Magento Customer Pictures Contest is a social Magento Extensions that allows customers ... - 0 views
Magento on 19 Feb 13Magento Customer Pictures Contest is a social Magento Extensions that allows customers to take part in the pictures contest rated by facebook like system. Relying on the results, Administrator will announce winner of the contest and send coupon code to the winner who can use the coupon code to buy the products on the main site and recieve incentives on price. Main Features: Customer back end: Customers after logging in can attend Magento Customer Pictures Contest if they agree the terms& conditions. Customers can upload pictures using Ajax uploader with a progress bar. After uploading successfully, customer can add title, descriptions of picture Customer can edit/delete pictures from list Customers can crop images using tool developed by Jcrop Javascript Customer can change avatar picture, user name Customer can withdraw from the contest Magento Templates design for customer back end: Picture list view User info block Upload picture block Picture list: pictures, facebook like button, system status, delete/hide button Toolbar: sort by (newest, most popular) Picture view User info block Picture items: picture, title, description Admin back end: Admin back end can be accessed at a tab located on admin navigation bar. The tab includes 2 items (all pictures, all winners) All pictures view: include all pictures to present Allow admin to set status for pictures such as: Approved, Denied, Removed Admin can send email to user to notify user's pictures status changes Allow admin to set winner for pictures, send email notification to customer Allow admin to set up coupon code and send email to customer All winners view Include current winner block: picture, username, number of likes by facebook List winners: admin can sort, filter.... Front end: List all pictures of all contestants if a user visits the Magento Customer Pictures Contest Include an upload button to allow user to upload image or ask user to login to upload image Include late