouts, everything has an important weight and need to be carefully analyzed to form a nice layout. From horizontal sliders to vertical scrolls and menu based navigations, here you will see 25 examples of navigations that will certainly get you inspired.
50+ Useful CSS Professional Techniques | Dzinepress - 6 views
As we know most of the Web designers and developers only scratch the surface of the potent language that is CSS (cascade style sheet), like programming languages, CSS has a quite simple learning twister, normally being used more often in every web project. CSS as language giving many advantages even working in table based design or table-less designs, most of the time our designed pages can easily change after replace a css file with another one. When we working on latest trends, Tab Navigation has been one of the essential element in any contemporary web layout. In order to make sure visitors can properly navigate through the website through our used techniques, here in listed CSS stuff we offering some best and most useful Cascade style sheets with source files which can help for more inspiring developments.
What is a responsive website design and why my website needs it? - 0 views
CSS Tabbed Arrows - 0 views
CSS Tabbed Arrows - 0 views
Tab Styled Accordion - 0 views
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