Prepare yourself for Software Testing and Quality Assurance Certifications - 0 views
lisaglover on 01 Sep 14Presently the software industry is facing the problem of shortage of certified software testers in US software market so to fulfill the demands of the quality employee resources there are many institutions which are engaged in providing the training to the students in software testing domain. Among these QACampus is one of them which is a leading institute engaged in shaping up the careers of students in software testing since year 2005 and prepare them for international certifications.
lisaglover on 09 Sep 14Presently the software industry is facing the problem of shortage of certified software testers in US software market so to fulfill the demands of the quality employee resources there are many institutions which are engaged in providing the training to the students in software testing domain. Among these QACampus is one of them which is a leading institute engaged in shaping up the careers of students in software testing since year 2005 and prepare them for international certifications.