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Luciano Ferrer

8 Free Placeholder Image Services For Instant Dummy Images - 0 views

    "When designing websites, images-to-be-used usually doesn't exist at first as it is the layout that matters the most. However, the sizes for the images are usually pre-set and inserting some placeholder images help us better seeing/analyzing the layout. Rather than creating these placeholder images manually, there are free to use services which can automate the process and save us time."
Vernon Fowler

Don't Use The Placeholder Attribute - Smashing Magazine - 4 views

  • To recap, the placeholder attribute: Can’t be automatically translated; Is oftentimes used in place of a label, locking out assistive technology; Can hide important information when content is entered; Can be too light-colored to be legible; Has limited styling options; May look like pre-filled information and be skipped over.
  • Move the placeholder content above the input, but below the label:
  • Development Here’s how to translate our designed example to code:
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • aria-describedby ensures that the p content will be described last, after the label’s content and the kind of input it is associated with.
  • By using aria-describedby to programmatically associate the input with the p element, we are creating a priority of information for screen readers that has parity with what a person browsing without a screen reader would experience.
  • The floating label effect, a close cousin to this phenomenon, oftentimes utilizes the placeholder attribute in place of a label, as well.
  • Content hidden by an on-screen keyboard. 3rd party keyboards with larger heights may have a greater risk of blocking important content.
    Not only argues for not using the placeholder attribute but also describes an inclusive input hint and how to code it.
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Luciano Ferrer

Got Bored Of Lorem Ipsum? 22 "Different" Alternatives For Placeholder Text - 1 views

    "When designing anything with content (websites, brochures, etc.), if you don't have the real content, using Lorem Ipsum is the most common way to fill those spaces. However, for anyone who designs regularly and needs such filler text, it is pretty boring to use Lorem Ipsum again and again. If you want to try an alternative to Lorem Ipsum, there are several web-based generators which are easy-to-use, customizable and, usually, fun. "

What is Lorem Ipsum? Dummy Text Generator Tool - 0 views

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet text is nothing it's only dummy text. It is a grouping of words without a feeling of Latin inference that makes up a content otherwise called filler content, imaginary, visually impaired or placeholder. Lorem Ipsum content is utilized to fill spaces assigned to have writings that have not yet been distributed. They use developers, visual creators, typographers to get a genuine impression of the advanced/publicizing/publication item they are taking a shot at. Its origins date back to 45 BC. In fact, his words were randomly extracted from the De finibus bonorum et malorum , a classic of Latin literature written by Cicero over 2000 years ago.

Creating a Multi-Page Site with Meteor - 0 views

    Whenever I have to develop a specific and focused library like this, I like to start with the outcome of, how do I want this to work? So, we can begin by writing down some of the features that we'd like it to have: The ability to load different pages according to the URI Reading parameters from the URI (placeholders) Keeping the pages dynamic as per the Meteor standard That looks pretty good. Now after looking over these features, you may think they are pretty similar to a 'router' type of library and I agree. So, let's take a look at how our 'router' library would work in action:
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